Are any visitors currently suffering with Globus? - My update so far
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My life with Globus continues....
It's been two years + now since I was diagnosed with Globus the only trouble is that my mind just cant accept this and always thinks that it is something more sinister..
My symptoms are / have been..
Tight / Uncomfortable sensation whilst swallowing, like there is something there.
Constant thinking about the sensation of swallowing ( due to constant throat sensations)
Clicking in throat when swallowing, worse when drinking liquid.
Stabbing pains under jaw
Feeling that there is something coating the back of my toungue
Senstations worse when tired but not as bad in a morning when i wake up
Long term tickly cough 4-5 months
Different food and drink irritates my throat
My tests/ treatment over the last two years include..
Loads of blood tests including several full tests
Six endoscopies ( camera up nose looking down at throat) with 4 different consultants
One Gastroscopy ( camera down throat & oesophagus to look for damage / anything sinister)
Lots of different Doctors and Consultants feeling my Lymph glands
CBT (Cognative Behavioural Therapy)
Clinical Psycology (Current)
Lansoprazole (in case i have silent reflux)
Two chest xrays
All tests came back clear.. But even after all that lot I am still no better with the Globus and have a second Gastroscopy coming up in early February to check for changes to the condition of my oesophagus and throat since the last one
Please message me if you have had or are having simlar experiences with Globus as it is driving me to distraction at the moment..
I look forward to hearing from you
Best Wishes to all fellow sufferers... I will update after next gastroscopy.
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It sounds to me that you are very concerned and worried about these strange feelings/sensations you are having in your throat which I sympathise with, as I went through many of the symptoms that you describe. What may well be happening here is that your condition is not getting better because you are worrying about it a lot. It's a bit of a vicious circle really, because the more worry and anxiety you develop as a result of globus, the more this fuels the condition-making it worse. I know you probably know this as well, but sometimes it's hard actually believing it. :-)
From what I have gathered about globus, it's a condition that you can feel and that makes you uncomfortable, but it's not really "there" (if that makes sense). This is why a lot of people worry that it could be something else and visit their gp for various tests-as you have also done. This is definitely the right thing to do, as it rules out any other possibilities. I can see that you have had quite a number of tests and you say they were all clear. This is already very encouraging, as then you know that there's nothing to worry about. I too had some tests done when I was feeling like this and these all turned out fine as well. Around the time I was suffering from globus, I was actually dealing with the suffering of my grandmother who eventually died. It was quite a traumatic time for me (some people can take this sort of thing better than I can) and I am almost 100 percent sure that this was the trigger to how I was feeling. It usually always has a reason, like a stressful job, dealing with a death, general anxiety of things in your everyday life. You'll probably find it something similar for you?
I wasn't actually diagnosed with globus (but then again I didn't specifically request for this), but all the symptoms I was experiencing pointed very much to this condition. The good news was that it did pass, although at the time I thought it never would. I think as things settled down a bit around me this tightness in my throat also let up. It is a really odd feeling and it's hard trying to describe it to people who haven't experienced it. Though very irritating and also worrying, it seems to be something that will probably pass through relaxing, maintaining a positive mindset and trying t maybe focus on other things (maybe meeting friends, reading a good book, watching films, shopping-anything that works for you to help take your mind off it. :-)
I really hope that you can conquer this irritating condition and that you will find that it just disappears with time. The less you focus on it and let your mind be distracted with other things, the more you will find that the condition gets better until one morning you wake up and it's just gone. :-) as I say, you definitely did the right thing in having it checked out, but hopefully you might be able to take some comfort from this. I still find that I get anxious about things sometimes ( but that's just me), but as far as globus is concerned, I have beat it and I truly hope it will be the same for you. :-) best of luck to you and take care.
shaks1124 freddie_84
I have been suffering from the same, i have noticed one thing that when i am calm it just goes away. And when i think of it it comes again. In recent i was going through lots of stress.
Kind Words from an ex fellow sufferer are better than any medication...
