Anyone Having Perimenopause Before 40..Its Normal ?
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helloo friends
anyone having Peri symtoms before 40..its Normal ? I am 39 .
I am having all peri symtoms trom last years...but my dr told ur too young for peri
anyone having same problem.Plzz Reply
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Sassyr12a sunaina1983
Hello sunaina
I had primary ovarian failure and so was undeniably in peri for most of my life, before full menopause last year aged 43. No doctor can tell unless they carry out blood tests. I never go for the 'too young' argument tbh, I've been too young for everything I've had and I've still had it. If your symptoms indicate that you may be in peri, or if you need peace of mind, then push for the tests. Good luck xx
sunaina1983 Sassyr12a
ok dear
Thanks for reply
Guest sunaina1983
Hi suniana, I will be 42 soon. At 40 years old, I stopped the birth control pill (after 20 years). Within a couple of months I had all kinds of symptoms. Got sent around in circles for 6 months being tested for everything. Once my periods became irregular, the migraines, fatigue, dizziness came worse. Although I was missing periods and my blood levels were showing in meno range... My dr was too stupid or stubborn to listen to me, I changed drs. I believe I started peri earlier, but the pill was hiding the symptoms.
Most drs learn very little in med school about menopause and they know less about perimenopause. They learn menopause is a year without periods, hot flashes and a dry vagina...pathetic. Any other symptoms and we are labeled as anxious or depressed. I never got treated this crappy when I was pregnant. There are some smart drs out there too!
At the very least, make sure your thyroid and routine physical and blood work is current. You have the most knowledge when it comes to your body. Best of luck!
sunaina1983 Guest
Helloo mam
Thanks for reply
Fully agree with u thay u have more knowledge about ur body when ur suffering .
And ir right Many dr have least info about Peri
Migrane and dizziness is most scare symtom for me.
sometimes feel off balance too.
I wish we all will be ok soon
Good day
ampat1 sunaina1983
yes it's normal, I am 39 and my symptoms started about a year ago. I have been suffering from many peri symptoms daily, I just wish I get my normal health back soon. I am so tired of this crap especially anxiety and headaches.
sunaina1983 ampat1
Helloo my dear
Thanks for reply
Dr scare me alot that 39 is too young for peri....I am too much worried...Thank God i find link
R u taking some medicines to overcome Peri ?
migrane and dizziness scare me alot.
Donot feel like going out .
I wish this phase will over soon .
julee15466 sunaina1983
I am 39 ( I'll be 40 in July), Dr. diagnosed perimenopausal 4 months ago. I had been told for almost a year that I was too young for perimenopause and kept fighting with them. Finally they did more blood work and confirmed I was right.
It's not common, but it's not impossible, especially if your mother started early and if you have no children (both are true for me!)
And make sure they do blood work several times. hormones fluctuate like crazy during peri, so it can take several times and a comparison between those times to get a solid diagnosis.
ampat1 julee15466
hi Julee I am also 39, turning 40 in July. I have been hit by peri a year ago, anxiety and palpitations were first symptoms to show up, followed by many different symptoms. I have daily tension headaches, ear ringing, off balance feeling... what blood work did they do to confirm perimenopause? My ob/gyn did check my hormones last year in April but he didn't think it's peri. l asked to repeat blood tests after few months but he refused. I have gone to so many doctors and did so many tests, MRI, ultrasound, all came back normal. It's crazy how hormones can cause such a havoc in our lives. I wish it gets better soon. What are your symptoms? Are you taking anything for your symptoms?
sunaina1983 julee15466
Thanks for reply mam
it give me hope that i am not alone
here people scare me alot ur too early for has lots of health problems in old age ..
Peri will start after 45..uff fed up with all this ...So write a post here .
I got links that its not common but many people r having peri before 40.
dear ur right i also read that if ur single having no kids..chances to hit meno is early as compared to othrrs who have kids.
I wish we all will be fine soon
sunaina1983 ampat1
Helloo dear
me too having all symtoms as described by u.
i am suffreing from off balance , Migranes and dizzness from last year.
Feel very depress sometimes.
not want to go out of home.
i hope we all recover soon
good day.
julee15466 ampat1
My periods started becoming irregular, and then HORRIFIC anxiety. Like nothing I've ever experienced before. And I also experience the tension headaches and off-balance feeling. I then skipped 4 months of periods and she tested my hormones and my progesterone was waaaaayyyyy low, so she determined peri. It's sort of like a comparison game. Low progesterone doesn't necessarily mean peri, but when you compare it to the other levels of hormones you can tell whether it's off. like, progesterone should be low during certain parts of your cycle, but then the other hormones should be a certain number, too, and nothing matched up.
I, too, have been to a million doctors because I thought I was losing my mind or had some major illness, and many docs agreed because they refused to believe it was peri. But after everything came back fine, finally I got my answer.
The GYN gave me progesterone, which I will start taking March 1. I will let you know how I fare! I could have started it Feb. 1 but I was in the middle of moving and didn't want to deal with any possible side effects. Good luck! If you want to chat about all this, please feel free to send me a message!
renee61138 sunaina1983
Hello lovely. I am 41 will be 42 my journey started about 39. I have heart palps heat flushes dizziness headaches ibs muscle tention neck pain you name it lol ugh this journey is horrible and hopefully we will get over the hump fast. I finally have appt for bloods on March 8th so hopefully i will find out how far im in. Crazy enough i started my period at 10 years old and my mother was completly through meno by 48 so hopefully not long for me.
sunaina1983 renee61138
Helllooo mam
Thanks for reply
Me 39 and having peri symtoms from last year.
Horrible migranes , head pressure and dizziness scare me most .
Mam which blood test ur doing FSH ? this tells about how far we r from meno .
Roller coaster ride of peri is very horrible buy have to face.
Lets hope it will finish soon .
tk dear
pamela2016 sunaina1983
i started this journey at 34 im now 42 and it's been a really hard road for me. i have an autoimmune disease that put me in perimenopause earlier then expected.
sunaina1983 pamela2016
Helloo Pamela
Thanks for reply dear
how r u felling now ?
Peri symtoms over now ?
Its really a Rocky Road..soo many humps in between...every day new symtoms.🤣🤣
Take care mam.Hope we all will overcome this phase of life soon