Anyone with H pylori

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I am being tested for this in one weeks time absolutely scared stiff If I find out I have it

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Hope you don't mind me asking but do you feel a total lack of energy and drive with your symptoms?

    • Posted

      I don't mind what you askask away the dr has told me he suspects gastritis I feel dreadful pressure round left rib both arms n shoulders heavy achy burning pain , gas and it's taken some of my breathing away I have very little energy I feel 109 I'm 60 in 4 days do you have it val

    • Posted

      Oh and constant nausea but I'm not actually sick

    • Posted

      I had it about 20 years ago and feel that i've got it again. My immunity system is picking up all colds and virus's, my stomach is full, other symptoms exactly like I remember and energy levels for running which I love doing is gone. Funny enough I can cycle but no running at all as after a mile or so I break out in awful sweating, running pace way down and find even that almost impossible so stopped running. Getting a whole lot of tests done from next week. Thanks for your answer and everyone else's as well.

    • Posted

      Keep in touch n let me know how you get on as I will too 
  • Posted

    Hi royalty

    HPylori is a stomach bacteria that thrives in the gut and can be eradicated with 3 courses of causes all the symptoms you describe except the arm and shoulder pain but have responded to you about them ...the tests are done via breath test....stool test or endoscopy or blood test....there is nothing whatsoever to be anxious you know how your being tested?....

    • Posted

      And absolutely petrified of having upper endoscopy perish the thought I've had several awful tests over the years liver biopsy lumbar punctures a camera up nose n down 3 colonoscopies but none of them freak me out more than the camera down the throat

  • Posted

    I know I'm booked in for the blood test in weeks time for it

    • Posted

      Hi royalty

      The only advice i can give you is... if you go in for the endoscopy in a tensed up state your throat and neck will tighten and make it more difficult to get the camera down..I'm sure if you ask for something to relax you they will oblige...stop worrying and gettin anxious as this will make your stomach problems worse.....easy said than done i will be wished....keep us posted...m

    • Posted

      Yes I don't suffer from anxiety or anything like that but having read on the internet the horror stories it did make me think lol

    • Posted

      I have had several upper endoscophies over the years, the last one a month ago. They usually relax you and it really is nothing to be petrified about. It may be slightly uncomfortable but that is all. Please do not worry. Honestly it really isn’t bad at all as I said just uncomfortable. They anaesthetise your throat too. Good luck.


    • Posted

      Thankyou suzanne did you have just the throat spray or the sedation

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