Anyone had more than two ablations and if so did you have eventual success

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It will be 12 weeks since my ablation in a few days time.  My second ablation has given me worse occurrences of Afib than I had before,  Most I have been free in 12 weeks is 3 lots of 3-5 days, three times.  Rest of time every other day!My heart does not appear to like the process so who reckons to keep going with more ablations?


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18 Replies

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    Sorry forgot to put Afib is paroxysmal and can last for a few hours to max of 14 hours this post ablaion


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    Where do you live and where are these ablation taking place? Do you have any other health conditions or heart problems? All these factors can have a big effect on success rates
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    Yes three Ablations with success (so far) for the last one. The first one failed quite badly with recurring AF episodes some of which needed terminating in A&E. The Ablation docs were not interested in any irregularities until the 3 month mark - calling this a "blanking" period. Blanking my symptoms? The basis for this being the heart has been scarred and needs time to recover with the misfiring electrical signals time to settle down. I wish that I and other doctors who kept referring back to hospital had known this! Inadequate briefing after the operation, I think.

    My first ablation was long 7 hours and under sedation rather than general anaesthetic - kept coming round ugh! All four blood vessels (sorry if I have the wrong word keep getting into trouble for this!) were ablated. The arrhythmias experienced after the first ablation were very different to those experienced before and included a continous very fast one 190 plus - disabling, very difficult to breathe

    Eventually saw the consultant, UK Hammersmith Hospital) who conceded I needed a further ablation. More waiting - increasingly difficult to cope with work and life. 2nd ablation arrived - not so long, better experience with a GA and in different hospital  I developed further bad arrhythmic episodes putting me in hospital in London - I was in and out of A&E's in different places) saw me enter a cardiology ward rather then the usual A&E overnight ward, where I proceeded to keep having bad episodes despite chemical and electrical cardioversions.  After 5/6 days it turned out I had sepsis! Can happen with ablations, it appears. Emerged after 11 days feeling rather weak but with a heart that was behaving itself... alas not for long...not so bad but still disabling. My younger brother died, more hospital episodes decide to retire and wait for what will be my final ablation. An ablation by a different team however did the trick. An rapid and excellent recovery, that was hard to believe and felt totally different from the first two.

    So here I am 3 years after the last ablation - retired, out of London, very much fitter, taking a lot of exercise courtesy of the dog. Long may it last so don't give up hope.

    What country are you in? I was lucky to be living in West London next to the ablation centre of excellence for the area with considerable expertise.

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      Thank you for your detailed experience. I have had both Ablation at QE  Birmingham UK

      second was a different doc to first and he had to redo one pulmonary vein that had opened and did work around  others. Had impression he was pleased. About 37 burns. First one was local and I had to have several shocks to get rhythm corrected. Second under general and did not need any shocks.

      i know it is 12 weeks to allow scarring of tissue, and although by comparison to you the af I have had since procedure are copable I was not expecting the frequency. After the first Ablation I had lots of af but not this bad.

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      Hi Okapis,

      I read with interest your response to Shirley having suffered with paroxysmal af that got gradually worse of the course of a year I was recommended an ablation for flutter which I had at Hammersmith after two days I was re-admitted with heart rates of 180 luckily with chemicals my heart reacted into sinus on its own. For the last 12 months I have been taking Flecanide Rivoroxaban and Bisoprolol and have avoided apart from one major occurance having a serious episode it has however slowed me down quite a bit. I am in two minds whether to have a second ablation reading all the stats it appears that even a third may not do the trick. Am I better to stay on chemicals or take the plunge ?  

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      Hi I suffered from AF from the age of about 29 - minor self terminating episodes, generally when I had physically overstretched myself. I knew what it was with a medical father and brother who both had AF.

      I coped for 20 years with nothing in the way of medication except an aspirin subsititute. Episodes began  to be longer and more disabling over a 10 year period. I took regular flecainide but also operated a pill in the pocket strategy when I felt the AF onset. Eventually I reached the limit in the number of pills I could take for an episode and worse they were having no effect. Continuing to work was difficult at times. Thank god Ablation was possible. It wasn't for my father.

      Back later GP appointment

    • Posted

      Back.. What you do does depend on how bad the AF episodes are and just how much it interfers with work and life generally. You could suggest an additional pill in the pocket strategy with the flecainide on top of the regular dose? The advantage being giving you are degree of control from onset. I would swallow the flecanide and if I could, go to sleep. Sleep invariably worked wonders and episodes would terminate themselves. There is a reason for this - a cardiology fellow at the Hammersmith did explain but I have not retained it.

      How long is it since your ablation? Over a year? When you say the possiblity of AF has slowed you down a bit. What do you mean? Simply caution? What were your triggers for an episode?

      I went for ablation at the point when it was becoming impossible to continue to work...One colleague died abruptly from a heart attack and had everyone on their toes as far as I was concerned. Little did they know I had been suffering for a while but had always been able to cope.

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    My second one took 5 months to kick in and ok last 7 months I started to take one Holland and narrator magnesium and one potassium per day after 5 months I’m not sure if it helps but will keep taking them. 

    Good luck. 

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      I have looked at taking magnesium but had read it can stop the warfarin I take so was going to check with my doctor first.  I hope over next few months I too will have fewer attacks. It’s a waiting game but would love weeks between attacks rather than days. I am worse post ablations
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      Hi Shirley

      It may alter slightly I had to adjust my dose slightly. 

      I had ablation but didn’t work for 5 months so started one H&B magnesium and one potassium pr day and no AF since, not sure if ablation or tabs working. 

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      I think I might try, Which H & B Mag tablet cos there were three sorts when I was in.  Also which Potassium.   Cheers

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    Hi Shirley, I had an ablation Nov 27 by Dec 12 I was worse than before, called my doctor was told to get to ER and was admitted and next day had a pacemaker put in! Feeling better now! I wish you the best!
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    Where was this if you dont mind me asking?
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      i take flec 100 mg twice day, but can take another 100 mg when in af

      does not stop it 

      attacks are more gentle, mostly last 4 hours but have had one last 14 hours

      12 weeks tomorrow since 2nd Ablation, and has 4 hr attack yesterday

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