Anyone NOT had any side effects on Citalopram?

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Hi there,

After much deliberation, talking to just about anyone I could find and generally scouring the internet for information, I have decided to go with the Docs advice and take Citalopram, starting today. And then I found this site....

Has anyone NOT had any side effects on this? It is making me feel very worried about taking it. Am I just going to have to sit tight and presume the worst? Are there people who take it and dont feel nauseous and tired or even worse to begin with?

I would really appreciate any comments.



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    I just tried Celexa for the first time yesterday, doc started me at 20mg. He also put me on Wellbutrin XL 150mg. I then went to sleep. Upon waking, I felt lost and completely out of it. Drowsy all day, passing out while standing up... please help, I cannot work like this... I cant even remember half of what I should be doing..
  • Posted

    Anyone not had any sexual side effects on citalopram?

    Took 10mg for 7 days (6 days, missed a day, then took my last the following day).

    This was nearly 4 weeks ago and seem to be having erection problems. I did have these before I took citalopram though.

    Wondering if this is just a coincidence as I was only on citalopram for 7 days.

    Have read that it can take anywhere between 4 weeks to 3 months for your body to readjust after stopping too.

    Anyone had similar?

  • Posted

    Hi there. I have been on Citalopram 10mg for 2.5 weeks then upped dose to 20mg for 4 days now. I'm feeling really anxious and low with no sign of improvement yet. Any idea when the anxiety/depression will decrease and my mood will improve? Thanks so much

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    Please someone tell me it's going to be we okay, dear god I can't take this anymore

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    I'm nearly at the end of my first pack of 20mg tablets - the only really side effect i'm now having is tossing and turning a ridiculous amount at night and waking up quite a lot (but falling straight back to sleep). Have had odd days of being very anxty (i doln't even know if thats a word?! But i use it a lot to describe my feeling!) but i was before anyway. I'm still overthinking things a lot. Starting the cit also co-incided with having a management system upgrade at work though which has been seriously stressing me out - so i've started them probably at the worst time, or maybe the best as i'm more anxious and stressed than i would usually be!

    However, i had a riding lesson last week and my instructor thought there was a noticeable difference in my attitude and that i seemed more relaxed. I'm hopeful that this will continue and my anxiety will continue to disappear.

    I have a phone assessment on Monday with the local Steps2Change mental health service so they can evaluate the best treatment for me - likely to be CBT.

    For everyone worrying about starting to take the tablets - its not so bad. I wound myself up into quite a state of anxiety before taking them after reading all the side effects. But i was getting into an anxious state over nothing before so no different really and can't go on like that forever!

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    Oh - one more thing, definitely have less enthusiasm to do anything, as in very much can't be bothered. Even with stuff i enjoy. Is this fairly normal when starting on Citalopram?

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    I started 10mg citalopram a week ago, and the first few days were rough. I couldn't sleep the first few days. I had one of the worst panic attacks I ever had in my life. I was so close to go to the ER again for the 4th time. But every time I go, I walk out a few hours later. So this time I just did the opposite of what I normally do during an attack. After awhile it diminished, I felt better a few hours later. Since then I have not had an attack, I do feel anxious throughout the day. On my second week this week and I feel tired all the time. Don't have any energy. I just lay down all the time. I hope during my 3rd week I get some energy back and feel normal. But Dr. Says takes 4-6 weeks. I can honestly say I put taking the meds off for weeks. I wish I wouldn't have, or else I would have felt the benefits by now. Just take the meds it's worth a try, you will feel odd and sick the first few days. But the dry mouth and headaches go away. I don't have any of those effects anymore. My sleep improves everyday. I have drank alcohol all my life, so I have a few drinks in the evening. I partied once and I'll never do that again! Just drink moderately 5-6 hrs after you take a dose. My doctor encouraged me to have a couple of beers in the evenings. Just to prevent alcohol withdrawal symptoms. My goal eventually is to become a moderate drinker. These meds may help me, since I feel drunk after a couple of beers lol. Just stay positive, and I hope it works for you. I'll check in every week to show my progress. I'm praying that I get my life back!

  • Posted

    I have just began a 20mg Citalopram tab. After reading the reviews, I am beginning to worry about this decision. I do not have anxiety but asked for something for my mood swings and depression. I'm worried that this is going to give me anxiety. Any help?

