Apparently I'm a "normal" woman!!!
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Hi ladies,
Well I finally had my gyne consultation today and boy was I annoyed, dismayed, confused, upset........!!!!
Apparently, as I'm having regular periods I'm NOT menopausal nor am I peri menopausal!!!! I was gobsmacked to say the least. So WHY did my doctor put me on HRT for 3 years and why am I experiencing bodily and mood changes? HRT never helped my hot sweats much to be honest but I was on a low dose. My mood has gone downhill , I've gained so much weight and I've noticed changes with my periods even if they haven't actually stopped or even missed yet!! My hormone tests were normal and according to the consultant if I'm still having periods then I'm ovulating regularly etc etc!!!
So at the age of 51 I've yet to even start any peri symptoms. I'm just totally bewildered. IF I'm not peri then what is causing my symptoms?
Anyone advise above and beyond a Gyne Consultant who reckons she has done her job for years and knows better than us women on a forum!! Her words not mine It's MY body and I know what is going on regardless of how long she has worked as a Gyne Consultant!!
E. xx
P.S. Feeling so damn p**** off right now
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sharcerv52408 elle127
elle127 sharcerv52408
debbie03785 elle127
shaznay96184 debbie03785
Its far from a taboo when everyone's Nan/Mum/Aunt/Sister has shown or told us about the classic signs/symptoms. Maybe they should 'employ' Menopausal ladies to advice those of in Peri what to expect and the options opened to us to help us during this transition.
Going off on a bit of a tangent (although you'll get my point I'm sure)....Was watching 'GPs Behind Closed Doors' last week (repeat). There was a 75yr old man who went in to discuss his 'heavy testicles'.
His GP checked them over, then his Prostate (ol' fella looked like he was being abused
!!), and although it felt OK, the GP was to arrange a blood test "just to be sure".
The ol' boy also mentioned a dimishing libido. Strangely, and I mean strangely, even though he'd said he wasn't in a relationship and essentially his only occasional 'liason' was with his Right Hand(!), his GP said he'd do a test for his testosterone levels!!
Not only was I screaming "What??!!!", my ol' man was too!! I can't imagine our GP offering him that test, and Lord knows we'd both love a boost to BOTH our testosterone levels, I'm sure!!
But not once was this ol' boy faced with the patronising line of "oh well, you do realise it is all part of the aging process, for libido to diminish..." - that we'd all be quite indignantly reminded of whilst seeking some help with our 'Change of Life'!!
We could only conclude that it was all said to make the GP look good on TV. If the ol' boy had any sense, he'd go get the treatment.......and make himself a few bob selling it off on eBay!!!!
Like you, I'm not depressed. I KNOW I am Peri so don't need SSRIs or ADs (since when has Peri/Meno had anything to do with a chemical imbalance??!), feeling like I'm fighting a losing battle with my current weigh loss attempt (Slimming World: boy its harder at 54 than I ever imagined it to be!), but want to know that I can get proper advice, and HRT if and when I decide I want it.
But when there are so few who the NHS have deemed it necessary to train to help so many through, what is essential, an inevitable phase of change in health, it seems so bloody unfair.
Hope the flushes are abatting.....
debbie03785 shaznay96184
michelle50768 debbie03785
Ive also got too many symptoms to list. Been in perimenopause 8 years now 48.
Today im tight chested bloated and depressed and the list goes on.
My gp told me for five years I was too young for perimenopause. Fast forward eight years she now thinks I am!!!! Ive been telling them I am for years. Instead I was told your depressed and anxious. While that may be true only because my symptoms were getting the better of me
(. I went in an AD mirtazapine last November which did heko but due to weight gain im having to wean off whuch is hard in itself. Some days I wonder if I will ever feel normal again.
This site and the women here are an absolute Godsend. If it wasnt for being able to share here I think I would have gone insane!!!
cazjaz16 shaznay96184
I have to disagree with you regarding taking SSRIS I'm post menopausal by 3 years and know I wouldn't have got thru it without paroxatine it's been a life saver for me and it's one of the most recognised AD for menopausal woman xx
jennifer01077 debbie03785
shaznay96184 cazjaz16
No offence intended. My opinion is based on a very personal view/opinion. I've been bought up around mental health issues/meds since childhood. I've seen those in dire need respond very well to their meds. Who knows, maybe this is the reason for my lifelong aversion to ANY meds??!!:-)
I believe I've actually suggested others go see their GPs, and that although they weren't for me, maybe they were for others.
There are v. recent studies that indicate that at least 30% of ADs are prescribed to those who don't even meet the criteria for them. I've read of many women on this site who had been taking these for yrs prior to Peri. And those who have been specifically prescribed this in Peri who found it did not help them at all.Also, like most long-term med, they need to be weaned off of gradually.
I have no idea where this journey will take me - I feel good at the mo - and maybe I'll need the help of ADs/SSRIs, who knows? But for someone who has never felt the need for any meds all her life (not bad at 54!), and personal history, you'll appreciate my slight apprehension towards (OK, aversion) the doling out of those of us who may need HRT instead (think this fact has been well reported recently).
Cazjaz, no offence intended, but like most things in life, and especially with my current weight gain, I believe there is a solution for most of us, but its definitely a case of One Size DOESN'T Fit All!!:-)
Stay well and happy girl:-)
shaznay96184 debbie03785
I've got this mental image of it all kicking off when someone takes the last ice-chilled, lemon-scented flannel in the Spa, or jumping the queue for a hose-down from a hunk in Speedos (emm, the Daniel Craig ones, not the nut-cluster type - ewwww!!).
Sadly, that 'Spa' image is of a beautiful 5* hotel anywhere in Cyprus.
In reality it'd look more like a Sun newspaper 9quid 'Holiday' at Butlins in Skegie!!!!! Anyone who ever endured a Butlins holiday for the sake of their kids in the early 90s will have a vivid, memory of this 'experience' etched on their memory!!!!
debbie03785 shaznay96184
lol64 elle127
Shelly0069 elle127
michelle50768 Shelly0069
All I can say is everything you have written could have been me writing it. Im 48 been in perimenopause 8 years. Periods becoming further apart now.I went on an AD mirtazapine in Nov I couldn't cooe with the anxiety and depression. As for over the counter stuff 5htp from Holland and the os good for moods and sleep. These cannot be taken if you are on an AD though.
Shelly0069 michelle50768
michelle50768 Shelly0069