Awful nausea......anyone the same?
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Hi Ladies
do any of you suffer from awful bouts of nausea?? coupled with it i get a migraine type headache in the crown if my head. ive been grand for a while but today, bang same ole thing again with constant wind in my tummy...
any of you the same and how long does yours last for?
thx in advance
Carol K
1 like, 16 replies
Indifferent CarolKelso
I too have been really well for a while...and very recently started suffering from headaches and the last few weeks. But I am thinking perhaps it comes from stress. Today one of my major stresses have been discussed and eleviated and my head is perfectly clear along with my stomach.
is there a stressor in your life right now maybe?
I find in peri many things can be triggers for symptoms. And stress of any kind is the biggest trigger.
CarolKelso Indifferent
Hi Indifferent
Thanks for this ... Yes I have a couple of things going on that isnt helping. So not helping. Ive had this before so I know it will go but when you have had a break, its back to square one when you feel like this. Not in the humour for eating but makes my tummy feel better.
Need to de stress now and just ride it. Thanks so much for your reply.
Indifferent CarolKelso
I too have been really well for a while...and very recently started suffering from headaches and the last few weeks. But I am thinking perhaps it comes from stress. Today one of my major stresses have been discussed and eleviated and my head is perfectly clear along with my stomach.
is there a stressor in your life right now maybe?
I find in peri many things can be triggers for symptoms. And stress of any kind is the biggest trigger.
karen60759 CarolKelso
Hi Carol, sorry to hear your symptoms have come back...nausea has been a huge problem for me over this past year of peri hell, its always accompanied for me with internal tremor, anxiety and low mood. i used to get it for 10 days per month, but the past couple of months its been pretty constant - past few days its been awful, all i can eat are salty crisps and not even much - so i guess a plus is that i'm losing weight, but i would love to have it just go, at least for a while, just hope this is the worst phase! hugs to you xxx
CarolKelso karen60759
Hi Karen
Thanks for getting back to me. It is sometimes worse than other times and when you have a window when it is good and them, back with a vengeance. Who would ever think that hormones could cause you to make us feel so bad. But I know it will pass and I do feel mentally stronger. But just want to feel well fully. My hubby who is in the medical profession says it is also due to getting older and our digestive system does not function as well as it does. Im only 48 and I think about 6-8 years in the change.... During the night I am very hot, with headache and dodgy tummy.... it is hellish and I think once I am past this, I can take on the world.
Thx lovey and I too hope you get past this soon.
A big hug to you also cc
karen60759 CarolKelso
oh yes it must be awful to think symptoms were over and then its back again - what stage are you in now Carol - peri / post ? i have heard that there is a time between the 2 when things settle down before the final drop in oestrogen..hopefully it will pass shortly. This evening i was thinking how this is like drug withdrawls - all the shaking, nausea and irritability - except the drug is hormones! just wish our bodies could adapt more easily x
Guest CarolKelso
Yes the nausea is terrible. it feels as though you can vomit your guts out, but nothing comes up. AWFUL, AWFUL. feeling.
pinkcatfairy CarolKelso
Dear Carol
Yes nausea was one of the worse symptom, lack of appetite too and weight loss caused by gastitis and later in menopause migraine auras!
CarolKelso pinkcatfairy
hi pink.....
a nitemare....the headaches are awful too awful windy tummy that gives me Neasuea. its awful at times. it does go but it can come back with a vengence and when you forget about it forget about how bad it was when you had it....its up and down with me so know its hormonal. i tale a probiotic tablet and this helps. thx for your reply...CK
melissa1313 CarolKelso
Does anyone know how long the nausea might last? I've been nauseated on and off for 2 months now. I'm assuming it is perimenopause. I just want to know how long this might last. My OB/GYN and my primary care doc insist that nausea is not a part of perimenopause. And it's making me crazy. it's exhausting to feel sick all the time.
Guest melissa1313
hi melissa! I cannot believe the lies some drs spew! If you said you were pregnant, they would never question nausea! Apparently, they forget that is hormonal too! I was not sick a day with my kids. Peri...totally different story...nearly everyday and I get motion sickness too.
pinkcatfairy melissa1313
Dear Melissa
Im three gest post menopause and i can tell you nausea is a symptom in peri because i had it. Our digestive systems get messed up in this stage with all the hormones and reflux etc which goes on, i even lost weight too in this stage x
That was meant to say three years post x
karen60759 pinkcatfairy
hi pink cat - how long did the nausea last for you ?
pinkcatfairy karen60759
Hello karen
I couldn't give a time scale as it use to come and go, it was unpredictable really, like with all the symptoms, you think you are over them and then they return x