Anyone have any ideas?? doctors dont know and being passed from hospital department to department.

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i have had bloating after i eat for the last 8months. i have bloated from a extra 6inches to 17inches depending on how much i eat. what i eat doesnt make a difference. i am diary intolerant. (not lactose) so i know this is not the cause i have had literally hundreds of blood tests and everything is normal.

i have no idea which are relevant or not but here are all my other symptons i have:

hot fushes constantly (29 years old and been tested its not early menapause) last 12months.

always tired last 8months.

i can lose 1/2 a stone in 1 day and then takes 2months to regain the weight.last 8months.

migraines (always suffered from) have become more frequent gone form 1-2 every few months to 1 a week.last 6months.

whole body aches everyday.last 6 months.

mouth ulcers are also alot more often than normal if that is relevant. last 2months.

nipple discharge (milk) i have had this since i had my daughter nearly 11 years ago and after i had my son 3 years ago it still hasnt gone.

does anyone know or can think of anything?? im going insane i cant eat out ive had to buy bigger clothes to hide the bloating. i am a size 6-8 so i have a very small frame and when i bloat i look like im about 7months pregnant in the space of like 20minutes. even sweets will make me bloat.

they have tested me for cealiac disease and that is negative too. i ahev also had the camera down into your stomach test all came back fine (except that this gave me aspration pnemonia which has taken me 2 months to fight off)

please i just need ideas so i can ask the doctor to test as everyone is stumped! i have to find out what this is as i have 2 much to do with 2 kids and house etc to be knackered all the time and uncomfortable etc.

i finally have a appointment at gastro clinic next week so hopefully they will find it.

thank you for reading please comment anything you think could help. xx

also apologies for spelling mistakes, brain does not function quite as quick as it used to.

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19 Replies

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    Some of the questions which may need an answer. Is this bloating caused by gas? Is the gas the result of fermentation in the gut or swallowed air? Its a normal thing for us to have/produce gas (swallowed air,carbondioxide, methane etc) which we pass out by various body systems (lungs, burping etc) Do you have a blockage which prevents this? Do you have excess gas from fermentation by bacteria and fungal infections? Do you have overgrowth of bacteria as in small inbtestine bacterial overgrowth? What is the origin of these excess bacteria or fungi- mouth(teeth), sinus(infected or harbouring fungus)? Is undigested food the reason for fermentation? (causes of indigested/poorly digested foods are many but include- food not chewed 100 times until liquid,  food eaten too quickly, too much food eaten, inadequate enzymes in mouth, stomach etc, inadequate stomach acid for protein digestion, taking proteins, carbs and fats at the same time adversly affect some people, gm foods in your diet and so on and on). Suggestion- have a good "clean out" and eat a small amount of only one food at a time (yes its laborious) in a relaxed atmosphere and well chewed and note the effects- in the mouth (your mouth will give a good indication if your body "likes" that food) the stomach and for the next few hours as it passes through.

    You did not say how long after eating the bloating commenced. Timing of gas production and type of gas MAY give an insight into where the problem lies.

    • Posted

      ok well bloating starts literally about 10 minutes into anymeal so i havent even finished my meal before the bloating starts and i normally stop eating then as even though i am still hungry its too uncomfortable for me to continue as stomach will continue to bloat (grow) for another 20minutes after stopped eating it will then stay bloated anywhere for 4-10 hours. this again depends on amount of food i eat. so a biscuit for example will bloat me 6 inches for 4 hours. a actual dinner is is now about the amount my 10 year old daughter eats will bloat me anywher up to 17 inches and for up to about 10 hours. (effectively i have to sleep it off). i used to eat quite big food portions even though im small as i always had a bigger appetite i suppose for someone as little as i am but since all this is started im having to force myself to eat more as i cant lose anymore weight and with losing half a stone every few months i have to to try and regain it. 
    • Posted

      also i eat relatively slowing i dont rush my food and most of the time its not hot its warm (with 2 kids it is rare to eat hot food lol) 

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