Back ache after tkr...and achy calves and thighs.

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Im sooo happy that ive had both of my knees replaced 1 yr. Apart ...they were both bone on bone but now after my 6 wk check up ...dealing with just constant achy leg above and under knee a constant toothache.its is keeping me up in evening and my back bothers me more than my after tkr. now...really just want a break from pain...can anyone relate to me or am I just a strange duck.56 yrs old expect some aches but this is nuts.

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    You are brave to have the other knee done!  I'm 54 and almost 4 weeks out from a TKR-doing great as far as ROM (130/0) but the pain is wearing me out.  It's not that HORRIFIC pain that I had the first week, but,as you said, a constant pain.

    I'm on Percocet 5/325, 1 every 6 hours.  Sometimes 2 in the evening and still waking up around 4 a.m. in bad pain.

    What pain meds are you using?

    • Posted

      Well actually since my 6wk.checkup follow up ive been reduced to tramadol every 8 yrs as needed and an antiinflamitory 2 × a day and ice .thats it. Ive had a few harder days getting off of hydrocodone but the drs. dont like you depending on it after a few months. sure everyone on this forum have had there fill of pain as well.

  • Posted

    I have arthritis in my back, shoulders, fingers, ankles and hips. BEFORE my two TKR surgeries in 2015, my knees hurt SO BAD that any pain in any other body part or parts was MINIMAL in comparison. Once my knees no longer hurt, everything ELSE started hurting! I actually think that for me it was just NOTICING those pains because my knees weren't driving me crazy with pain anymore!

    Maybe this is true for you, too!

    I find Ibuprofen and IcyHot roll-on both are extremely helpful when my lower back starts up.

    Heat helps my fingers, hips, shoulders, and ankles. I wrap up in my afghan OR I get out my heating pads.

    Opioids make me LOOPY. Tramadol makes me very, very nauseated. Meloxicam gave me a stomach ulcer after three years of use prior to my surgeries. It can be a slippery slope controlling pain with medications, and everyone reacts differently to them.

    Wishing you much success as you continue to recover!💟

    • Posted

      Yes I agree with you always something else to overcome pain wise.actually am doing some of what youve said ...using a heating pad as we speak .blessings over you hope you too get some better days ahead and thank you for info.
    • Posted

      Thanks so much!😊

      I'm doing well and am very grateful that I AT LEAST don't have KNEE PAIN anymore!🙌😊😁🙌

    • Posted

      Yes agree...funny how we as people so easily take good health for granted.I feel very blessed that I was finally able to get the surgerys to hopefully give me some kind of normalness again.Think of many people that dont have that opportunity. Happy walking♡♡
    • Posted

      Thanks for the good wishes!

      It sure IS nice being able to get my life back again!

      Being able to dance at our son's wedding several weeks ago and enjoying playing with our very active CRAWLING granddaughter without having to sit down all the time...priceless!😊

      I feel younger, more able, more confident.

      Wishing you all the best!😊

    • Posted

      Oh, Cheryl, I'm not the only one! Some days I don't think too much about knees because my wrists, hands, ankles, neck, back are worse. I had a diverticulitis flare a couple weeks ago. It was the best I felt -otherwise- in quite awhile. You  are right - our body's seem to take turns at being pain front and center. I find Bio Freeze and arnica gel helpful too. Best to all.

    • Posted

      Oooooooooo! A couple friends of ours have Diverticulitis! It is an awful disease! So sorry you have THAT to deal with as well as the pain from arthritis!

      I hope you will be feeling better very soon!💟

  • Posted


    I had both my knees done the same day same surgeon I am 8 months post op and i wait tables 6 shifts a week.I went back to work 3months after surgery part time ,then full time after 4 months . I still have aches and stiffness, and swelling. But I think the most important thing is sleep . I stopped take my pain meds after 2 months but i took an over the counter sleep aid (no pain med added) it made a huge difference in my recovery. Hope th I helps . Keep the faith. smile

    • Posted

      I have the utmost respect for anyone doing both knees at the same time.eek

    • Posted

      I know that's right. It will take a toothache and earache pain together to get me to agree to the other knee.

    • Posted

      Thank you thing i havent tried yet..may concider that. Hope you do well and have a good future ahead ..pain free.♡
    • Posted

      Thanks Susan

      Most people said I was crazy but i knew I would never do it twice. All I can swear by is sleep and rest. I just add a hypnosis tape for deep sleep on my phone and it works wonders. Sleep, let me rephrase that healing sleep is the best thing for our recovery. Peace Out .

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