    • Posted

      I hVe taken cit for a while and anxiety still happens, my Dr also put me on clonezapam and propanolol to keep my heart from racing. I always start on 20 mg and first few days are bad, after a week I go up to 40 and within a month I feel great, my energy is up and I'm not always sad, I genuinely feel better.... But then after about 5 to 6 months it stops working and I switch meds, (I've tried them all, Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil, and my favorite is lexapro) Prozac messed with my heart big time, forbidden it after a week, Zoloft stops working even faster, Paxil made me a bit OCD, but Lexapro that works wonders, it hwlpsnwith both depression and anxiety! Just keep talking to your psychiatrist you'll find the right combo

    • Posted

      Yes, at first you will have hightened anxiety. That's just how they work, and it will take up to 4-6 weeks for them to work. I'm on week 7, and I suffer from panic attacks. I had a extreme attack on my 3rd day of citalopram. But I survived, now I'm just feeling depression. I haven't had an attack since that day. Just remember anxiety can't kill you. Just let it happen, accept it. I know it's gonna be hard, but just keep taking them everyday. Never give up! Your mood will change, I actually laugh when I'm by myself. I never laughed before, always on edge. Hang in there, if you feel the side effects just talk about them. I'm here for you, I know what it's like and I had some side effects as well. But they subsided somewhat, I still deal with fatigue, and depression. But the depression is on me, I let the fact that I lost my woman and job get the best of me. It's up to me to get over it, and accept that it wasn't my fault. I can always get a job, and get a new woman. Just hang in there, let me know if you need some comfort on your journey to a better and happier life 👍

  • Posted

    7 weeks in total on Cit (1 week 10mg, 6 weeks 20mg)

    I have had a total of two great weeks and my period will be starting within the next day or two. Anyone else on Cit and dealing with heightened anxiety before their period? I am like a broken record, because this is all new to me. With that being said sleep is a pain and my appetite is gone again. PMS related?

  • Posted

    I've just started on 10 mgcitalopram toda after waiting go ahead from my AIH consultant.feel worried

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      Jan81, I felt the same way. I kept putting it off, and was so scared to take them. I decided to take them and tomorrow will be 7 weeks. I have spontaneous panic attacks, and on the 3rd day I was in my kitchen about to eat; then I had one of the worse panic attacks I ever had. I was so close to going to the hospital again for the 4th time. But I waited it out, and to this day I haven't had a panic attack. I take 10mg, gonna see my doctor soon. I should probably be on a higher dose, but the only thing I feel now is depression. I didn't feel this way before citalopram. However, the depression I can manage somewhat. Just give them a try, your first week will be rough. But trust me it's gonna make you feel better, I have come a long way. I use to carry aspirins in my pocket everyday, in fear of a stroke. I would have tons of aspirins in my pocket by the end of the week. Now I don't even think about having aspirins, and I use to rub my head because I was so anxious. I haven't even touched my head in weeks. There are days when I feel a panic attack coming, but they never come. I'm really dealing with fatigue now, I do sleep better now, but I'm feeling the depression. I guess I'm just thinking about everything I lost while I was suffering from my panic disorder. I lost my job, had to sale things I owned just to make ends meet. Not only that, I lost the woman I loved the most. That's really hurtin me now, but nobody ever understood what I had to deal with. They all looked at me like I was lying. This is real and it's hard to live a normal life. But at least now I can see the path to feeling normal. I wished I could have had the courage to take citalopram the first time it was prescribed to me. Maybe I could have saved my job and kept my girl happy. Don't let this happen to you, you take them with pride! Don't look back, and look forward to everyday you take them, that you will get your life back. Even if you have some side effects, they will subside. I got almost every side effect there was, but they are gone now. Now it's up to me to push forward and fight for my life back. Stay positive and if you need someone to talk to let me know. I'm here for you and anyone who needs some comfort while taking citalopram.

    • Posted

      Everything Jonny says is like reading my own history 3 years ago, there is light at the end of the tunnel and it will go away, persevere everyone and if your just at the start speak to folk nearest tell them how you are and the support will be there as folk whom have never suffered this will really not or ever understand totally.

      Take care from someone you will find hundreds of posts from on this thread back from October 2013 but it does get so much better. 

      Take care all xxxx

      Anne Marie

    • Posted

      How long did it take you to feel better? Are you still on citalopram? What dose?
    • Posted

      It took about 4 weeks for me to see some light, I'm still on Citalopram 10mg, I'm thinking I need a higher dose, but we will see. I've been on it for 7 weeks now. I'm still afraid to leave home, but I force myself to do things. I'm really depressed but mainly because of what I have lost during the time I was suffering from panic attacks. I would get them spontaneously, and they would come and go all day. The 3rd day on citalopram I had a massive panic attack. Since then I haven't had any at all, I do feel like I am but it goes away on its own.

