anyone have problems with" chin hairs" i didnt even know i had them until my grandkid plucked them
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I was riding in the backseat with my grandaughter and she yanked one out, then she found 2 more...i hate this, they grow so fast, i told my hubby i should just string them with beads...will this go away :-(
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madcow1964 sheri54049
You're not alone!
annieschaefer sheri54049
sheri54049 annieschaefer
annieschaefer sheri54049
lulu99310 sheri54049
Moniee sheri54049
jayneejay sheri54049
funny you mention that, as i have noticed black hairs appearing under my bottom lip at the corners 😮
i always use a small round 10 x magnification mirror ( from boots store UK ladies ) for my makeup and although its a scary site close up, i see them before they chance to get growing longer and pluck them out .
i need contact lens or my glasses daily as long sited so this mirror is paramount for me.
jay xx
chica jayneejay
then i noticed my mother playing with just one whisker in a certain place on her chin.then as i aged i got it in the very same place.
can you imagine when i saw my daughter recently at the age of 40 is playing with that very same whisker.
sheri54049 jayneejay
janehj sheri54049
Has anyone else noticed thir eyebrows going bushy too?
jayneejay janehj
no wish my eyebrows were thicker ..
i have one eyebrow hair like a yard brush, have to pluck that one put, its sooo thick and wirey.. oh the joys ..
jay x
annieschaefer janehj
Funny you mentioned the eyebrows. While I was gaining facial hair lower on the face, I noticed my eyebrows thinning. Turns out it had to do with a wonky thyroid. Who knew? Crazy times!
jayneejay annieschaefer
my thyroid is okay, so i just have thinning post meno brows, greying pubes 😮 ummmm i never knew that happened. i tell myself they are blonde ones hahahahaha
have a good day, still pouring with rain here 😏
jay x
annieschaefer jayneejay
No one told me about those "lovely" blonde pubes either! Uggggh....
After a nice sunny (yet cold) day yesterday, we're back the the grey days typical for this time of year. Got quite a bit accomplished yesterday, now I just want to huddle under my covers in the living room and not move today!
Of course that's not an option so I must get the day started before it gets away from me!
Try and have a nice day, despite the rain!
Annie xx
had full bloods a few weeks ago .. as i had shingles and didnt know until i showed the doctor my achy blisters on my butt cheek 😕
feeling alot better now though, energy not brill, 😦 right now, but was quite poorly with shingles and 3 bulging back discs at same time and a house move ( a very slow one ) maybe thats why i feel tired in body ..
jay x
annieschaefer jayneejay
I knew you were having a bit of trouble with your discs, so sorry to hear about shingles as well. I can bet those are the reasons you were feeling low. Glad to hear you are improving.
Annie xx
chica jayneejay
hope you are feeling better.
not a good time to move house with disc trouble.
remember over 3 years ago the spanish'national health scrapped a lot of medications off the prescription list.
well my bloke came home from the doctors a few days ago clutching 'hidroxil' which he'd had to pay for grumble grumble.
i asked him why doc had given them and he said for pain in his lumbar disc.
its vitamin B complex.
i recognised the packet and remembered i,d been taking them for very same thing before the austerity cuts.
so now i get my b vit from morrisons or lidl , cheapies.
but it dawned on me that my pelvic pain started soon after i had to stop the hidroxil.
have i stumbled on something here.
my hubby and i are now sharing them and to be honest i feel a bit better but cant say yet if it's wishfull thinking. mmmm
jayneejay annieschaefer
thank you, yes i have just seen them on my print outs, they are still bulging.
shingles pain was all over the body .. but getting there, I had a scan to see what was going on... always had back pain all my life but didnt know any different, as apparently I have an extra fused disk and vertebrea anyway, had to give up nursing because of it years ago .. 😕
so the bulging ones are just more hassle at the moment ..
scans are scary they noticed two tumour/lesions on my liver too .. but said nothing to worry about, but needs monitoring, i dont drink alchohol so its not for that reason .. blimey always something, menopause is enough then theres other stuff thrown in for good measure ...
but at least its not life threatening or hope its not
jay x
jayneejay chica
hope your recovering ..
i get benerva B1 from farmacia and Benadon B6 from farmacia, i split them in half.. B1 keeps mozzys off you, or i get bitten alive.. B6 for meno ..
cost 3€ ish euros and last ages as 300mg and i split them, gyno said 150mg correct post meno for B6 no HRT so all good ..
jay x
annieschaefer jayneejay
I know, seems like this past year of Peri (going into 10th now) has by far been the worst and most visits to the doctors for one thing or another. And unlike a few of my friends who really don't take proper care of themselves, I do.
I have restricted my diet, added various supplements, do relaxation and yoga, don't drink any alcohol for past sevral years-(even the slightest bit made me feel awful-don't miss it either) don't smoke and yet I'm the one with the endless list of craziness, and they bop around like teenagers without a care in the world!
Hope all works out with the liver, glad they are keeping an eye on those two areas. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts!
Annie xx
jayneejay annieschaefer
my final peri year ( the 12 months no periods before you know your post meno) was my worst... blimey i use to just burst into tears, like a lunatic ..
took the slightest thing to heart ..
i remember serving dinner one sunday and my son said wow that looks good mum, and i stood crying at the nice comment..
well normally i am as hard as nails, but this lasted a 10 or more months and had a pattern of being worse every six weeks approx.
i find now even 21 months post meno that every six weeks approx i have a few bad days .. really lifeless, fed up, low, shaky and wobbly etc then it passes .. weird isnt it ..
gets on your pip hahahaha
jay x
sheri54049 annieschaefer
jayneejay sheri54049
i have crazy fingers today and meno mushy brain
jay x
sheri54049 jayneejay
shaznay96184 chica
Now I'm showing my age here, but do you remember at all the little cartoons they used to have in mags/newspapers in the 70s 'Love Is.....Never having to say you're Sorry' etc etc??
