Back ache after tkr...and achy calves and thighs.

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Im sooo happy that ive had both of my knees replaced 1 yr. Apart ...they were both bone on bone but now after my 6 wk check up ...dealing with just constant achy leg above and under knee a constant toothache.its is keeping me up in evening and my back bothers me more than my after tkr. now...really just want a break from pain...can anyone relate to me or am I just a strange duck.56 yrs old expect some aches but this is nuts.

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    I really feel for you. I too have back and hip pain and rheumatoid arhtritis but the back and hip are since the tkr. I don't know why. I just generally feel rough all the time and it's been 6 months since the op. I need to do the other knee but don't feel physically or mentally ready yet.

    • Posted

      Oh gosh....if your not feeling ok would definately hold off on other knee..Its aweful having to figure out which pain hurts worse.I had both my knees bone on bone so just picked the one that seemed the worst.then after a year recovery had other one done.if I felt stronger after the first one may have done it sooner but recovery is pretty lenghty.uggg now dealing with more back pain than knee ...guessing been compensating so long my back is out of wack...looking forward to some no pain or atleast faint pain days.Hope you are able to get strong so you can get other knee done.Had therapy and had my back put in tracktion to help ,so i could strenghten muscles in leg before surgery.It helps with recovery time.sure hope we all can look back and say were on the ither side of recovery and feeling alot better.wish you well.
  • Posted

    Hi Michael I so hear you .. I had mine 11mths apart and am 3wks post op with the 2nd one... and the pain is unbearable with this one I thought the first one was painful but nothing like this one.  I'm suffering with unbearable pain virtually 24/7 and my lower back is killing me... my back is so sore that I'm having trouble just placing ice on my knee sad  I'm also 56 and yes it's nuts!!!

    I'm currently taking 55mg oxycontin twice daily and 5 endones daily 2 x 2 and 1 x1 .. taking 1 is actually pointless I'm also taking 2 panadol osteo with them.  When I take 2 they do help a bit and give me enough relief sometimes to get a nap... I've started sleeping with a wedge so my legs are slightly raised and I have found for the few nights that I've been doing that .. that has given me a bit of relief too but not really enough to sleep sad

    Can't wear shoes as my foot is too swollen so have to wear a pair of thongs (flipflops) that have stretchy straps so they stretch with my foot.

    I'm so glad that my first one wasn't this bad .. I still would've had the 2nd one as I needed it done (was run over by a truck that stuffed both of them) but I would've been absolutely scared stiff about having it done again.

    Take care... Tracey

    • Posted

      Oh wow tracy...feel horrible that youve had that happen to you.Ive been going to therapy in hopes they can give me some insight...feel like sometimes we have to do proccesss of elimanation. Nerves are in rage everywhere in our bodies due to this procedure.I took a trash can size of my leg and filled it with warm water and epsom salt and set my legs into it to soak...then I put my compression socks back on did seem to feel comforting for a while but now its morning time and im sure by night ..ill be back to trying somethi g else for relief.i hope that with all of us on here(Forum)we will find our one day pain free off luck to you.♡
    • Posted

      Hi Michaela .. I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel but at the moment it's black as!!!  I'm lucky that my first one wasn't this painful .. I'm always trying new ways too to see if I can try and help eleviate some pain!

      Take care and I wish you the best of luck smile


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