Anyone in Group who is ..
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Hellooo dear Friends.
As u know I am Sunaina.
Every day i discuss my problems with u and got sooo much positive reply from u all First of all Thank u all ππ
Today is neck pain issues with me πal9ng with body pain and headaches
Every day new stuggle.
I want to know Is there any one in Group who is Post Menopause..faced all peri problems and now Feeling good after Menopause.
I want to know when this problems end and afterwards can we feel again like our ourself one day ??
i need some motivation...want to know after Menopause can we feel again like Normal or not ??
Feeling depressed today with all these everyday issues.
Every day morning i told myself Hang is there..there will end of these symtoms one day ..BUT feeling disappointed today πππ
Thanks Friends
Love u all
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Woodlands1 sunaina1983
following. I want to know there is light at the end of the tunnel, too!
sunaina1983 Woodlands1
waiting for better days π
Guest sunaina1983
Hi Sunaina,
Where are you from? I love your name.
You probably didn't see my post from a few months ago, but I was getting physical therapy for frozen shoulder (in my second shoulder, because the other one was finally better, and hey, two is better than one), and I met this woman who looked to be about 70, not sure, but she confided in me that she went through complete meno hell, had CFS, everything. She said when her periods finally ended and hot flashes died down she actually got back to normal and has been normal ever since. So, really hoping that those of us who have really bad perimeno, and those of us who have really bad meno, might see some better days in our futures.
For now, do your best, take one day at a time. Lately I've been making sure to feel grateful for getting thru another day, that I didn't spend it in bed, that I got a few things accomplished. Rest if you can, go out and get some sun on your skin without sunscreen, at least 10/15 minutes and gather up as much Vitamin D as you can (and don't shower after, the Vitamin D stays on your skin), take vitamins and be consistent (D, C, B12, Folate, multivitamin, whatever else is helpful), and try and enjoy anything that makes you happy, even if it's just petting your dog or watching a funny movie, or having that margarita.
XOXO to you!
sunaina1983 Guest
Thank u soooo much for Suzzane dear
ur reply give me little hope that that this peri will end and one day i will feel like old me .
Thanks for compliment dear..ππ
I am from India.My name is hindi word ..its means BEAUTIFUL EYES ππ
Thanks for sharing info u get from old lady..
everyday i told myself HANG IS THERE ..donot upset ..but still sometimes feel frustated ..thanks to all dear friends here who gave alot of support to me.
Love u dear
waiting for better days
i will follow ur tips.
JReady64 sunaina1983
Well I'm post minute pause and none of my symptoms started until post menopause and it's been a little over a year since B symptoms started and I've been posting in a pause for several years and pretty sure... So I don't think it's a matter of Peri or post... I think it's a matter of when it starts in how long it lasts... And I wish I knew..
menopause...stupid phone.
sunaina1983 JReady64
Agree with u mam...its not Pre or Post .its harmones changes when strike and how long it take in body to settle down.
everyone is unique and take different time to get normal.
But some time feel depressed from all this..soo i post here..thanks for reply
..Hang is there..hope for better days soon
Brittay123 sunaina1983
I am feeling the same way... I have pain in my body most of the time .. it moves around but mostly my hip joins.. I feel anxious and depressed most of the time. My husband is getting tired of me always being in pain and feeling down! I am 53 still having periods although irregular.. I pray there is an end to it !!! You are not alone!!
sunaina1983 Brittay123
Thanks mam
i wish we all will become normal again.
mam same like ur husband family is too much frustrated by hearing my every day symtoms ....they r not able to understand y i am not feeling good..tought phase of life..physically and emotionally too
waiting for better days
Takingtime sunaina1983
Hey there, I often sit and wonder if we will will ever feel like we did before all this took hold of us. I wish I had a solid answer for you. I have talked to many people and some seem to have little to no issues, just one day their period stops and that's the end of it, for others like us it seems like every day there is something new and we wonder if we are dealing with something more. The only thing that I notice when talking with people is the ones that have little to know issues, have had very little stress in their lives leading up to this. They have had lots of support from friends and family through out their lives and nothing major has taken hold. While some of us have had to deal with a lot of stressful situations, and have not had opportunities to care for ourselves the way we should, for example, I have special needs children and sleep has never been a luxury for 15 years, I watched my mother pass away almost 10 years ago from an aggressive cancer, and family support system has never been there after my mother passed. Anxiety also runs in my family and I have always been a sensitive person, so I am not sure 100% but I so think all this has played a big part into why I have had a lot of crazy symptoms when I reached my forties. I think it is a combo of hormones or lack there of, mixed with stress, anxiety and not a lot of time to tend and nourish myself with the love care. I am working on it, and take every opportunity I can to take time for myself, and I do find when I do a lot of the symptoms settle down for awhile. So to answer your question is there is always HOPE! We just need to listen to our bodies and try to help it any time we can.
sunaina1983 Takingtime
Thanks for reply my dear...ur reply give me motivation that hang is there...we only can do is Hope for better days..ππ
Thank u
Takingtime sunaina1983
Also if you are on facebook, there are great support groups on there as well. If anything they offer some comfort knowing that you are not alone.
sunaina1983 Takingtime
Thanks for info dear
can u plz share link in message to join them π
AJacynM sunaina1983
Bless you, I'm feeling exactly the same as you at present and you're right - it is an awful time but most say it does pass... only issue is no one can really tell how long from start to finish, it will last for as and as humans, we're all so unique and different.
It started for me right from the beginning of peri-menopause... I am now in menopause and feel no different as yet, it just goes on and on.
I take various supplements and have tried (still trying) HRT but I don't feel much relief if any!
I'm sorry to sound so negative, not all women are, some get through it quicker and some with minimal issues.
All we can do is try to manage it as best we can and see it for what it is I guess. We know it's 'normal' for women to go through it and each woman is different in their journey with it.
This is an amazing group of women (occasionally men!) and the support here is quite powerful to aid our worries so defo keep in touch as what we all can do is help each other.
Hoping today is a good day for you and everyone going through this. xxxx
sunaina1983 AJacynM
thanks for reply mam
hope for better days