Arthritis and fibromyalgia pain

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Hi I have arthritis both knees spine and neck, which is causing a lot of pain and causing mobility problems at the moment. I am waiting for referral to hospital.  Because I also get lots of different pains around the body my gp has give me a fibromyalgia leaflet to read through.  My question is this anyone out there with both osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia who can tell me the difference in the pain for each condition.  Thanks.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    I have osteoarthritis of the neck,hips and knees,and fibro, I find the pain from the arthritis is more of a throbbing painwhereas my fibro is more of a deep ache, like the muscles are being stretched, I have in the neck, between the shoulder blades hips and knees, and quite a number of other symptoms, fibro fog, fatigue. Makes life very difficult.

    Hope you get your referral to hospital soon, got my diagnosis on 20thof May, at which

    unfortunately when I had a chest X-Ray has led to to other problems.

    Inhave had the fibro many years mildly, it's only recently I have had it quite badly together with anxiety and ibs.

    Best Wishes 


    • Posted

      Hi Pat, Thank you for replying.  My referral is for the knee arthritis.  Last year I was to have arthroscopy on my right knee.  During the time I waited for surgery the pain suddenly improved so much that the surgeon decided it would be better not to operate as it would probably flare up again, also he was not sure if it would be successful.  I was 

      hardly able to go out during this time because of the pain which started back of knee and thigh and down leg into foot.  Leg and foot was excruciating.  Now my right leg is playing up the same not helped by the fact that I twisted it last week getting into the car.  I have had osteoarthritis in both knees for over 20 years but managed ok.  The neck was diagnosed a few years ago and the spine earlier this year.

      With regard to the pain where I can find online details about hip arthritis causing thigh groin and knee pain, I can't find anything about referred pain for knees. This morning when I woke up both my elbows felt sore and bruised, lower back in hurting and odd pains which seem to move about.  My feet and thighs also hurt.  I am finding it hard to stand straight.  I also suffer with anxiety started around 2010 and Ibs which started around the same time.  I get tired but not the fatigue and fibro fog others write about which must be horrible.  What painkillers do you take for either OA or Fibro.  I just take paracetamol and ibuprofen gel.

      I have some naproxen from gp to take only if pain is severe but I am

      frightened to take them as ibuprofen and codeine type gave me stomach cramps and constipation.  Antibiotics do the same, the joys of IBS.  Does fibromyalgia pain stop you from walking and going out. As I

      said it is this awful pain in the thigh going down leg and foot which stops me from going out.  Forgot to mention I do sometime get pain between shoulder blades especially a severe pain just in one little spot which comes on after say cooking where you are bending down into oven etc. or trying to play with grandchildren.  Only heat and rest takes it off.  Sorry to have gone on so much. I worry that I will always be like this.  Thanks for your reply it is much appreciated.

  • Posted

    Hello libralady

    I am not a medical person but to thde best of my knowledge osteoarthritis involves wear and tear on the bones and joints but does not affect the muscles in the way that fibromyalgia does. Fibromyalgia is an inflammatory condition and seems to affect the muscles and connective tissue


    • Posted

      Hi, Yes you are right but I know it is possible to suffer from both and am trying to find out if I suffer from just arthritis or fibromyalgia as well.
  • Posted

    I am only taking 8/500 co-codamol occassionally, but it does help the fibro, Dr will not give me ibuprofen or similar because of blood pressure.

    I have tried several antidepressants but too many side effects and no benefits, so just trying to do without, but don't know if I will be able to manage without anything, and has you say co-codamol makes you constipated, why can't they make a pill that just treats the condition.

    i am really frustrated because this fog and balance problem makes it impossible to drive, and walk. A X-Ray I had shows I have moderate osteoarthritis in the right hip

    and mild in the left, very painful. Also had a CT scan of chest now need to see a Chest specialist it never rains but it pours

    It sounds you might have fibro, I was like that for a number of years, until my anxiety took off big time, and so did the fibro and ibs, that was about 12months ago, could eat anything  no problem.

    best wishes



    • Posted

      Thanks Pat, Will let you know how I get on.  Hope things go well for you.

      Am having CBT for anxiety it has been much better of late but think it will play up again because of this pain which I find so hard to deal with.

      Take care All the best 



  • Posted

    Hi Libralady 13, i have both firo and arthritis along with shoulder compression problems in both and a lower back problem and i have also got to have new left ankle. But yes i have both and the pain is unbareable my gp is still trying to get me on the right medicaion as this is very important but until such time the pain can be very bad and you gt it all over if it is as aggressive as mine  ut keep your chin up and i wish you all the best and hope this helps , yours Mo&Shass
    • Posted

      Thanks for reply.  Hope you get your medication sorted out soon.

      Take care


  • Posted

    Hi Carol,

    i think the jury is out on whether fibro is an inflammatory disease, but time will tell?

    glad to hear that you are getting CBT, the only trouble it takes ages on the NHS to get anywhere I had a Community Psychiatric Nurse visit me at home for a number of weeks, which was useless, then she referred me to a Psychiatrist who again visited me at home, but only saw him every 6 - 8 weeks,

    after trying several antidepressants without success, he put me on Duloxetine which just flared up my fibro took several weeks to wean off, so a bit wary of antidepressants at the moment.

