Are these symptoms I'm getting normal for IBS sufferers

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Hi All

I've been diagnosed with IBS for a few months now, and I get all the usual symptoms with it, diarrhoea, constipation, bloating, nausea, stomach and bowel churning, wind / gas. However, I also get some symptoms that are quite worrying and scary, and was wondering if any fellow IBS sufferers get this, or if anyone knows if these are normal.

I get bouts of feeling very weak, dizzy, faint to the point where I'll almost feel like I'm going to pass out, I also experience hot flushes and cold chills. These are the symptoms that I worry about most, and would like some help with. I can handle the normal IBS symptoms as I know they are typical symptoms, its the dizziness and feeling faint and weak that are the worrying ones. I'm also still loosing weight, albeit very slowly, however I contribute this to cutting out as much fat and sugar as possible, especially when I'm going through a flare up period, as I am right now.

Any help or advice about this would be greatly appreciated, especially if any of you IBS sufferers experience the same as I do.

Many thanks in advance.

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi paul...iv had bloods done,stool sample,and lastly waiting to go for an ultra sound but what sent me to the drs was the weakness,shakiness,feeling sick horrible squeezing like pain around my kidneys,sharp pains on my pubic bone dr has advised nothing sinister going on but you stil worry!!just have to wait on ultrasound before im diagnoed with ibs...i also get bloated and feel a heavyness in my stomach which is very uncomfortable,i know how u feel its very worrying 😳
    • Posted

      Thank you for the reply Falena, and so sorry you are experiencing all the symptoms you mentioned. I can handle all the abdominal pains, but the nausea, dizziness, weakness, etc really worries and stresses me out most.

      Like you I've had numerous blood and stool tests, an ultrasound, colonoscopy, endoscopy and nothing sinister was discovered. My blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen levels all good whenever tested, so there is no obvious reason for feeling faint, dizzy and weak. I saw a dietician a week ago, and she told me to start taking multi vitamins regularly, which I will be starting alongside my FODMAP diet tomorrow (couldn't start last week as already had done weekly groceries shop). My diet, due to trying to keep my IBS under control, is lacking in fruit and vegetables which have been triggers for me in the past, so I am probably missing out on loads of vitamins and minerals, which might be, and hoping it is, the most likely cause for the dizzy, weak, faint feelings I'm getting.

      Thank you again, and I hope your ultrasound goes well, and I hope you can get control of your symptoms, it certainly isn't any fun living with this.

  • Posted

    Hello Paul Are the very weak dizzy fainting feelings during an attack or straight afterwards. 

    I have a unique symptom that I do not think anyone else has, but could be wrong, halfway through an attack I start to get very warm and perspire and this can last a while but afterwards I am so exhausted and cold I curl up in bed and wrap myself in the duvet. 

    I had to go to A&E at the weekend as I was passing a lot of blood, v dark stools, disgusting I know, but more than that it I was suffering sickness and blood was coming out of my nose too so called 111 and suggested I come in.

    I told the doc about perspiration, chills and total exhaustion and he said perfectly normal for those who have extreme cases of IBS and although I do not get attacks as frequent as I used to when I do get them they can be very violent. 

    I was was weighed at the weekend and 10 years ago my weight was a nice fat 16 stone and one year ago 15 stone 8. I have always been fat. Now I am just over 13 stone and I eat healthy fats like almonds, porridge, potatoes, olive oil so no idea what I would be without these.

    The comparison between then and now is definitely marked. I have had friends walk past me in the street as they have not recognised me. I think when you have always been chunky, cuddly, fat as friends have referred to me it is much more noticeable. 

    I would trade being fatter again for regular healthy BM's any day of the week. 

    • Posted

      Hi Astrozombie, and thank you for your reply. I must admit I don't think my IBS is anywhere near as bad as yours sounds like it is for you. It must be very worrying for you when you get a severe attack, I'd be a complete mess if that happened to me. You mentioned very dark stools, isn't this a sign of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract? Do you know where the cause of this is? When I had my Sigmoidoscopy a year ago, the consultant noticed signs of inflammation and bleeding in my colon, they took biopsies but I haven't heard anything back about these so I'm presuming it may have been a reaction to the bowel prep before the sigmoidoscopy, the last time I had to go for a BM before my scope I noticed red blood was present.

