at the end of my tether
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so things are not getting any better,I have not had access to my gp for two weeks through no fault of my own, I asked my gp for a referral and he slammed the phone down on me and was abusive,i reported him to the gmc and they tpok no action,when they assured me they could take action,now i am labelled with conditiions i dont have and those i do have and was diagnosed with have suddenly been disregarded by gp.
i have always told gp s from the start of my problems in 2012 and thats when they stopped accepting what i told them It began with me being told to lose weight and do more exercise without the DR asking me about my lifestyle.i told him it was not related to my diet as i hadnt eaten cakes biscuits snacks or puddings since 2007 and had diminishing appetite-barely eating or wanting to eat and that i walked my dogs twice a day and at that time did housework and tend to gardenwalk into town.I Got no support from my gp who then went on to dismiss anything i got,which began with when i presented with bruising around my eyes-his "diagnosis"was "to wear make up"after that everything i told him was not accepted or taken seriously,in 2015 they removed my name from their patient list but i hadnt done anything to warrant it -only doing as m y gp wanted-see another gp re my abdomen because he refused to do any scans asi had one two years previous,the other gp dids scans and revealed several conditions.these have got progressively worse since 2015 and i have told gp's that i have lost weight on hips and legs and then gained 3 kgs on abdomen suddenly and for no apparent reason.they didnt believe me,it happened again-gained 2-3 kgs on abdomen-suddenly.again dismissed,i can barely eat for pain and pressure against my stomach/sternum and my whole abdomen is still sore and lumpy with still gp not giving me any answer,
since june i have had recurring dizziness and headaches-pressure on head-but these havent been fully head is swollen -or skull enlarged and ev ery diagnosis i have had is now "non existent",!!
whereas before and i saw a gp other thsn my own they treated me no problem now all i get is "it is in your head" and a psychiatrist wrongly and withiout any signs-labelled me as having Hypochondriacal disorder and body dysmorphia,this is not so as all my symptoms have been accepted and joint deformity confirmed by my consultants.
i cannot function for the pressure in my head or huge abdomen,
i have never given any gp any reason for their comments which include
wear make up
its not what i want to hear
you dont have anything wrong
i have 3000 patients and no time for you
you only think youy have....
i cant feel /see anything
there is no change to your face
i dont know what it is
your joints are normal-look normal to me
no gp has admitted liability and i am being wrongly accused of all sorts when it is the gp's lack of support and non acceptance of what i tell them.
and am without a gp because they blame me for their neglect.
My only option to get taken seriously is to go to A&E,i dont have any support from family or friends and not from my gp of 10 years.
i now have a possible urine infection or something,now very sore on passing urine,things gps have not accepted are
weight gain -unexplanied
persistent pelvic pain swelling heaviness
increasing abdomen and skull deformity
normal stools-abnormal
urine flow-no questions
neck tightness
at the end of my tether,spending all my days -soibbing my eyes out,
0 likes, 17 replies
Polly1951 rose220958
From your comments you sound as though you feel completely let down by your GP and feel no one listens to you about your symptoms.
There seems to be a lot going on with various parts of your body and from your comments you sound completely stressed out.
May I suggest you speak to the NHS helpline with your concerns.
The fact you had to complain about your GP should not be held against you and all you require is reassurance.
Good luck..and you need to keep a written record of what has happened so far. You may need it to prove that you feel you have been neglected.
lilian05079 rose220958
You should go to Citizens Advice Bureau and ask for advice...or make an appointment with a 'Medical Negligence' solicitor...... best wishes...
rose220958 lilian05079
i did go to the CAB but all they did was say contact PALS.PALS said its not their concern and i tried a solicitor to no avail.
rocky31676 rose220958
Can you see a specialist in GI/allergy or immunologist ?
