Apparently I'm a "normal" woman!!!
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Hi ladies,
Well I finally had my gyne consultation today and boy was I annoyed, dismayed, confused, upset........!!!!
Apparently, as I'm having regular periods I'm NOT menopausal nor am I peri menopausal!!!! I was gobsmacked to say the least. So WHY did my doctor put me on HRT for 3 years and why am I experiencing bodily and mood changes? HRT never helped my hot sweats much to be honest but I was on a low dose. My mood has gone downhill , I've gained so much weight and I've noticed changes with my periods even if they haven't actually stopped or even missed yet!! My hormone tests were normal and according to the consultant if I'm still having periods then I'm ovulating regularly etc etc!!!
So at the age of 51 I've yet to even start any peri symptoms. I'm just totally bewildered. IF I'm not peri then what is causing my symptoms?
Anyone advise above and beyond a Gyne Consultant who reckons she has done her job for years and knows better than us women on a forum!! Her words not mine It's MY body and I know what is going on regardless of how long she has worked as a Gyne Consultant!!
E. xx
P.S. Feeling so damn p**** off right now
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nixnix elle127
michelle50768 elle127
I was going to my doctor for three years from the age of 40. All the time they were telling me its not perimenopause your depressed! !! Fast forward to now im 48 and still getting horrific symptoms they now are saying oh yes your in perimenopause. I knew this 8 years ago. It was onky through doing my own research on the Internet that I knew what was happening to me.
In this day and age and still these so called professionals have no idea what its all about.
You know your body better than anyone else. Its only this last year ive been missing periods but had symptoms long before that.
So dont be to concerned about what they say.
Take care x
cazjaz16 elle127
elle127 cazjaz16
I sympathise nixnix, Michelle I KNOW I'm having peri symptoms and the consultant hasn't got a clue what they are talking about. Just makes me so mad when they are supposed to help and they don't!
Cazjaz - I wish my periods would just stop or at least miss then it would confirm I'm in peri.
I forgot to mention that the consultant refused to give me HRT again due to the side effects but because I was arguing the fact that I know I'm in peri and I also have heavy periods, she offered me the Mirena coil. I've never had a coil fitted in my life and I don't fancy it to be honest. It's still HRT but less risky than the tablet form. It releases the hormone when it's placed in the womb and I would use a gel/cream to rub into my skin. I think the consultant only offered it me to get me out of her consulting room!! I've to go back in 3 months to let her know if I want it, but I can say now I don't!
So ladies I will ride the storm - naturally - for as long as I can stand it. Then when I'm at screaming point I will demand the HRT tablet form from my doctor!!
Sorry for the I sound like a menopausal woman? lol
shaznay96184 elle127
Why not give the Mirena a go? I believe its used to treat Peri as it releases hormones (Progesterone??). Its supposed to lighten bleeds/sometimes stops them. I've read of a few ladies on here who have said they felt brilliant after having one fitted - moods improved etc.
I'd have one I think. Did try to have one inserted years ago when they first came out, but my tw*t of a Doctor couldn't fit it in me the A-hole!! I ended up with my legs akimbo, shouting at him to 'Put something else in then!!!' - I suppose I was lucky to have got away with just a copper mini 7 coil!!!
Put up another discussion thread: 'Anyone felt the benefits of a Mirena Coil for Peri Symptoms' - I'm sure you'll be inundated with replies/info, some bad, but I bet most are really positive.
Its worth thinking about.......and besides, I hear you can pick up Sky TV for free

Yep: you're Peri alright!!
brendababy shaznay96184
pinkcatfairy elle127
anita31460 elle127
I've been in Peri for a couple of years but before Christmas last year things exploded for me. Ridiculously heavy periods, anxiety through the roof etc etc. I had a Mirena coil fitted.... I too had never had a coil and was very anxious about it... And started HRT (zumenon estradiol tabs 2mg). I had huge health anxiety about it all as I didn't really want to go down that route but 5 months in I can honestly say I've got my life back. Just starting to get back to work full time now, mood and energy levels have improved and I'm coping much better. Still gaining weight and growing hair in places I don't want it but on balance I'm happy I made the right decision. Do your home work about HRT. It's not as risky as some will have you believe. I found a wonderful gyne consultant who is so supportive so I know I'm really lucky but I had to request to see her as she was out of my area. For some good sound knowledge look up professor John studd. I hope things work out for you too. Do whatever you need to make life a little easier.
