Awful pain and fatigue, still no diagnosis
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I've never posted anything like this before, but I want some advice moving forward..
I'm only 21 years old, and I've been told I'm very young to be developing symptoms like these.
For 3 or more years I've been dealing with chronic gastritis. It's extremely painful and debilitating, but the doctors can't seem to do anything. It has gotten to the point of hospitalization, but still no answers. I've had various tests for h pylori bacteria all come up negative.
The last year or so I've developed major fatigue, to the point where I can't function normally anymore. Even going for a walk wipes me out for the whole day. Taking blood tests revealed nothing, everything was "normal". CT brain scans also came up clear. I'm so worried something more serious is going on and is being ignored by my doctors because I'm "too young" What else should I do?
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sam18386 chelsea16484
That's ridiculous, you shouldn't have to live in so much pain! Ask to talk to another doctor, insist they do more tests. Good luck rotten idiots.
jt02626 chelsea16484
pippa58442 chelsea16484
Make sure you are eating a very bland diet and avoid spicy, fatty and rich foods. Intense pain can leave you very fatigued because your body is putting all its energy into dealing with your pain. Have you been tested for ulcers? Try a food diary to see what your particular food triggers are. Chocolate, coffee and alcohol are common ones but everyone is different. Eat little but often, avoid eating late at night, get plenty of rest and don't rush your food.
The important thing is not to worry because this will aggravate your gastritis. It is a very common treatable and curable condition. You are not too young to get stomach disorders. I got severe acid reflux due to exam stress in my late teens. However, on the positive side, it is very rare indeed for someone of your age to have anything very serious wrong with you.
Apart from what I have mentioned, the only thing you can do is to keep going back to your doctor and if necessary change your doctor. Ask for a gastritis diet sheet and PPI medication to reduce .acid and further inflammation.
I have IBS and there is little doctors can do for me either. All I can do is to take antispasmodics and avoid stress which is difficult. I never know which part of my digestive tract will flare up next.
Aubreymae chelsea16484
I want you to start today to solve this mystery that's causing you so much pain.
I'm an older man and have always been healthy. A year ago I began having pain in my abdomen and I've seen a dozen or more doctors. No solution?
Chelsea, it's important you understand that YOU must get involved in curing yourself.
Only you can best keep a record of your experience in order to solve the mystery. Doctors basically listen to you and order tests. They read the test results and in some, not many, cases, the test can reveal what's wrong with you. But, in many cases, this process only works in reverse. That means that, like an automobile mechanic, the solution comes about through the process of elimination.
Tests are best used to let us know what ISN'T the problem.
I want you to help yourself. You're young, you probably are tech savvy and can research, that's why you found this forum.
Good for you.
I want you to find an old doctor.
Someone who has seen a lot and doesn't rely so much on expensive tests but rather will try to treat you with common sense remedies.
You haven't described your illness. Whatever it is, do your best to recognize what's going on. Track your symptoms. It's a nuisance but do it.
There aren't an endless number of alternatives. Start eliminating the options, one by one. Don't assume anything. Like me, it could be something that you'd never think of in a million years.
Good luck. You'll cure this yourself.
chelsea16484 Aubreymae
Thank you for your wonderful advice! I'll start keeping a track of all my symptoms, so hopefully a pattern will turn up
josephine90941 chelsea16484
You're welcome, keep us posted..
lilian05079 chelsea16484
Hi chelsea16484
Have you had your B12 checked? deficiency causes extreme fatigue and say you had bloods done but was B12 usually have to request it as docs always overlook a B12 check...if it hasn't been checked ....get it checked....
josephine90941 lilian05079
lilian05079 josephine90941
B12 deficiency can cause digestive problems if it is deficient enough to cause pernicious anemia.. when it causes stomach bloating, gas ,constipation, nausea, vomiting and heartburn plus diarrhoea.and loss of appetite and weight early stages B12 deficiency presents with lethargy and fatigue.....
josephine90941 lilian05079
Hmm..I did not know this. Most Definately will look into this. I think My Doctor said B levels were fine, but my pottassium a little low. Will check again with the B-12. Don't know, if I am low if I am to have the injection or Super B vitamin complex..
lilian05079 josephine90941
Hi josephine90941
You can now get B12 patches.....from a certain online outlet...they are not in pharmacies at present..i don't think they are cannot overdose on B12...... when my injection is wearing off i feel lethargic and fatigued ...i then use the patches until i get my injection......if your tested and your B12 is low i would think your doc will offer you 3 monthly injections depending on how old you are i say this because from the age of 55 onwards the intrinsic factor protein that absorbs the B12 through your gut and ileum declines and B12 doesn't get through.....also if you are on certain meds such as metformin it will not absorb.....B12 levels for older people should be between 300-500....very low levels of B12 become very dangerous and have been known to cause dementia because it affects the neurons in the brain as well as other bodily functions......
josephine90941 lilian05079
This is wonderful advice. Thank you so much for your kindness. I will definitely check into it. Do I make a Doctor's appointment, or just go to a pharmacy to get the patch?
lilian05079 josephine90941
Hi josephine90941
I don't think you can get B12 patches from a pharmacy or docs.....i buy mine from a very well known outlet online i can't name it in here because this message will be moderated...i think you would be able to guess what the outlets are there are two popular ones.....the description on the patches will give you all the info you need......
josephine90941 lilian05079
chelsea16484 lilian05079
Thank you for replying! Yes I did have b12 tested, it said the normal range was between 300 and 900, mine was 325, which I thought might be low but the doctor said it was fine, I've started taking supplements just in case though