      In answer to your question, the dizziness and feeling faint usually happens during a flare up, and is usually accompanied with red blood after a BM. I am in that stage at the moment, and I'm also getting twinges of discomfort around my lower abdomen, that can increase in pain with movement. To me this suggests that my bowel / colon has become inflamed again.

      My IBS symptoms are almost constant, but usually quite mild in severity. Now and again they flare up, but they never get so bad that I feel I should be going to A&E or call the doctor or 111 for advice, maybe I'm a lucky IBS sufferer?? I did mention to the dietician I recently saw that I get very ill at points, feeling quite weak, dizzy and faint, and she seemed to think that it was quite normal to experience these symptoms, and from what I've researched some peoples IBS is a total nightmare for them. I have had cold sweats, chills, shakes, hot flushes with perspiration before, but I can count all of those with the fingers on one hand, so not very often at all.

      I have lost almost 4 stone in weight in the last year and a half, and am now just over 10 stone, which in itself is quite a worry as I'm very slowly edging closer to becomming underweight for my height. My blood pressure and heart rate have fallen a lot since loosing the weight (they always give normal readings now), but this is probably more due to the fact that I eat healthier and don't drink alcohol anymore.

      I will check out your discussion, see if there is anything on there that I can relate to, or might help. In the meantime take care, and I hope you can keep your flare ups at bay.

    • Posted

      Hello Paul Thank you for your detailed reply. Luckily it is not a competition. and there are people in here far worse than me. In some ways I am one of the lucky ones. Some people go through this every day. It used to be weekly and that was enough to drive my ex away. Don't be harsh she was amazing but after a few years I do not blame her. 

      I agree a severe attack can be very bad and at the weekend was the worst since 13th Oct 2013. I did mention that but also anxiety, which I definitely have, can push food through the system and in my cash whooshing he expects and if whooshing in one area but remains dormant in another this can lead to discolouration in including dark and even black. He therefore suggests I keep an eye on myself but the fact that I have been in work for 2 weeks after 6 months off is too much for my body to handle therefore I need to take some time out to relax. I do not think work agrees with me. Now that is something I am seriously going to have to think about. I may have to get out of my line of work and take a lower stress role. Frustrating but may be my only option.

      I need to go back to my GP  and undertake some more tests the hospital said which probably means yet another colonoscopy which I expect it will say say stress, anxiety led to huge levels of adrenaline taking over my system and causing several issues at the same time causing me to panic further. Please note I do not normally panic myself to that level. I normally sit in the bathroom for 3 hours and collapse on the bed and sleep but I think the bloody nose and bottom panicked me. Also one does not need to pass a lot of blood in water for it to look like a murder scene. That is the effect of water which I had thought about. I think I was too busy worrying I had finally caused real harm but that may not be the case. 

      I thought so re: during a flare up that is exactly how it is for me too. I think that post was a play on a Beatles lyric so probably called something like A Day in the Life or something similar. A Night in the Life maybe. Unsure I will have to look it up. I get the abdomen cramp before the diarrhoea. The time I discussed in here I had about 2 hours of abdomen cramps. One hour on the sofa and one hour in bed trying to sleep to stave off illness. The cramps were so bad it did not work. That is a particularly aggressive cramp though as normally 30 mins at most. 

      I am not sure what is worse intermittent big attacks or constant. Sounds like you are as bad just in a different way. I was like that a few years ago but then I changed my diet massively to a more doctor friendly diet and no junk food though I do eat the odd digestive and Kit Kat.

      That A&E visit was my first since I was in the loo another time and my body must have pushed so hard my back froze. Luckily I was still with my ex and she drove me to hospital. I do not go to hospital lightly but I did think I had done damage but in the end it looks like getting up for work again my body has viewed as traumatic which is slightly worrying but I and the doc thinks it is what has happened.

      No IBS sufferer is lucky in my book. Interesting as I saw a dietician who did not say that. She said I need to eat better and it will not happen which has turned out not to be correct either but I have improved. Luckily the doc I saw at the weekend said it was normal for people with anxiety who have chronic IBS episodes. I would say that was me.

      I agree I read some accounts and think glad that is not me but then others! may read my Easter weekend of racing to the hospital in a taxi and think glad that was not me I would rather have a lie in. 

      No that is not me I get the perspiration and shakes and chills everytime I have an attack. It does not even have to be that severe. 

