Awful, awful Day...😩
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I do think I'm completely losing it....
My spotting between periods is completely and utterly consuming me, it starts when I ovulate and last until my period.
My day was going really well until about 3 hours ago when I went to the loo and there was spotting, I could literally have burst in to tears.
I then spent the next two hours reading up on ovarian cancer and I'm now convinced I have it. Any rational I used to have has completely disappeared and I can't focus on anything any more but this spotting.
I'm shouting at the kids, I'm jumpy, I'm constantly exhausted.
I already take escitaloram ( healthy anxiety) and I've now stated taking dimazepan at night as I'm so wound up I can't sleep... i know longer know what to do.
I'm at the doctors tomorrow and I know he will suggest an ultrascan.... ( I had one about 8 months ago), which in one way is good.. but in another way it means that I will literally be a wreck up until I have it..
To make matters all the worse, I have an interview tomorrow for a jobs I really want, I'm so scared I have one of my detached episodes mid interview and completely ruin my chances, I almost feel like not going at all.
Any suggestions, are there any herbal remedies I could be taking... I honestly can't deal with this much longer...😔
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Guest alice1209
Alice, I get that spotting too. Had it many times where it would start mid cycle and continue until my period. Now my periods are normal again. It's so annoying, but it is common. Get the u/s and request a Ca125 test just to put your mind at ease, but it really is part of perimeno. Stop googling!! Seriously
jo4848 alice1209
Easier said than done but please try not to worry and don't let this ruin your interview tomorrow!
As you know I get the spotting too and I've convinced myself it's down to exercise as I started getting it after running and it's more than just spotting sometimes.
I am on holiday now and living in constant fear it would happen again. We are in a beautiful hotel, right on the beach and they have an amazing gym with state of the art treadmills oveooking the sea. Nobody ever uses it and I would normally be straight on it but I'm scared in case it sets me off again 😐
I look out of the window and want to cry when I see all the joggers going past. It is sooo frustrating but think we both need to stop worrying as spotting just seems to be a symptom of peri for our age. Please let me know what the doctor says. I haven't heard about my scan yet but we will get each other through this!
Good luck with your interview. Do your best and show them you really want this!
chrisann144 alice1209
Please don't google first off that you def make you crazy and throw you into panic! I too spot in between periods it's annoying there are
Times I think good it gone and boom next time I use the bathroom it's there again I feel like my uterus just doesn't empty like it used too sounds weird and my periods last for ten days four of them are heavy then the trails off to spotting... it doesn't happen all the time but it's quite annoying that's how I look at it!!!! I just wish mine would end already....I am a nurse and I just feel it's a part of peri some women it happens too some it don't I think the hormones have a surge at that time and if anything is left in the uterus it lets it out...just know there is a light at the end and eventually we all will be thru this
jo4848 chrisann144
How long ago did yours started to last 10 days?
alice1209 jo4848
My last period started on the 24th July and I started spotting on the 4th August... bang on when I ovulate (according to the period app I have). My next period is due in 6 days.
I do think it's worse when I exercise... but I think it would happen even if I wasn't exercising.
chrisann144 jo4848
My periods used to be six days at tops I would say in 2015 according to my period tracker they started to get longer tho not every month...I too wasn't even taught about perimenopause in nursing school my dr and I discussed this too he wasn't really taught about peri in medical school he learned so much on his own he goes by symptoms not the blood work he knows that the blood work isn't super reliable my symptoms started out subtle not full blown symptoms which I try and take one day at a time!
Thanks so much for your comments, they really do reassure me.
I feel so ignorant as I really wasn't even aware of perimenopause until this all started.
Even before the spotting had started I'd been feeling 'different'... just more adrift some days, if that makes sense.
I really appreciate you taking the time to respond... xxx
pinkcatfairy alice1209
gailannie alice1209
Alice, mid cycle spotting is not all that uncommon. Generally what's it's indicating is the normal drop of estrogen that happens mid cycle. Obviously you are into perimopause and your hormone base is changing. You will see lots of changes in your cycle throughout this 10 year time spam as things are winding down. Cycles can become longer or shorter, you may have some long periods (my lngest was 10 days), you may also see some clotting with particular cycles. The color and consistancy of your periods may also change.
Being anxious about all of this will not help. Try to do everything to support your body, good sleep, multivitamin, good food choices, plenty of water, reduce stress.
This mid cycle spotting may occur for awhile and then stop. If it helps to get checked out, then just do it. But know that many of these changes are normal, and are just leading you to menopause in your future.
kim60737 alice1209
Hi please look into Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. You did not mention your age but your symptoms resemble hormone loss. I am on this therapy and I cant be more happy. I started "losing my mind" about 2 years ago. I am 52 yrs old. It was gradual but then the hot flashes started and forget it! The anxiety, crying jags, sadness, itching, spotting blah blahblah. I did many many hours of research about hormone loss and perimenapause and menapause. Welllll let me tell you....there is help out there! I found a dr who treats woman with this and I am now 4 weeks into my therapy. Balancing your hormones takes time as you losing the hormones did not happen over night. Before starting this therapy I felt so distant from my own self. Its like looking at a stranger in the mirror and I wished for my old self back...just to feel normal. Well I feel normal again.....most of my symptoms have disappeared or greatly lessened. Please, if you could do some reasearch on this subject you will be amazed to know there is much help for you! I wish you luck on your interview! 👍🏻😀
jo4848 alice1209
I didn't know perimenopause existed until a few months ago and I am 45. Thinking back, I guess things have been changing for a while. I went through a stage of bad headaches before and during the first days of my period and also had several months when I'd get palpitations the day before I was due. My periods have always been pain free but quite heavy but thinking about it, yes, they have been even heavier in the past few years.
Once again, good luck with your interview Alice and keep us posted xx
Indifferent alice1209
juanita93228 alice1209
Stop googling! It made me think I had every disease under the sun! Try mediation before you go to the interview. Please don't let peri interfere with something you really want!
Well I went for the interview today, I found it totally exhausting, and didn't have my best interview, but I'm happy I went.
Just back from the doctors. I like and trust my doctor, he is relatively young ( early 30's) and also lecturers at Sydney University, so I suppose I'm hoping he is totally up to date with everything!
Anyway, he wasn't hugely concerned, but does want to investigate why it's happening. He spoke about low oestrogen levels and why spotting can occur when it's low, he also said exercise can reduce it as can stress... which I didn't know.
So I've to have blood taken tomorrow and it will be tested for the iron level, thryoid function, progesterone, testosterone, vit D deficiency, cholesterol level and a range of other things... I'm also booked in for an ultra scan next week.. so I don't know if I feel better or not..he did reassure me several times that he was not overly concerned at all and was doing all of this more to ease my mind than anything ... I also think my period is about to start ( 6 days early) as I'm very crampy and I have more than the 'normal' spotting blood... but who knows, it's all so mixed up, so my mood in general is low. I suppose I wanted the doctor to say 'it's absolutely normal' and send me on my way😞
Yet again, thanks for listening.
A xxx