I think in yours and my case it should read 'Love is....sharing your ol' man's meds!!'.
Come on, I know we shouldn't but I bet there's a fair few of us who have done this in the past? I'm totally putting my hands up to this!
But d'ya know what, sometimes before we get our prescriptions changed, we should all come home and Google the meds we've been prescribed. If our Pharmacist doesn't advise you of a cheaper version, you might still be able to buy the same, generic product from..... Morrisons, Lidl, Superdrug etc etc!
jayneejay chica
That Hidroxil from farmacia you can buy OTC .. I use to take it
its B12, B6 & B1 .. In one
i only stopped as now have B12 injections and take the B1 ( Benerva ) and b6 ( Benadon ) now..
B1 is also good to keep mozzys off you, they hate it and it stops the bites, i use to get bitten alive.. But just get the odd bite now ..
B6 is a must for menopause it helps the aches no end
jay x
when i was having agony with the three bulging discs and the shingles my doc was giving me an injection of inzitan every night ( then he let me do my own) thats B1 & B12 ..
jay x
jay x
chica shaznay96184
you have got a point about the supplements.
but i have opened a whole new can of worms in the last few days.
you should look up b12 deficiency.
i've been taking the strong expensive b12 (hidroxil) for 4 days now and my bms are getting to be a bit more normal.
my mission now is to find out if this has been my problem.
i'm gonna buy some beef liver( yuk) tomoz and try to get my gut more acid.
i'm actually freaked out at what i'm learning.
if the medics arent finding anything sinister in all my 3 years of tests, then i just wonder if this is significant.
how many ladies are out there suffering, wondering if their probs are gynno or digestivo.
if i didnt have this brain fog, i may have cottoned on to this sooner.
amazingly everyone out there taking the likes of gaviston for heartburn should be doing a bit of research re stomach acid.
it just occurred to me that alcohol might be a good thing after all.
some of the local wine puts hairs on ya chest out here in spain.
hope you dont use your blokes razor also !
jayneejay chica
No ha ha i dont need to look up about B12 .. i keep telling everyone the importance of it and B6 in meno.
And calcium and vit D ( natecal ) also from farmacia.
I have full bloods every year and more. I get my B12 checked too.
I have injections now for B12 .
Had it re done a month ago the test.
Remember digestive issues are due to hormone decline ( aswell )
Not only do our uteruses, bladders and vag's dry out, but also our digestive tract and colons..
For heartburn get a box of Omeprazol 20mg farmacia, gaviscon doesnt touch mine when i had it.
Omeprazol are good for gut lining too. Works for me in half hour, gone.
Good luck
Jay x
I dont drink, so wouldnt know.
Jay x
chica jayneejay
i suppose a private doc will give me the b12 injection without questions.
it would give me a boost i need. can you remem how much they cost.
i need to alter the acid in my stomach also so more meat in my diet.
i think i must have aneamia.i cant put any weight on and i look awful.
thanks for advice.
this time of year we should know that when the wind changes direction, it gonna go hot hot hot.we always get caught out with our boots still on.
there where swimmers in the sea last week but not this week...i have to go outdoors for some heat.
my house is so cold.
chica jayneejay
so many contradictions regarding our gut lining.
there are sites saying bad digestion ,diarrhea with undigested food is caused by too little acid.
so why does everyone reach for the gavescon when they get heartburn.?
surely this would illiminate the acid in your gut further.
by the way,have you heard of 'digestive enzymes'?
i'm greeted by a bewhildered look in my local health food shop.
i'm going to malaga by meself on wednesday so i can have a mooch about.
i looked in the window of a body building shop and they seemed to have that kinda stuff but were mansized containers.
jayneejay chica
i always take a acidophilus pro biotic daily
( not before a hot drink as it kills the capsule and the so called bacteria in it)
i get my bits shipped over from simply supplements to here or boots international to here
jay x
jayneejay chica
i will send u a PM
jay x
shaznay96184 jayneejay
Best bit of advice I was given -indirectly - for the use of acidophilus, was from a lovely, kind, Irish Doctor who was treating my mum for her 2nd bout of TB in her bones (Private Healthcare).
Not only had he given her a £25 blood test that they wouldn't give her on the NHS (actually confirmed her TB had reoccurred having laid dormant for 48yrs), he also returned her Consultation fee cheque, with a nte stating 'a lady of your age should not have to pay this fee' (she who happened to have a fantastic private healthcare plan, courtesy of my late father's employers!!).
Sorry....I've totally digrested
With her TB meds (exceptionally strong Antibiotics), she needed regular blood tests to check her liver function. Said Doctor suggested taking acidophilus to avoid stomach problems, not in live yogurt/pro biotic form, but in tablet form. He explained that it contained multi-millions of good bacteria compared to regular 'dietary' stuff.
It's sold here in the UK (H&B stock it). Its in a tablet form, and has to be stored in the fridge and taken with a cold drink so as not to 'kill off' the good bacterias.
Sorry it was so long-winded getting to this, but it just reminded me of that really nice, kind Doctor, who obviously took my mum to his heart. She got you like that, because she was so uncomplaining: he probably hadn't met many like her as she took everything in her stride
Maybe give them a try, chica?
jayneejay shaznay96184
i also take acidophilus daily ( remember not to drink anything hot after one as it kills the bacteria )
jay x
already put that earlier . * meno brain today 😞
jay x