Take care
shaznay96184 anita31460
Maybe you have posted on another thread about the benefits of your Mirena?? Elaine will benefit from reading your reply.
I'll acknowledge that having a coil fitted ain't the best foreplay in the world(!), but for me its benefits far outweighed the insertion, and I'm talking a copper mini rather than a Mirena. I did have my GP 'attempt' to insert one for me, but I think the Drip was so inexperienced, he could't manage it. Oh well, I just got another IUD and got on with the heavy bleeds.
Elaine 127 - I'm one of those tense ones, who 'pops' the speculum across the room, so I know what I'm talking about when I talk about being nervous!! But really, if I can have a coil fitted ANYONE can!!
Oh, and what IS IT with Christmas??!!! For the past 2yrs I've absolutely hated Christmas: bawlling (very unlike me), really missing my mum and dad and in-laws (lost all our parents by the ages of 40-41: now 54, and still a big kid, we called ourselves 'orphans'!!).
Got a grip of myself in the New Year and feel so much better. Not yet using conventional HRT (dabble with some bioidentical Progesterone Cream: seems to work for me) - but I'd never rule HRT out.
I'm going to have a read of Prof Studd. Why is it those professionals who are in the know all happen to be men?!
anita31460 shaznay96184
Having the Mirena coil fitted sure was no picnic but when you've been through child birth, hey you can put up with anything! My uterus lays in a forward position sonits a little uncomfortable when I have smears too. It didn't take long and I used my breathing exercises to get me through. It was definitely worth it, I've had no real bleeding since it was fitted. The only down side if there is one is that Im not sure when I should be bleeding so unsure where in my natural cycle I am. My moods have definitely evened out since I've been on the HRT but I still get agitated and down at certain times. Although loads better I still feel like in living on a knife edge... Ready to fall off at any time.
Take care x
shaznay96184 elle127
Well I can only say that I'm as gobsmacked as you must feel!!
I too am still regular as clockwork (aside from earlier this month that arrived late: boy was I disappointed
, but hoping its a sign of changes in cycle to come??) but have quite a few Peri symptoms. I'm 54 - you're a mere kid to me! - so I can honestly say I was shocked to read that with us having very similar symptoms, you've been deemed not yet Peri!
Did you have blood test results to confirm her belief that you're still ovulating??
I was always given the impression that you CAN still be bleeding regularly but not necessarily ovulating: or why else would GPs give us specific HRT for those women who are still bleeding regularly???
I attempted to talk about Peri with my Nurse Practitioner last November. Said I was a bit moany/tearful (joked about welling up watching 'Dont Tell The Bride'!!) The Silly Cow prescribed me SSRIs (anti D-type stuff they love to thrust at us 'women of age' these days). Not for me thanks.
Big wake up call for me: would appear its very common for Peri symptoms. But its also very common for many of us women not even to meet the criteria to be prescribed such meds. Even my ol' man had no idea why she thought I needed them, and he's no Hero: afterall he lives with me 24/7!! Told myself 'do a bit of research girl, get yourself some vitimins and sit and wait'.......and wait.....and wait.
Two of my sisters keep encouraging me to go get some HRT, but I honestly don't think I need it just yet. I started taking Menopace Original in Jan, along with some Serenity Prog Cream: feel great in the big scheme of things. But I do think it's defiinitely the combo together that works as I stopped applying the cream for a week and felt like I did last November - aching like a 90yr old again. Slap! on went the cream again, and the aches 'miraculously' improved! Maybe that the HRT that'll work for me??
I know a lot of ladies on this forum are not fans of these bioidentical Prog Creams, but for me I think I'll use it until things start to really change. What with my own 'bombshell news' this week, I really need to keep myself free of brain fog, panicking, need to stay in control so I can take on board the life-changing decisions I've got to be part of. 2015 is going to be a very defining year for us, that's for sure.
No doubt the ref to this forum got the Gynae's back up. I think on reflection I may choose to speak to a male Doc when the time comes, as I find women talking to other women about their 'female' issues are not always sympathetic. The childless, female Obstetrician springs to does the lovely, lovely male midwife I used to see during ante natal appointments. I think women think we should just 'man up', and men, well they see us as something completely different, I'm sure.
So you're back to chewing the ol' man's ear off then? I bet he was as disappointed as you!!! Seriously, I do think our blokes do have to put up with a bit, and some, from us at this time in our lives. Fortunately, I've always been a nutty cow, so my one's used to me going off on one/going at it like a dog with a bone on a regular basis.
