Anyone find that doctors make anxiety worse?

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fed up is an understatement, telephone consult with gp about my rib pain which i cant sleep on and allergies that bad that im reacting to every food and she has the cheek to say i will see you thursday and we will just focus on the rib pain and cover food etc in three weeks, erm no im underweight and need help!!! so we are talking about both on thursday ( for what its worth ) this is the same gp who for nearly 2 years who has said its anxietyand testing me for tumours because im having hot flushes! my goodness i could scream!!! shes in denial that its perimenopause, funny though my old gp who retired was covering a few months back said to me peri straight away! they wonder why we have anxiety when theyre always mentioning cancer etc, and try to put it all down to anxiety, dont they ever wonder why so many women of a certain age all start complaining of the same symptoms and most get fobbed of with horrible antidepressants, sorry for rant i could go on for ever, maybe i should just wait until i choke badly and go to A&E! on a plus note no change to lung nodule for another year, and i had to ask for that results arghhhhhhhh xx

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23 Replies

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    That's why I don't bother. I'll just treat myself and hope for the best. I will not go to a Dr. unless I know I must be dying. Even then I may just die at home. Everything is anxiety, and pull out the prescription pad. They never want to get to the cause of the problem. Like I tell my hubby, the body doesn't just fall apart, there is a cause for everything. But they don't bother. If you need to gain weight, have you tried protein shakes? They have some really good powders with less than 3 ingredients.I drink them with almond milk,sometimes after a workout. Hope you find some answers, but sadly it probably want be from the Dr.

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      thanks beth, do you have the name of the protein shakes lovely? xx

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      There's some shakes called 'huel'. They are meant to be a complete meal. I've had them a few times. They're 'ok'.

      I'd be interested to know the name of the protein ones too xxxx

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      I use Bodylogix. They have grass fed whey or vegan powder.I use the whey.If you can't do whey protein the vegan comes from pea protein. The chocolate or vanilla is good. It has 25 grams of protein per shake. I've never tried the vegan, but it also has 25 grams.

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      It comes in vanilla. My daughter has gerd and she has been drinking chamomile tea everynight and it has really helped her. She usually complains of massive heartburn, but she hasn't had any since the tea.

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    Hi Toria

    So frustrating. I've had the same. Was being investigated for tumours on the adrenal glands before Christmas. Thankfully it wasn't that.

    I'm underweight too. Have no appetite for anything. Was woken this morning by horrible adrenaline surge and have felt anxious all morning and only able to eat one weetatbix (sigh).

    Glad the lung nodule has no change. That's positive.

    Hope you get somewhere with the GP on Thursday.

    Hugs xxxx

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      thank you so much lovely ❤❤❤ oh how i miss food, are you taking magnesium for the palps? xx

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      Yes am taking magnesium Glycinate. Also on Beta Blockers but the high heart rate seems to be over riding them now. Need to come off them soon anyway.

      Do you get palpitations? My husband just messaged me asking what shall we have for dinner and I now feel nauseous at the thought of it 😦

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      bless you, i get palpitations when having a hot flush xx anyway doc wasnt much help but getting gall bladder scanned and sent to a dietician who might know about allergies fingers crossed xx

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      hi, could you please share what tests did you get done to rule out adrenal tumor? will an ultrasound show any if it is there? i am so worried about this too 😦

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    Hi Toria,

    I'm sorry you're going through this and I share your frustration.

    Sadly, the overriding issue is that women's health research has been and still is severely underfunded. That is why we all can't find proper help for our peri and menopausal health problems. Doctors don't know and so they prescribe anti-depressants. But what about the 100+ symptoms associated with peri and menopause? Where can we find help for those? We're basically reduced to finding our own answers and treating our symptoms with dietary supplements. It's frustrating and maddening to say the least.

    But as I always say: This too shall pass.

    Take good care. I hope you get the answers you are looking for.

    Dana xx

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      totally agree with you lovely, i just want to be able to eat, that isnt too much to ask is it 😦 xx

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      Oh, same old. Some okay days followed by not so good days. For me it's mostly sleeplessness and this weird floating feeling, like I'm about to pass out. Nausea and some shortness of breath every now and then.

      Thank you so much for asking 😃

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