Anyone feel better after menopause...I’m dying
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Hello everyone....Im writing this post in hopes of finding anyone who has been through what i am going through and they have gotten better. Im 41 years old and about 6 years ago i started feeling very sick for no reason at all! Every time i would eat i would feel sick to my stomach, then the anxiety symptoms started.... i realized it all was happening the week before my period and during my period. Went to the dr for tests after missing three periods in a row and she made me feel like a quack! She said the tests were normal and just told me to go to a shrink and im too young for perimenopause, so i did i was told that it was perimenopause but meds may help so i was put on antidepressants which made things worse, I stopped the zoloft and now 3 years later my periods are every 60 days and i feel so sick all of the time! I cant eat, i dont have energy to leave my house, I now weigh 97 pounds cause im so sick i cant eat, i have headaches always around my periods and ovulation times....I really feel like im dying but nobody listens. Has anyone felt this bad with perimenopause but once you completed menopause the sickness went away? Im at the end of my rope here...I dont feel alive i feel like a zombie walking around in a sick body!
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JReady64 Guest
supposedly I'm POST menopause and this is when it all started for me. I felt nothing until now. So I guess to answer your question.. no it's not necessarily going to end.. but everyone is different. I guess I'm actually lucky to have not felt all this prior to now.
Anyway,I have the nausea too..and have found that the exact opposite of not eating helps very much. When I start to feel sick, I eat something and it immediately feels better.
Guest JReady64
Thanks for the reply, unfortunately for me the eating makes it worse to where i will throw up if i even try to drink at times! I have to wait for the nausea to go away before i can attempt food or stomach always feels like im seasick if that makes any sense. Every month it seems to keep getting worse.
wendy94366 JReady64
hi jready i'm 53 and post meno now 4 yrs had no problems before like you can i ask what symptoms you have i feel 80 most days neck and arm pain frequent headaches are but a few i have many more cannot take hrt just wondering if this is the norm ty x
JReady64 wendy94366
Mine started with the dizziness, and that remains my main issue..but I also have the internal vibration, heart palpitations, shakiness in my hands, arms, legs and even my neck/head, headaches galore, feeling off balance and as if I'm outside my body walking alongside myself, vision issues (mainly feeling like they're constantly crossing), tired tired tired, occasional "sinking" I'm falling down into the chair or couch and I can't raise back up..even though I'm not actually sinking... I've had a few pelvic pains but not many..but no arm pain...yet..
vicky77852 Guest
You absolutely need hrt! Nobody is too young for menopause! Find an expert to help you!
I was in the same boat a year ago and after a year on hrt I feel normal again! Hope it helps!
2blessed2bstressed Guest
I'm sorry you are going through all of this. its very difficult when you feel unvalidated by the health care community. The problem is is that when they dont have answers, they make you feel like its all in your head. If you can afford it, try a functional medicine practitioner. Also, you might need to get your gut in order. MOST of our medical issues start in the gut. Have you ever heard of DR Axe? He has a great website offering life changing products. He is a functional medicine guy. His website is Just know you are not crazy and that there is help for you out there, its just a matter of time and some research on your part as well as some trial and error. I have been battling this for several years now as I am now 51 and have been learning and researching and trying different products and eastern medicine approaches, some helpful and some not so helpful, but the best thing I have learned thus far is that if your gut is not healthy, neither are you. Hope this helps you even a little. Good luck on your journey to wellness.
Guest 2blessed2bstressed
Thank you, yes in my research i know all about Dr Axe and i did do a three months worth of organic eating! I completely eliminated gmos and i even cut out milk & milk products for a whole 2 weeks but after all that i still felt exactly the same. I even signed up for depression and anxiety workshops in case it was "all in my head" to no avail. I was told by a therapist it could very well be my pituatary gland not handling the hormonal changes and im starting to agree with her on that one. Thanks for the advice.
Guest Guest
Hi Brandy, welcome to our hell. I am 41 also. my troubles started 1.5 yrs ago. I was on birth control, then went off...lots of troubles afterwards. I feel horrible too. I have no words of wisdom right now...I can only hope it does not last 10 years. Some drs need to get with the times...women seem to be starting the change earlier. Anyways, you will find loads of support on here!
