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has anyone on here been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis? can you please share some of your symtoms and how were you diagnosed?
I have been dealing with joint pain for six or seven years now, I went to my DR. when I was having shoulder and wrist pain , she told me it looked like arthritis and reffered me to rheumatologist, I mever madenthe appt. because I do not want to be on the medication they advertise on TV because of all the side effects bit my pain seems to be getting worse and now it has moved to other places in my body
my feet,ankles , back . I dont know what to do at this point . I am taking vitamins but can they help with arthritis?I a m 51 years old and tjis does not run in my FAMILY!! I would like to believe that this is just menopause but my symptoms all match those of RA.IM sorry this was so long but I need to hear some encouraging words roght now.
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louisa24 grace50455
Hello Grace I have suffered the same as you.As soon as menopause hit me so did the joint pains in wrists shoulders and knees. My doctor said it was RA my consultant said its osteoarthritis all I k ow is that the pain is so bad sometimes. I am on medication but only pain killers. I honestly believe that it is hormonal I do physio and try to keep mobile but some days it beats me.
ImagineOneDay grace50455
Sorry to hear you are suffering. I am nearly 50. I have very painful legs and ankles. Drs never looked in to why. I always wondered these pains could be R.A. Does the wet weather make your pain worse. I don't like taking medicine. I don't even know what to take for that kind of pain. It is very painful at times. All the best
nancys21 grace50455
Hi Grace. When peri hit several years ago, I assumed all of my body aches was RA. My grandma passed away before I was born, from debilitating RA that had her bed ridden. She eventually died from pneumonia. I now wonder if she too didn't have severe menopausal symptoms that were misdiagnosed. My body hurts SO bad. I spent most of peri in bed with a heating pad. Cbd oil has been the only thing that has helped. I wasn't offered medication. I even had physical therapy in the beginning. A massage would've been better. Stretching helps a lot. Some days are better than others. Wish I had more encouraging words for you. I know aging has a lot to do with it, but I refuse to believe that our age is causing all of this pain. I do believe it is our declining hormones. This has ruined my life. At 50 (I'll be 51 this year), I feel 80. My parents get around better than I do. I wish you the best, and hope you feel better knowing that you aren't alone.
AJacynM grace50455
Recently i started with terrible leg aches and hip pain, I eventually went to the doctor who took bloods, sent me for an x-ray and i have an ultrasound appointment also this month.
Bloods came back normal but he was checking for polymyaglia rheumatica... I'm nit sure if the bloods would show anything else such as arthritis?
I've also asked for a doppler scan to check my bp in my legs as it worries me it could be circulatory...
I can't lie on my left side in bed as the pain starts in my hip and i constantly feel as if my hips & legs ache and hurt... its terrible. This all started when the menopause did.
Does anyone know if this is it now or will it all get better?? I'm using hrt patches and they helped my pains until this started... but its not helping this now. I wonder if it would be 10x worse without hrt though?!
What a complete and utter nightmare the menopause is... 😦 I was so fit and healthy before all this and now I'm a tired achey mess at 47...
Do any of you take vitamins and minerals that help? I take a multivitamin and magnesium but its not touching this pain... 😦
Love to all.
AJ. xx
Gypsy014 grace50455
Yes I was diagnosed with RA. My blood shows up sero positive m y RA blood factor is always high.. There I s no denying a. RA flare up, they come on strong they last 72 hours 1st day being bad 2nd day incapacitating, and 3 rd day it all easing up, and then whatever joint is being attacked, it will go to the opposite joint for a flare up, the joint becomes very red swollen and HOT. And is excruciating the pain, you cam NOT move that joint flare up nothing helps the pain NOTHING.. Ibuprofen I would take for the inflammation.. I believe its all related to hormones and viruses in the body.. I am super strict with my diet and that has helped very very much keep my flare ups at bay, I also was diagnosed at same time for hashimotos, also auto immune, so diet is a must for me or I definitely pay the price for sure.. Diet is gluten free lots of salads seeds fruits veggies eggs lean turkey , I don't cheat on diet at all or I have flare ups and that is hiw I control it.. It works for me, and when a flare up comes my only advice if you are positive for RA is to put those hot packs they are like blue gel you throw into microwave to heat up on the flared up joint and wrap joint in a brace and don't even think about moving it for that 72 hours is over, then take brace off and slowly do your movements again in that joint. Good luck hope you find what works for you and get some relief..