Es and both doctors say neck felt fine although this is driving me crazy and gettin me down,I'm in te process now of been referred to ENT but only
Because I cried and asked too basically! They said it seems like globus but I have general aniety disorder so I won't settle until been properly checked, it's causing me to feel depressed all the time and making my life he'll worrying,also feels tight round the one side and swallow alot thinking somethings blocking my throat
really horrible experience so hoping when I finally get my ENT apt tht everythings normal an maybe I won't worry as much because at the moment I'm crying all the time and keep checking my neck and throat for lumps and bumps,i also read up on google about lymphoma which has stuck in my head so it's eating away at my brain thinking somethings wrong
worst experience of my life and I also have feelings bad things will happen,I appreciate anyone who can relate to this post and
Hope all sufferers get better or learn to cope with it all as the more we worry the worst it probly gets but as I suffer with severe anxiety I will always probly worry although it's taking over my life,it's becoming an obsession that I keep looking in mirror at neck too
alexandria48195 Cathy25
Firstly thank you for joining in my discussion.
I too have been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and Health Anxiety so there is no stigma attached to that as I believe the cause and continuation of mine has been caused by the ongoing medical tests and proceedures to try to find out what is actually wrong with my throat over the last two years, I fully empathise with you when you say you "wont settle until it's been fully checked" if your mind believes that your body is under any form of threat it will work overtime trying to provide potential solutions to what it is that is causing the problem..
Swallowing should be an automatic, routine bodily action that we dont even think about but with Globus it impossible not to and when you are thinking about every swallow you take, that's hundreds of times a day, the mind gets in a pattern that it is normal to focus on the action of swallowing to see if there is any abnormal pain or discomfort there and if you are feeding back to it that there is then it will continue checking.. Try to distract your mind by doing something that you enjoy as much as you can, read a book, watch a film, go for a walk, go out with friends etc..
ENT may give you an 'endoscopy' to check your throat,
Firstly thank you for joining in my discussion.
I too have been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and Health Anxiety so there is no stigma attached to that as I believe the cause and continuation of mine has been caused by the ongoing medical tests and proceedures to try to find out what is actually wrong with my throat over the last two years, I fully empathise with you when you say you "wont settle until it's been fully checked" if your mind believes that your body is under any form of threat it will work overtime trying to provide potential solutions to what it is that is causing the problem..
Swallowing should be an automatic, routine bodily action that we dont even think about but with Globus it impossible not to and when you are thinking about every swallow you take, that's hundreds of times a day, the mind gets in a pattern that it is normal to focus on the action of swallowing to see if there is any abnormal pain or discomfort there and if you are feeding back to it that there is then it will continue checking.. Try to distract your mind by doing something that you enjoy as much as you can, read a book, watch a film, go for a walk, go out with friends etc..
ENT may give you an 'endoscopy' to check your throat,
I have had 6 endoscopy's so far, they inert a tiny camera on a fleible tube up your nose which then looks down on your throat from above, ask for an anaesthetic spray on your throat/ nose and you will be fine I promise..
I also asked to see the screen whilst they were doing this as I found this helps to ease the mind as to what is actually there.. Hopefully Nothing!..
Googling what your ailment is is not a good idea as I too thought I had Lymphoma issues after Googling and my Anxiety went through the roof, It didnt help that I was also having Night Sweats as well at the time which can also be attributed to Lymphoma, The consultants checked my Lymph glands Neck, Under Arms and Groin and said I should Have a Chest and Abdomen CT scan , full blood test and another endoscopy.. I immediately Googled CT scan saw that the radiation was 500x that of an x-ray and was absolutlely terrified.. As it happened the blood tests and endoscopy came back clear so they back tracked on the CT scan idea..
I too wused to (and still do occasionally) check my throat in the mirror for abnormalities and also feel it for the same, try not to do it too much as it becomes part of the ritual that fuels your anxiety (I found this out by CBT that I was sent on to help my anxiety.. Try asking your Doctor for Cognative Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help your anxiety, it may help you to understand why you feel how you are at the moment..
Newcastle NHS do some great self help info for anxiety / health anxiety free..
Just serch for Anxiety
Let me know how you got on at ENT and good luck..