Guest Guest
Thank you! I took the depo shot several years ago and a week after the injection i didnt feel "right". I had never had anxiety or depression before but after that injection my periods always seemed a little forward to after i had my son and i turned 35 years old all hell broke loose! My life was not recognizable anymore, just so damn sick constantly, headaches, dizziness, ringing ears, fatigue, no sex drive, just a general feeling of not being well....i look into the mirror and i dont see my old self any more. It just makes me cry, the drs just keep saying its just depression but i didnt get depressed until after about 8 months of these symptoms with no relief! Then the drs make you feel crazy on top if it. I think all forms of birth control can mess up some ladies reproductive systems making peri and menopause worse than it should be.....thats why i am so afraid to take hrt or bhrt, ive read stories where women say it helped then when they quit taking it their hell returned! To me that doesnt sound like a fix, just a bandaid
Guest Guest
I an validate everything you just wrote. My fatigue is terrible...not sleepy...just have to stop and drop. I developed migraines 2 months after stopping birth control. anywhere from 3-10 per month. Now, I am off balanced all the time, weak, jelly legs, ears ringing. Barely drive, stopped working last year. I am close to being diagnosed with vestibular migraine and am on nortriptyline for the migraines...too soon for results.
Just started my period today...I am sooo dizzy...and I have to pick up my kid from school in a couple hours. So tired of feeling sick and scared. Never was this way...always strong, happy, independent.
I tried getting back on BCP last month...3 weeks in, 5 migraines. stopped them. Tried lexapro for 3 months, made my dizziness and head pressure worse. I was told I cannot try hrt until my periods are over completely and I am in menopause. Not even sure I want to go that route...heart disease in my family. We get showered with help from the medical community making babies...then tossed aside and called mental once peri/meno hits.
Guest Guest
im sorry to hear of your suffering amd i can totally relate! When its at its worst i feel so scared cause literally feel like something horrific is wrong with me, but nobody can know but me. I never leave my house cause of this illness...simply cause i have no energy and i feel too sick to do so. My husband does my shopping for me, hes seen what has happened to me over the past 5-6 years and he doesnt think its mental. I have 2 therapist i have consulted with over the past 3 years and they both agree that it isnt mental and that it is hormonal. I think the drs should get with the program and realize that peri & menopause are debilitating issues that many women suffer with and stop treating us as tho we are nutjobs wasting their precious time. I applaud you for having the strength to push yourself to go out when you have to, my son is homeschooled so thankfully i dont have to worry about that. i just ended my period amd i feel just as sick today as i did the first day of my period, it just drags on. Ever since i took the Zoloft that was prescribed to me i lost my sense if taste! So now i have that on top of my hormone issue, i told the dr about that and she said that wasnt from zoloft, that sounds hormonal! I was like but you just told me im too young for hormone problems! Its crazy
JReady64 Guest
What we need girls.... is an OBGYN it's an older female that has experienced all this herself... How do we find that?
Guest JReady64
That would be nice wouldnt it, all the drs ive seen have been female cause i figured they would be more understanding....but they have been just as bad as the male drs. Ive seen obgyns and a regular practitioner, I even trued to get them to refer me to a endocrinologist since that is the specialist for this kind of problem but once they see nothing wrong with their standard cbc tests they refuse to do it
Guest JReady64
3rd time was a charm for last was a female in her late 60s...completely non sympathetic told me to stick it out. next one was my age 41, she was nice, but left the practice soon after. My current is mid 50s...totally acknowledges I am in peri. tried going back on bcp...intensified the migraines. I have to see her again in January. The good thing is neither one of them said I was depressed,etc.
Guest Guest
I just started 400 mg of B2 and 250 mg...for migraines... along with the med. I heard B2 is supposed to be good for energy...we shall see. I will let you know if I start doing cart wheels.
Guest Guest
i hope it works for you! I try taking vitamins but its like anything i take makes the nausea worse. Vitamin D doesnt seem to bother me but the vitamin c and b vitamins do. I will say for the past 6 years i drink a high protein boost every single day, i think that is the one thing thats kept me alive thus far!