catladyof3 rose220958
may be start going to your nearest walk in centre while you look for another gp, if your gp thought you had Hypochondriacal disorder and body dysmorphia then they should be supporting you and putting you in touch with the right people to help you not striking you of their list, about 3 years ago i went through a very stressfull time turned up at my drs sobbing my heart out, got put on antidepressants next visit 2 weeks later different dr changed the tablets to sleeping pills, 2 weeks later yet another dr words were "sorry we have been unable to help you i will refer you for psycyatric assesment", still waiting to this day, ended up weeks later seeing a locum dr over a different reason who saw what had happened via my notes and took the time to discuss what was going on, she put me back on the first antidepressants and requested i go back after a month then repeat prescribed as she explained it can take 8 weeks for them to start working, i only ever requested to see her after that. but then she left, over time i managed to get my self of the tablets, i still have bad days but deal with them. im currently seeing another dr who i make sure i make my appointments with as then there is continuous care, in the last year she has took me of my very long term medicationordered a series of test that are still ongoing, despite my best attempts i cant get an answer on the phone let alone an appointment but it appears i have been referred back to the hospital wether as a result of what my test results have thrown up and a care plan or for further test or closure. get yourself a new gp asap no one needs to be treated like you have been, drs are there to help even if it might be in ways we dont want, they should direct you to the relevant services. hope you get the help you need
Aurorachaser rose220958
Oh dear, you do seem to be having a lot of problems with your gp. Why did he suddenly stop believing what you say. Sounds a bit strange.You should move to another surgery and find a more understanding gp . Not sure it's a good idea to go to a&e when it's not an emergency though. Good luck
catladyof3 Aurorachaser
Aurorachaser catladyof3
No catladyof 3, it was not relating to your reply.The poster said her only option to getting taken seriously was to go to A&E
catladyof3 Aurorachaser
Aurorachaser rose220958
Hi Rose, When you say you've had no access to your current gp for 2 weeks do you mean your off his list, or just that you can't get an appointment? Think they have to give you written notice with reasons before they can take you off. Could it be there are no appointments available for now? In my practice it's normal to wait weeks for an appointment,although if you go at 8am you can get an emergency appointment same day. Are there perhaps other doctors in your practice or practice nurses who you could see? Best wishes.
rose220958 Aurorachaser
hi Aurorachaser
its because they ve taken me off their lists not my fault .they use the excuse breakdown in gp/patient relationship but it was after the gp was abusive to me during a phone consultation,they did write to me and claimed "i was disatisfied with the care they ve provided" but thats it they havent because for the last 4 months they havent addressed anything i presented with -headpain pressure swelling dizziness.
they have had it in for me and i feel their attitude towards me was to make me "slip up" and give them an excuse to make me leave,
they issued an agreement which said they will address my symptoms and make sure i tell the gp everything-which is what one does anywaty and what gp's should do anyway-dont need some petty agreement which they havent adhered to,and wont admit to their errors/liability
i am waiting a response from nhsengland in liaising with them to overrule their decision as i am not at fault the gp should be tsken action against and me see another GP.the gp's i have seen in the past have accepted m y symptoms are fibromyalgia and now suddenly they are all psychological and hypochondriacal-psychiatrist opinion i am disputing
as he didnt know anything about me and has never seen me before so cant comment on whether i have changes to my facial bones/joints and other deformities.
If i go to one hospital A&E they will fob me off because of previous attendances they "say they cant find anything wrong"but that is cos they ve probably gone on what gp's have i dont get taken seriously,the other hospital is not easily accessible by public transport
so cant get there.
Aurorachaser rose220958
Sorry I'm a bit confused with your post. Are you saying it's the agreement you don't want to abide by and that's why you can't get an appointment. I'm assuming you would have needed a gp referral to see the psychiatrist.
rose220958 Aurorachaser
no its not me saying i dont want to abide by-its the gp not complying,
the "agreement"/farce stated:-
Gp's "expectations"
not definite)to make sure i tell the gp everything during consultation and the gp will address my concerns/symptoms.
when i told him i had gained 3" on abdo suddenly -he didnt acknowledge it and recorded in my notes "c/o fat stomach".
and since complsimed of head symptoms back in june-noone has taken them seriously-because "they cant see anything".how is that addrssing my symptoms
Aurorachaser rose220958
lilian05079 rose220958
Hi rose220958
Im sorry to hear you had no success with CAB or a Medical Negligence Solicitor. Does your surgery have an 'out of hours' number you could call so you can be referred to an emergency out of hours service. Failng this go to A and E.
It really is odd that your docs will not listen to you.
Failing the above i suggest you go to an alternative surgery and change your old wishes....
rose220958 lilian05079
hi lillian05079 and Aurorachaser
there s no other surgery i can go to.its either call NHS111 or A&E.i was in agony today cos i over ate at lunch time-normally have soup but added croutons and a packet of crisps.chronic pain and rib digging in.
it worse cos i have long term conditions and my original gp of 10 years is the only ine who knew me and myconditions affected me Other gp's dont know me or dont make the effort to do so.
aas my records were still held at the surgery i requested my repoeat meds,instead of processing my request,they blocked my access to the online system,so n ow i am without my meds.
nhsengland s guidelines state that the gp is responsible for my care if treatment needed until a new gp is found but they are refusing to budge
it is the gp's fault not mine as he started not accepting what i told him and making comments the last gp i saw was abusive to you say they shpuld be supporting me instead of neglecting me.this is hpw its been the ladt 5 years
waitng to hear back from nhsengland via my advocate regarding staying and seeing my original gp.hopefully they will overrule them.