    I went to a group which started off with seven people and one week I  was the only person who turned up. Hope you have better luck with yours, and do let me know how you get on, and I will do likewis.

    Bye for now,



    • Posted

      Hi Pat,  Just to let you know I attended a CBT workshop in 2012.  A few sessions but had to miss last one has I broke my wrist.  It did help

      a bit. My gp suggested one to one sessions.  I thought I would have to wait months but it was only a few weeks and I am lucky to see someone at my doctors surgery.  I have had one visit and have one booked for next week and 2 weeks after that.  Will let you know how it goes.



  • Posted

    I have the same as you. Both fibromyalgia & ostioarthritis.

    I feel pain when it rains. Snows. Damp outside.

    And much more weather related to

    Cause me severe chronic back , knee , hip

    " PAINS "

    Lower back pain IS My WORSE pain &

    Many times NOTHING Will take it away.

    • Posted

      Sorry to hear you are suffering so much.  Can I correct you I have never been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, just arthritis, which is in the knees,neck, spine and probably hips.  I just posted that time because I thought maybe at the time I might also have the two conditions.  I hope you can find some relief for both your arthritis and your fibromyalgia.  Sorry I can't be more helpful.

    • Posted

      Thank you. I just am happy you do Not have Fibrin it's worse then arthritis in my mind. I have both.

      But other ppl may feel differently.

      I hope your not suffering with your arthritis to badly.

      Enjoy your weekend. 😊👍🏼🇨🇦

    • Posted

      I feel for you it cannot be nice to have both conditions.  My arthritis pain is not as bad as it once was but it is because the pain is all over the body that I first wondered about fibro.  My old gp (we moved house 200 miles away a year ago) gave me a leaflet on the subject and I did fit some of the criteria but not all.  I have not taken it any further.  The osteo consultant I saw around 4 years a go said my spine/neck, knees, were bad and it was mild in my hips.  It is the fact the my pain is so wide spread that upsets me.  I have a lot of other health problems as well so that does not help.  The last few years have been full of medical problems for both my husband and myself with the last 6 months being the worst.  We have both been back and forth to 3 different hospitals for various tests and procedures.  All so far have been fine but it has caused my on going anxiety to go through the roof.  My husband is having tests for prostate cancer so that is on my mind all the time.  I am fed up with it all there seems no end.

      I am so sorry that you have not found anything to help you.  I hope you have a supportive partner/family who you can go to when things get you down.   Take care and have a good weekend.

    • Posted

      I Thank You very much for your kind thoughts. I feel for both you & your Husband. I pray your Husbands test results will come back Negative. Your pains might also be worse do to the Stress your no doubt going through. As with myself

      Government in USA & here in Canada ARE making it worse for All us chronic pain patients

      As they are being Threatened by the Government IF they petsribe higher then allowed now opioids they can lose their Licence or they could take away them being Allowed to persribe ANY Meds for pain.

      WHY we ask !

      Because of the drug addicts over dosing

      They ABUSE Opioids and that's A conscious choice they make or made.

      We make NO Chpice to have ANY Type of pain. Yet we're the ones who ARE losing pain relieve.

      Young and Old both are thinking about suicide OR have commuted suicide. Ppl can NOT HANDLE THEIR PAIN.

      As with myself. I wake up crying many mornings due to NOT being able to move when I wake up. I sometimes sleep in my clothes as I know I won't be able to get dressed when I wake up.

      For me it's hard. I do live alone. NO kids !!!

      I have an X who Is my best friend. Who comes here everyday. But he as your husband as issue with Cancer. Bowel cancer and possibly lung cancer. He is also on blood thinners he is only 53. I am ( just turned 56 ) thank God I still have both my parents only 10 minute drive from me 😊

      I Pray We ALL Can unite both in Canada & the USA to STOP this madness making ppl SUFFER when there's NO Need for it. I have a few videos you would love to hear I can email to you or I can find and get the last name.

      It's a I think journalist in the

      Globe & Mail in Canada. His first name I know is Roy. He has spoken with doctors. Patients both young and old. Ppl who want to or are going to

      Kill themselves due to the horrible pain they ARE Suffering like me.

      I have more but getting late.

      Prime minister Trudeau now plans to bring out LEGAL HEROIN for the drug addicts who got this rolling Imagine that eh !!??

      Heroin for them

      And NOTHING or very little for us.

      Or tell them

      Your a drug addict and get on the heroin when and IF it really does come out next year as we're reading about and hearing.

      Our Prime Minister IS AN EVIL TERRORIST himself. He is now working behind the scenes with George SOROS and ( OBAMA )

      YES OBAMA.

      Just as I always said

      We have NOT seen the last of OBAMA.

      Talk again


      Hope your day or evening went or is ok

      As is or was your sleep and your Husbands as well.

      Kathy 😊🇨🇦🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🇨🇦😊

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