Best Wishes
Your reply 'globus kid' may I ask why they have gave u 6 endoscopies? I bet your sick of them especially when they keep telling u nothing is wrong or nothing is found to give u reason for hour symptoms , I'm hoping I won't be waiting too long to see ENT I'm guessing it will be a few weeks away yet! Have u just learnt to deal with your symptoms now or do u still worry loads? Have u had any scans now ? If so how
Did u get on, it's nice to speak to peope regarding similar issues as no
One seems to
No what it's like and we get called hypochondriacs! I just woke up one day and had the strange sensations in neck,more so
The right side! How did ur symptoms actualy start? Worries me how u have had it so long and still no answers! It's actualy ruining my life alredy and I've only started experiencing it
The past few weeks
I feel my neck and almost convince myself that it's swollen
Comparing both sides of the neck and I think I'm gunna stay away from google,it's enough to
Give u nightmares that site! I still worry highly about lymphoma too
what's the
Specialists blaming all your problems on now? Really thankful u have replied,only just realised! Stay in touch please Cati x
In answer to your questions...
The reason I had 6 endoscopies was..
I had 1 initial one 2 years ago where ENT found a throat infection, I was given medicine to take for a month then returned for endoscopy number 2, the infection hadnt cleared so double medicine and a return two months after that for endoscopy 3.. Throat looked better so they discharged me..
1 year after (last year) I had same symptoms so Doc sent me to ENT again in a different county for a quicker appointment.. endoscopy 4 , diagnosed with same throat infection, given medicine asked to come back in a month... Endoscopy 5 symptoms the same so different medicine and back for final visit endoscopy 6 September last year to see if throat symptoms had cleared, they hadnt gone totally but I was still discharged..
In amongst all that lot I was sent for a Gatroscopy to check the whole of the inside of my oesophagus as I was still having throat problems.. Came back all clear for that one..
On Monday 6th Feb (This Monday) I have to go for a second Gastroscopy to see if anything has changed since the last one...
Cant wait.. Not!
I am still really struggling to cope with my symptoms sometimes and that is after a full course of CBT and a follow on with Clinical Psycology to help me try to deal with the symptoms of finding it difficult to swallow and the clicking that occurs in my throat and the fact that my throat often feels swollen..
I have not had any scan's just two x-rays on my chest about a year apart as I was coughing a lot for about 5 months (possibly due to globus)..
My symtoms started just over two years ago strangely enough after I had been eating a lot of apples, (I loved apples and have an orchard), the back of my toungue felt really odd like something was there, sometimes just on one side and one side of my throat..
Sadly I have not eaten an apple since then..
You are correct in saying that trying to explain Globus to other people is mostly not worth the effort apart from close family and good friends as all you can really say is that it is a simlar sensation as when you are about to cry and get a lump in your throat, but it's there all the time..
My doctor was very tounge in cheek about sending me for a second gastroscopy he actually said.. "I will not summise what the result will be but if there is anything there they will take a biopsy and we will take it from there, but you are a health fit man in an extremely low risk group for throat cancer as you do not smoke or drink and are also not overweight, after this test we must draw a line under it (The Globus) if the results are clear and you must stop worrying about it" ... Easier said than done I know 1st hand..
Strange really as in general I am positive about most situations but cant get always get my head around this..
I am also mindful that my Father has been diagnosed with incurable cancer so that always lives in the back of my mind .. The strange thing for me is that I have never heard him complain once about that, he is very inspirational to me as he is so positive all the time and when I asked him how he feels about his condition he said "Well, I dont really think about it". He go's out shopping and walking with my mum most days and loves gardening, He has a lot of spare time on his hands as he is retired but does not spend it worrying.. There is an old Latin saying 'Carpe Diem' which means 'Sieze the day ' which seem to be what he lives by , enjoying each day, I guess as we all should..
My advice to you would be to try your best not to keep crying and not to keep checking your throat, leave that to your doctor and / or ENT once you have reported the problem to them.. It's normal to check an area if you have pain or discomfort there but try not to get obsessive with the checking as this will create a vicious circle feeding your anxiety and making you feel worse.
