Anyone else losing their hair???
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Hi All!
I was looking in the mirror tonight lamenting the growing thin patches of hair long my part and in the front of my scalp near my bangs... and the fact that my eyebrows (once thick, Lebanese-decent, streaks of hair) need the tattooing touched up because it's fading to show I am nearly bald on my face. This has been happening for the last 3 years+. I never credited/blamed peri-menopause because until October 2014, I had been having regular periods and, according to regular doctors, my hormones were in the "normal" range (I have since learned that that can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day depending on when you test and that most FEMALE doctors or doctors who CARE about menopausal women consider the "normal range" too broad). Anyway, because of this, I hadn't thought this hair loss might be caused by menopause. I day dream of getting a hair transplant. To keep from it being being noticed, I have to use those shake on hair fibers every day.
Did anyone else experience hair loss with peri-menopaus/menopause? If so, does anything help? I started taking a Biotin "hair growth" blend last week and hope it will help...
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buddah_girl kim94523
kim94523 buddah_girl
susan556 kim94523
kim94523 susan556
BellaRubia kim94523
kim94523 BellaRubia
shaznay96184 kim94523
What a bummer, as if its not bad enough that we have to endure everything else Peri throws at us, our hair starts to fall out/thin!!
My hair has been coming out for years I suppose. Can't say when I noticed it, other than that I have only really had longer hair (bob length) for the past 4yrs or so. Had short hair for years, probably as I was very busy in my work and loved to wash it every day. Do remember my mum moaning at me not to do that, but it was so convenient being that I shower every morning.
TBH I'm not so much concerned about it coming out: its only strands when I brush at the mo, nothing major. But I find it - or should I say my family find it, generally in their food, ha ha! - on the rugs, carpets and especially on the car mats.
I am naturally blonde and have now got what I call really cheap highlights: my hair has been turning white, and looks fairly presentable with my colouring. Hairdressers love it, always advise me to leave it natural (TBH I can't be ar*ed to dye it: I'm a low maintenance kinda girl).
The think that's looking very , very obvious now though is my 'Bonnie Raite' Streak. I have a side parting, and either side of my fringe (your bangs!) is white: looks like a really big streak. I've loved it for the past 15+yrs, but the thing I don't love is that the whiteness makes me look slightly bald at the parting!!!
As I say, by and large I am a very low maintenance girl, only wear more eye make up when I go out, don't like foundation because of my fair skin - and I've convinced myself it ages me!! - but have all of a sudden got a bit, well, vain about this baldy-looking parting.
I'm going to get my hair cut a bit shorter as I think it needs a bit of 'ooomph' these days. Funny, for someone who's considered themselves to be totally un-vain, not bothered about aging etc, its funny how with Menopause looming, I've started to really concern myself with wrinkles and my white hair!!!
You mention Biotin. I noticed this week there was a post suggesting another lady try Kelp supplements for this very same condition. By all accounts it is working well for others, so maybe give that a try? Not sure if it may be an ingredient of Biotin, so always best to have a read up on it/check the ingredients.
Just another thing that we have deal with.
I know what you mean about your eyebrows too: sometimes I think I have more hairs on my chin than I do my eyebrows (which I dye v. light brown, being a natural blonde: without I look like I have no eyebrows at all!).
Cheer up kim. Have a look around the 'Discusssion' on this forum, I'm sure they'll be some brilliant advice for you.
kim94523 shaznay96184
Don't despair your Bonnie Raite streak -- she's cute and I bet it's a fun look. Dye it pink or blue and the tweens and 20-somethings will think you did it on purpose!
Yes, those damn chin hairs that grow LITERALLY over night! What is with those?!?! Oh Lord! Do you ever catch yourself in your rear-view mirror when the light comes in your car just right and see those hairs?! And why are THEY black and all the ones on my head coming in grey?!
Cosmic rhetorical questions that we know can't be answered... but at least are understood here! Thanks for writing. I feel better - you UK gals are GREAT!
nixnix kim94523
kim94523 nixnix
nixnix kim94523
AusWinnie kim94523
kim94523 AusWinnie
susan21149 kim94523
Because I have hypothyroidism My hair has thined out a bit on top there is a little bit of a bald spot in the middle on top but it is covered by my bangs I'm 46 also my hair has always been thick but I feel like it has thinned out a bit
kim94523 susan21149