      Only 2 stone 8 for me. Four stone is a little more concerning. Also I am tall at 6 ft and I think that helps. 10 stone is much more concerning. The last time I was 10 stone I would have been about 8 smile

      I am like Cartman the size of my bones will never let me be underweight for my height. My blood pressure and heart rate were sky high at the weekend he said probably normal now as all I have today is watch The Night Manager. I do not drink alcohol and try to eat better too but for me anxiety is the problem and definitely driven the weight loss. Do you suffer from anxiety?

      By the sound of it a lot you will relate to. I will definitely go back to the doc with that level of weight loss as they were concerned about me so they should definitely be concerned by 4 stone.

      Take care too and likewise. Right off for a stick of celery and glass of water. I live the life I do.


  • Posted

    Hello Paul When I first joined so a few months now I tracked my symptoms while I was being ill. This was a normal violent 3 hour attack but may help if you read that to see if your symptoms are similar. I can not remember what it was called but if you can look by date that may help. The date was around Feb 5th.

    On Saturday I was so weak I had to get a taxi to the hospital as my body was shaking so much I could not drive. When I got there I was nodding off in the noisy waiting area until I started to have stomach cramp then it all went quiet as all eyes were in me as I was tossing and turning in the chair in agony. 

  • Posted

    Hi Paul, I feel exhausted when I get a bad bout of IBS usually with light headedness and headache but not really dizzyness as well as all the usual symptoms especially rumbling stomach and bloating. I also find it hard sleeping.

    However, I did get very bad chills a few months ago while sleeping with air conditioning on, I felt like the cook air was going right into my bones and couldn't get warm again, very scary feeling, at that point I only had bloated stomach with discomfort!

    I used to get IBS some years ago first time it's flared up like this for some time. Stress and worry could be part of the problem.

    You should see your GP and get these symptoms checked out. Although my doctor didn't contribute the chills to anything!

    • Posted

      Hi Val

      Thank you for your reply. I might be confusing dizziness with lightheadedness, and thinking about it, lightheadedness seems to be a better description for it. I don't get to the point where the room is spinning or anything like that, but I find I'm stopping myself from what feels like collapsing or passing out, I was wondering if this could be fatigue, lathargy and/or tiredness. Like you, I've had a few bouts of bad chills, and I ended up curling up in bed or on the sofa with a blanket and hot water bottle and put the heating on, it seems to take ages for me to warm up, and it is very scary when it happens. I haven't had this for quite some time now, but that's not to say it won't happen again.

      My partner has already told me I'm making an appointment with my doctor tomorrow, and the weak, lightheaded feelings are happening far too often for my liking, so I will be going in, again!

      Thanks again for your help, take care and all the best for the future.

    • Posted

      Thanks Paul, I sometimes find that drinking lots of water helps the lightheadedness. Today i feel very lethargic and nothing helps. I hope you get an answer to your problem when you see the doctor. Good luck. Val
    • Posted

      These are anxiety symptoms and although I am sure many with anxiety will suffer with IBS not everyone with IBS will have anxiety.

      Sometimes I am so tired after an attack the 8 steps to the bed from the loo are a real struggle and my legs are shaky and yes there are times when I have thought I can not manage 8 steps.


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      Water is my main drink now and for me helps a lot but not so much during an attack but I think it is caused by fluid loss. Some people obviously find this more difficult than others' including me.
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    drinking a really good Aloe gel will help tons! I use to suffer a lot but this has helped me! 

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      Have heard of Aloe Vera gel, but I am sceptical. Its quite a bold statement to say it 'will' help tons, how do you know it will help me? I've been told by others that this will help or this is worth a try, but they don't work, and some have even made me worse, so you can understand my concerns about taking any new course of treatment.

    • Posted

      Hi Paul

      It has helped me tons!!!! Just thought I would offer a suggestion! I have many friends with IBS and drinking a good Aloe gel not juice has helped them too

    • Posted

      So drink the gel and not the juice? I am desperate to get this under some sort of control, so will definitely look into this further, just wish it wasn't so expensive. Thank you for the suggestion, I do appreciate it.
    • Posted

      There is another thread about Cider Vinegar which you may want to look at. I have ordered some to arrive at my local Boots to work not here but if I am taking time out I will not have access to it so can not recommend but many swear by it. 

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