Gypsy014 grace50455
Yes I was diagnosed with RA. My blood shows up sero positive m y RA blood factor is always high.. There I s no denying a. RA flare up, they come on strong they last 72 hours 1st day being bad 2nd day incapacitating, and 3 rd day it all easing up, and then whatever joint is being attacked, it will go to the opposite joint for a flare up, the joint becomes very red swollen and HOT. And is excruciating the pain, you cam NOT move that joint flare up nothing helps the pain NOTHING.. Ibuprofen I would take for the inflammation.. I believe its all related to hormones and viruses in the body.. I am super strict with my diet and that has helped very very much keep my flare ups at bay, I also was diagnosed at same time for hashimotos, also auto immune, so diet is a must for me or I definitely pay the price for sure.. Diet is gluten free lots of salads seeds fruits veggies eggs lean turkey , I don't cheat on diet at all or I have flare ups and that is hiw I control it.. It works for me, and when a flare up comes my only advice if you are positive for RA is to put those hot packs they are like blue gel you throw into microwave to heat up on the flared up joint and wrap joint in a brace and don't even think about moving it for that 72 hours is over, then take brace off and slowly do your movements again in that joint. Good luck hope you find what works for you and get some relief..
lisa17089 grace50455
hi grace
I to am 51 and suffered with terrible joint pain over the last 8/9 years the pain is in my lower back, shoulder neck hip and legs, it's now starting in my left knee. I had a hip replacement 3 years ago but now my other hip has started i was told i had osteoarthritis. it's not just the pain that's a problem it's the stiffness I keep saying to my mum that I will eventually end up in a wheelchair because the pain and stiffness throughout my body some days is deliberating and I'm only 51, what will I be like in 10 years??? I went to see a chiropractor and she said my back was that stiff it was like a door, hardly any movement there. I too am like you and dont want to be bogged down with painkillers but some days I have no choice it's that bad. it effects my sleep also . it really gets me down, I know exactly how you feel. big hugs xx
shannonmairs7 grace50455
I have gone through this exactly. All of my RA and arthritis tests came back negative, so we are assuming just menopause for me.
Hang in there!!!
thanks everyone, I am sorry that all of you are going through this also but you dont realize how much all your encouraging words have helped me.
I felt like I was alone and nobody understands my pain , I am so thankful for each and everyone who has responded and shared what your going through as well. I will be praying for Gods healing for all of us. Have a blessed day everyone!!
Brittay123 grace50455
thank you for posting!! I am going through the samething and have felt so alone and depressed!! I am sorry everyone is going through this pain and pray for healing for all!! It is comforting to know i am not alone!! xo
debra16694 grace50455
hi grace - i am 62 years old, 7 years past meno, but really didnt start feeling the symptoms of menopause until about 4 years ago. About 6 months ago, i woke up with debilitating leg pain, mainly knee, muscle, tendon & ligament pain. it came on overnight. i had an MRI of my right knee & it came back with almost bone on bone, but thats probably more from my age & wear & tear & being overweight. I also developed at this same time these "puffy" patches under my knees & my whole legs feel like they are retaining water, but my ankles dont feel swollen. My legs can really hurt @ times & i struggle to get up at times after sitting. After a particularly painful episode the other night, i asked my dr to test for autoimmune, fibromyalgia & metabolic - my autoimmune (ANA) came back positive & i am supposed to go to a Rheumatologist.. No one in my family has auto immune disease or RA, maybe a touch of arthritis, but certainly not debilitating. i can exercise like yoga && strength training, but struggle to walk - i am praying its hormones & will go away - good luck!
may69987 grace50455
hi grace i have the same symptoms joint pain that moves from place to other all my tests came negative so i guess it is due to hormone ,my sister sees a doctor for arthritis and he is one of the best he told her turmrick is the best medicine for arthritis and it is pain killers too so i do take and it help alot ,good luck with every think
grace50455 may69987
thank you , Iwill try it !! thanks again:)
debra16694 grace50455
hi grace - also, double up on a good quality OMEGA 3 & make sure your vitamin D level is good -
heather29740 grace50455
I've had O.A. for many years.
My doctor said you find out if it's R.A. by a blood test that says if you have inflammation in your blood then you have it.
Why suffer, ask a doctor and make your own decision about what you want to take, nothing is c arved in stone.
Seriously why keep suffering when you can find out for definite what you have.
Hoping you feel better soon....
may69987 heather29740
yes heather it is true that is what my doctor said he did a test called ESR to mesure the inflimation and my number was 2 and that was the lowest it should be between 2-20 so no inflimation which is good ot is all to do with stupid hormone ,good luck to all of u
heather29740 may69987
Now something random do you know of a cure for the cold, everyone's ill today , and we are all taking different things, alas, none of them
grace50455 heather29740
thank you Heather, I know your right my Mom keeps telling me the same thing.
I am going to make that appointment .
I will kep you updated.