Anyone else with a painful burning mouth
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For the last few days I have had a really sore mouth. I bit the inside of my lip about a week ago, and have a nasty sore which is slowly healing, then a couple of days later I woke up and my whole tongue was sore on the top and underneath. I havent got any obvious signs of anything wrong, apart from the sore where I bit myself.
I looked up about this online and found that there is something called 'Burning Mouth Syndrome', which often happens first in the menopause, and where you have a really sore mouth but it looks fine, and tests dont reveal that anything is wrong.
I am sucking mouth ulcer tablets and using antiseptic spray which does help somewhat. I also ordered some alpha lipoic acid tablets which I read have helped with some people with this.
Has anyone else experienced this, and found anything that helps with it?
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elaine62759 ursulauc62
I've got problems with my mouth too. It feels really dry all the time and tongue feels like it's been burnt with food. Have been told it's probably either burning mouth syndrome or sjogrens. My dentist told me to avoid toothpaste with SLS in it and alcohol based products as they both dry out the mouth. Sensodyne Daily Care toothpaste is SLS free and Biotene toothpaste can help a bit too. I find chewing gum and drinking lots of water help a bit. Also juicy fruit like peaches or pears. Am praying it will go away itself eventually!!
Jokey elaine62759
It will Elaine😊
elaine62759 Jokey
Thanks for giving me hope. I've had it for 3 months now and it's driving me nuts!!
Jokey elaine62759
Try not to get too stressed about it. I used to wake
up every morning thinking has it gone yet, but it would
start soon after and I would stress about it all day.
It is like all the other symptoms once you get used to
having it, and you do, it starts to go away. Trouble is
when you get low things start to return. When I am
having a good week I feel so much better but when I
am feeling stressed and I am a lot at the moment, there
is always one or two things that rear thier ugly head
Moral: try not to stress😀😀😀
natallia04776 elaine62759
I've got that now. Really keep an eye. I'm going to Guy's Hospital on Tuesday next week.
Now that feeling came just slowly in 2 days also I had pinky discharges and today is full period but my mouth is burning 😯
I've been already on untifungal diet for 3 weeks.
Nothing is working and can not feel taste weLL too.
My periods were unreguler since March.
Thank you ladies for your support.
michelle46271 ursulauc62
Hi Ursula
I had Burning mouth syndrome. It took a couple of months to diagnose. It was horrible. All my mouth and tongue was sore,burnt and very dry. No amount of prescriptions or mouth washes helped. Only chewing gum helped a little. Mine lasted for 6 months which then went into jaw problems. It is really just riding it out. Just say to yourself it's another symptom. Some women get just about every symptom which was me unfortunately. Chin up hun it will ease xx
debbie75601 michelle46271
Jokey ursulauc62
about six months really bad it was horrific as I had no clue what
it was or why I was getting it. I cried on the phone to the doctor.
You are doing all the right things. I sucked polo mints all day
and sometimes ice cubes to cool the tounge down. But really
like the other ladies have said you just have to ride it out. It
will improve in time.
All ny best to you.
michelle46271 Jokey
Hi Jokey
It was horrid wasn't it? It got me really down. I don't think you can imagine what it's like until you've got it
ursulauc62 Jokey
Jokey michelle46271
You are right Michelle my kids (adults) thought I was
nuts and my husband, whilst sympathetic didn't have a
clue, don't think the doctor did either!
It is the most awful thing, don't want that again?
Jokey ursulauc62
It is good that you have found some things that help
I had to find out for myself, there is no help. It is
deffinatly a menapause symptom don't think is
anything to do with oral health. I have been getting a
lot of mouth ulcers lately. Anyone else?😕😕
ursulauc62 Jokey
Hi, yes I think its a menopause symptom - due - as some medical papers say - probably to 'hormonal changes' - as usual.
I dont think its to do with my oral health. I brush my teeth really well and floss practically every time I eat. However I may check it out with the doctor as I have also read that sometimes it can be related to the cold sore virus. I have also started taking the alpha lipoic acid tablets, which seem to help quite alot of people with this.
debbie75601 Jokey
Jokey debbie75601
Yes have done in the past. As far as I can remember
it wasn't too bothersome but there all the same ?
michelle46271 debbie75601
natallia04776 Jokey
Hi it's me again! I went to see the Consultant at Guy's Hospital today. My GP thought that I have C! No Cancer. The Consultant said it's burning mouth syndrome 😕had a blood test done as well. I was shocked and worried but it's all good.
I did ask the Consultant can it be due to our hormones and he said we don't really know what causes it.
Well, I've had it for 3 months now and very dry mouth at night. Burning is very slight now but I don't eat carbs, red meat, sugar, white bread and very careful with wine.
I hold Coconut oil in my mouth and 1 spoon early in the morning after brushed my teeth I swallow.
I will see more specialists but have to wait. As soon I'm clear from Cancer I can wait ?
Have to say it's horrible and I can't even kiss my hubby 😢
Blessings and thank you for your your time, Ladies!