    • Posted

      Maybe you should ask for a higher dose, I'm on 20mg and sometimes go up to 40 if my depression doesn't let up. Panic attacks still happen but you soon start to feel them. Coming on and you can fight thru it.... Also highly recommend behavioral therapy because for general. Anxiety disorder and recurring major depression it helps tons! I've been on cit for years and rotate between this and escitalopram when one stops working....

    • Posted

      Hi. I've been told not to take Aspirin while taking Cit. The 81 mg ones were ok.

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      Hi Jan

      Yes I'm in my 2nd day & also feel worried it's like I am waiting for side's annoying!

    • Posted

      Hi Stacey,

      I'm on day 3 of citalopram 10mg and I'm the same worrying about the side effects.

      I'm 22 and have had anxiety/depression for two years now and before starting these I had never taken any pills in the whole 2 years due to the worry that they were going to harm me.

      The first night I worried myself that much that my brain actually mimicked the side effect, I didn't go to sleep till 7 o'clock Saturday morning.

      The second night I went to sleep at 3 woke up at 5 sweating then woke up again at 9 then went back to sleep till 11, yesterday I spend most of the day worrying about the side effects I also cried 2 times.

      Last night I felt my sleep was a lot better I still didn't go to sleep till 2 but woke up at 9 this morning then went back to sleep till 11:30 so my sleep is getting better strangely.

      I'm only 22 but the main side effect I'm worried about is the suicidal thoughts which apparently some young adults under the age of 25 can get, I never thought it would get to taking pill as I have tried to do it on my own for the last 2 years Iv had counselling but don't think it really helped.

      I woke up Friday morning feeling really motivated to change my life as I have had enough of this now so I went to my doctors and told him I wanted to stop smoking and get my anxiety/depression sorted as its taking over my life and my mind.

      I'm hope these work for me as this is my last resort as Iv tried all I can.

      I know it's only day 3 but I'm really hoping these don't give me a hard time as I don't want to be put off by them,

      It's so hard not to worry and overthink things when your not used to having pills but they would be given to us if it was going to harm us.

      It's really scary but we all stick together and help each other we can all pull through the first week or two.

      Anxiety and depression will not defeat us! We are strong together.

      We will beat it no matter how hard it may be!

    • Posted

      You sound the exact same as me! I was scared to take tablets but last resort. I've suffered from health anxiety for nearly 4 years & it's taking over my life, always thinking I'm having a heart attack & going to a&e baring in mind I'm only 28!!! X

    • Posted

      I hate feeling like this! I hate worrying about every little thing like if I don't eat before I have a fag or going to the shopping centre or going out clubbing with mates or going to get my hair done, since taking these tablets I haven't wanted to leave the house or not wanting my family member to leave my side

      Don't get me wrong Iv had a could of good thoughts but not many at all then straight after follows a negative one but I'm so scared about the side effects that is all I keep thinking about

      Iv also cried yesterday as well because I was that scared, I just want to get the first week out the way then hopefully I won't have side effects after that but the days just seem to be dragging.

    • Posted

      Yes me too I've been staying in feeling sorry for myself but then that's prob making me worse! It's like I'm waiting to get a bad side effect!

    • Posted

      Iv done the same since Friday all I have done is stay in and if I'm honest I went just to my local shop and I panicked but before I took these I could go out absolutely fine, so every day I'm going to try get myself motivated even if I just walk to the shop everyday I will because I don't want to get to that stage maybe it's part of them getting worse before better I don't know, to help me I have also put a photo on my mirror and wrote on it so that I have a daily reminder of what it is I'm going to get myself back to, also I'm going to get all my friends and family to write on a piece of paper all the good things about me and what I bring to the family to give me a positive mind set, I'm 100% the same as you you more than welcome to message me and I'll give you my number maybe we could help each other out to get us through the new week or two if you wanted?

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      I have sent you a private message Hun with my number, try not to panic I know it's hard not to but just try! You will get through this! I'll help you as much as I can! X

    • Posted

      Hi your posts are inspirational. Thank you! How are you doing Now? I am just at the 3 week mark and it is completely hellish. Hoping for better days ahead. Any coping suggestions so Appreciated!

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