Do some positive things that take your mind off your throat, at 25 you are in a prim
Do some positive things that take your mind off your throat, at 25 you are in a prime position to have a whole lot of good times and you will look back on long periods of worry as bits of your life that you could have enjoyed or at least put up with but not worried about and made yourself unhappy.. I know I do, but I also fully understand that worry for some people is an extremely difficult beast to tame..
Take Care
How old. U are? I guess I worry more about lympoma and stuff as my 24 year old mate has recently battled it over past 2 years so I keep thinking about what her symptoms was! I'm a genuine worrier anyway and I think I always will be unfortunately,I wish I could be diffrent but just so negative about things,I guess the good thing for u is u hve had many endoscopies and not shown cancer which is fab! But obvz still having symptoms doesn't give us any answers either does it,it's enough to drive anyone crazy! In always tryin to feel if my glands in neck are up and it's neck and I've done it that much is becoming part of my every day life now! I have 4 children and I keep going because of them however it's driving me up the wall,I keep panicking about cancer and can't get it out my head,I really hope your apt goes well on monday like the last one did and hopefully put your mind at rest! It took me few visits to my go just to ask to go to ENT so I'm only t the beginning of finding answers
still waiting for apt to come through post ! Sooner the better hopefully! An your dad sounds like a inspiration bless him! Hope he's ok and keeps going strong, do u mind if I ask where the cancer is that he's got? U say u have had it over 2 years now and still no answers! It's terrible isn't it, do u actualy think there's more going on or do u think it's just globus an your panicking? And what's the throat infection they keep fonding? Have they not Said y it keeps returning? And I'm guessing there blaming all your symptoms of the infection u keep getting? I'll keep my fingers crossed for u on Monday and let me no how u get on , I also get a feeling of my some kind of slightly feeling numb! Worries me,hard to explain but feels abit tight on one side of face too same side as where my neck is causing symptoms, stay in touch,cath x
I am 46. Sorry to hear your friend is battling with Lymphoma, I hope she beats it..
In the early days of my Globus I had a very good friend who got diagnosed with oesophagal cancer. I helped him get his own web site on which he created a blog where he listed all his hospital visits , how he felt each day , how his illness progressed and was treated until sadly he eventually passed away..
As I had followed his every move via the blog for months and months each day, I think subconciously , very much like yourself you tend to get terrified that this too will become your fate, almost like history repeating itself...
This embeds itself in your mind and you may over react to simlar feelings and/or sensations that your mind perceves that you are experiencing..
All that said.. It is always best to get any symptoms checked out..
My father has prostate cancer as you asked (it's not heredatory)..
I think maybe a big part of my globus situation is that I am on constant guard for any symptoms and when something happens eg awkward swallowing I find it difficult to rationalise the feeling so it makes me a bit panicky. When really it could be down to me just having had a bad cold which started with a very very sore and tight throat..
I will post an update after Mondays Hospital visit..
Take care
Here is my latest update as at Monday 6/2/2012
Had Gastroscopy with sedation, still not on my list of enjoyable things to do on a Monday afternoon..
Got a copy of report after proceedure..
Oesophagus - Normal
Stomach - Normal
Duodenum - Normal (Heavens knows why they went that far, but as they were in the vacinity it was good of them to take a peek)
The Consultant said I was suffering from 'High Sternal Dysphagia'
No evidence of Mucosal disease
No evidence of previous throat infections
No Evidence of Relux related injury
Larynx showed no evidence of Laryngo-Pharyngeal reflux
4x biopsies taken from lower oesophagus to look for microscopic evidence of chronic reflux
4x biopsies taken from mid oesophagus to look for eosinophillic infiltration
So there we go.. 4-6 weeks for biopsy results..
He couldnt do anything for the clicking when I swallow as he said this was cartilledge and one for ENT..
Best Wishes
Signs of the dread cancer we all worry about? Seems promising, did I no u was going to be under sedation? How long does it last? And did they check all that on your last one u had done last time? And was everything normal on your last one with any changes this time? I panicked when I saw the word biopsy as I always relate that to cancer! So did they explain what the biopsies were actualy checkig for and what it meant? It seems a awful
Long time for results too
I wish I had had all this checked,I'm still at square one waiting for my ENT apt! I really hope your ok , did they say if anything would happen if the results are normal? Cath x