So what now Elaine? Blood tests for your thyroid might a good idea - another of those lovely age-related things us girls have to expect. Just don't reach for the chocolate.....I'm struggling with my weight, even joined Slimming World (bloody hell: I have not stopped thinking of eating/food ALL day, EVERY day its nuts!). I think I have to remind myself that my age/stage in life is conspiring against me, and if I manage to lose a pound a week, I should be grateful. (Not helped by sitting next to a girl in her 30s who's lost 6st9lb, to my paultry 1.5lbs!!!! 14-21lb off for me would be brilliant).
Chin Up Kiddo. You're right: you do know your OWN body and how YOU feel. And as we all know, blood tests for hormone levels are so changeable/inconclusive.
Keep posting Elaine because you ARE in good company on this forum!
elle127 shaznay96184
I've always struggled with my weight so when I lost over a stone when on HRT I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread!! When I was aged 40 I went to Weight Watchers and it took me 2 years but I lost 4 stone. I was determined not to be fat and forty! Instead I'm fat and 50!!
I don't fancy the Mirena coil as when I asked if it's painful when they fit it there was a long pregnant pause then the consultant said errrm no it's just a bit uncomfortable. Had enough of people rummaging around inside my bits and pieces when I was pregnant. Don't fancy all that again. Although I finished my subscription with Sky so perhaps I should seriously think about the coil then??!! lol :-)
Must admit my only guilty pleasure is chocolate and I am turning to it and must have some each day. Other than that, I don't smoke, don't drink, well only socially and I'm not out on the tiles that often so it's my only treat! I don't binge eat or have massive portions so I guess I better get myself to a gym! I really think you have to be in the right frame of mind to focus on dieting and I am just NOT in the mood to be honest. Been there and done that, worn the t/shirt and but the bloody weight all back on!! Excuse my French!
I tell you something, since stopping HRT my language has become rather colourful :0 Wonder if I should blame peri for that too? lol
I may post about the Mirena Coil and see what comes back. I clench my teeth at the thought of it though!
E. xx
shaznay96184 elle127
I too hate, hate, hate having my innards prodded (other than the obvious
!). I often wonder how blokes would cope with strange objects being inserted into their internal organs without being completely why do Doctors expect us to?!!
Saw a bloke having his prostate checked on TV the other night: the look on his face at the mere suggestion, and then when the Doc was examining him, you'd have though he'd been abused! Wimp!!!!
I'm sorry, I have absolutely nothing more by way of options to suggest, so can only give you my full sympathy. Your circumstances are very similar to mine, which makes me grateful that I feel this good at this stage (while it lasts, of course). I'd sort of dismiss what the Gynae said, carry on thinking you're in Peri, because one day soon you actually will be!!
Losing weight: what a bore. I've no idea, even with a wonderful diet plan/consultant/group that is Slimming World, how I'm going to get the mindset to shift the blubber. I'm not into wanting to lose stones and stones: 1-1.5st max would have me well and truly estactic. But I only said on Thursday to the ol' man (who loved my SW spag boul BTW!) that I can't get into this at this time. To lose no more than 3lb in 2wks (my prediction), having completely cut out bics, cakes, crisps, McDs, its a bit a big wake up call that yeah, its really cr*p being 54, fat, Peri, and craving marmite on toast at all hours of the day!!!
And as for only vice. Seriously, I've never been one of the "Oh Deary Me"-Brigade, but actually wish I was. But wonder how would I vent my anger without this 'facility'?? I believe it keeps me sane. There is far worse in this life, I'm a fairly decent, caring, loving person - as I'd imagine you are too. So swear on Kiddo: afterall, what better way to use an Asterisk on the internet???
Just keep an open mind about your options, maybe go back to your own GP (who sounds a little more approachable than the Gynae, on reflection) and keep posting on here as the info/support you get is second to none.
Afterall, who knows more about what's what at this time in our lives than all the lovely woman posting on here who has been Peri, experienced all the cr*ppy symptoms, are now Menopausal and can tell us that there is a life to be had. Shame its just such a bloody long journey.......
Eat a Kitkat for me in my honour!!
cazjaz16 elle127
jennifer01077 cazjaz16
cazjaz16 jennifer01077
michelle50768 cazjaz16
cazjaz16 michelle50768
michelle50768 cazjaz16
cazjaz16 michelle50768