B Complex.....issues
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Hello everyone....have any of you felt bad after taking a B Complex vitamin? When I started taking them I thought that I felt better but now it seems like everytime I take them I have a rough day. I noticed this morning that after I took them I started feeling really shaking. I read that Some people have had panic attacks and anxiety after taking them. When I got my bloodwork done my B12 was fine.....maybe I dont need the complex just B6.....I dont know. All so confusing.
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didi0613 becky53379
I don't know. I only tske B12. I would say if its making you feel shsky snd you arent low in it, then dontvtake it for awhile and see if your symptoms subside. I only took b12 becsuse I was very tired, and had bad mood swings. It seemed to help me with some of that.
becky53379 didi0613
Fairy28 becky53379
Hi becky, I stopped taking slow release B12 as like you they made me feel shaky and also they turned my wee a bright fluorescent yellow and I got scared, I spoke to my Gp and he said I didn't need them as kidneys were flushing them out . Everybody's different and they could be great for some people but not me . If your B12,s ok maybe you don't need them x
becky53379 Fairy28
Fairy28 becky53379
I know hun it's all so confusing, im in full meno and it's all trial and error as to what supplements will help us. I got so much help and advice on here from other ladies going through the same thing it helps so much. I think it's just trying different things and seeing which ones work for you , I have found that glucosamine 1000 really helps with joint pain if that helps x
becky53379 Fairy28
delise910 becky53379
becky53379 delise910
michelle50768 becky53379
Hi beck
I had the same issues with b vits. Made my anxiety worse. In fact any vits upset my stomach and make me nausea.
Just can't win these days x
becky53379 michelle50768
bobbysgirl michelle50768
deidra40034 becky53379
Hi Becky,
My parents were vitamin people back in the early 70's, so I continue to take them to this day...I am 61 now. I have always taken B-12, and B-6, and one day I decided to try the B Complex, and like you I started not feeling well. I asked my doctor about it, and he told me you really have to be careful with the B complex, and he suggested I stop taking it. He is aware of all the vitamines I take, and he was always ok with the B-12 and B-6. So, I got rid of the Complex, and went back to my old stand bys, and I am feeling normal again. I take B-12 1,000, and B-6 100 I take the B-6 as it supports our liver, I have issues with my liver from medications, and Sjogren's Syndrom, and my Cardiologist swears by it for his patients. B-12 is just good for our overall health, our immune system, as well as a whole list of other things. You can google it. Doctors give themselves B-12 shots when they need a boost...especially those in the ER, that should give you an idea of how good it is! LOL Vitamins can be confusing. I eat a very healthy diet, lots of veggies, and fresh fruit, healthy cuts of meat, lots of chicken and fish, legumes and such...but even then, I just don't have a big hunger. I rarely ever get a cold, and I can't remember when I had the flu, and my immune system is so very compromised, it is surprising!! Even my doctors chalk it up to how well I take care of myself, and my vitamines!
becky53379 deidra40034
deidra40034 becky53379
Oh I had a complete hyst at 33...I am now 61, and I have been on HRT since the day of surgery. My GP wanted me to stop taking them in January, said I didn't need to be on them now...what a living hell that was. I tried it for 3 months, NO WAY was I going to go through that. I went back on, and am finally back to normal, and I feel GREAT that way!! I know women in their 80's that will not go off, and now I know why! LOL With all the new information today, and new meds, there is no reason to suffer anymore! I suffered enough when I was younger, not willing to do it again! LOL And my hubbyof 38 years is a happy camper! I have other health issues, but at least I am not crabby! LOL
bobbysgirl becky53379
Most B complex mixes are like those shampoo/conditioners - they can't do both! Most multivitamins are the same and the ones with minerals are worse - quite dangerous in fact. We don't all need ALL those vits and mins.
I take magnesium with B6 and a separate B3.
becky53379 bobbysgirl