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Hi can anyone tell me how baclofen should be taken as my dad seen the liver specialist last Friday and she just said three times a day so my dad is getting up of a morning with the shakes and sweats having a few drinks then about two or three hours later taking the baclofen surely this is not right
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clint75139 Macliverpool
RHGB Macliverpool
The problem with Baclofen, is that the quantity need for it to be effective is usually never given by GPs. They don't have a great understanding of this medication and I don't think the guidelines they are given are correct either.
From memory, it is started off with a low dosage (I think there are side effects), then it has to be quite quickly built up to a high dosage so that it kicks in and the urge for alcohol disappears and at that time, it is then reduced to a maintenance dosage.
Unless he has been detoxed, he will still have to drink. Baclofen it taken correctly will supress the urge to want a drink, but it does not detox the system that is dependent on alcohol. It ia not used much in this country and there are only a couple of people that have been on the forum that have taken it.
I will have to look up what sorts of doses are recommended. But from memory, the way it is prescribed here, is not the way it works and the people that have used it, have ended up getting private prescriptions.
vickylou RHGB
Yeah I cheated there is a baclofen forum here with
Like the above poster has said, it's not used as an anti craving medication very much here.
i am pretty sure you have to be alcohol free before you start taking them.
RHGB is correct. Usual dose is start at 40mg which is increased quite quickly to 150mg
james88972 vickylou
Absolutely not correct and even dangerous to say that it should "increased quite quickly to 150mg". Absolutely NO.
Every patient will respond to its own specific dose, some report positive effects with even with low-doses (30-60mg/day) other need higher ones to reduce/suppress craving for alcohol.
Titration is done by carefully and slowly increasing the dosage - usually 10mg every 3 days - until the desidered effect is achieved and also according to side effects.
My advice is to try talk to the liver specialist and find with him an agreement to eventually increase the dosage followed by its medical supervision.
You can find a lot of information about baclofen in this website, made by an Australian Doctor:
Emis_Moderator james88972
You don't have to repeat post - I have already approved your first post with the link in it above.
The only minus is that the guide does include many other important studies about baclofen made after 2012.
An update has been announced but still not published.
Thanks for your replies the doctor he seen knows he is still drinking and he is taking it morning afternoon and night it does stop the cravings for my dad but like I said he's having drink then a few hours later taking the baclofen so I need to know should he be taking as soon as he wakes up instead of having the drink as I think he may be trying to fool me saying he needs the drink to stop the shakes
RHGB Macliverpool
There is inconclusive evidence that Baclofen stops AWS and it has been shown in many that a benzo is required at the start of the programme to help with this. For the first week, he should be on diazepam to help with AWS.
He should not then need to drink at all. It is not recommended that people drink whilst on Baclofen.
Google 'baclofen and drinking alcohol' and see the top answer for a brief reason why.
There is a chance that he is lifting your leg, there is also a very good chance that come the morning he is having withdrawal symptoms. Is he on 3 x 10mg per day?
The reason there is little evidence that Baclofen stops AWS (especially in long term heavy drinkers) is that it is 'off label' in most countries for alcohol prevention and is used for muscle spasm. Although it has been shown to be very effective at making people completely indifferent to alcohol, so kudos to the specialist for giving it a go.
My only concern is that for most people, they are not given the required quantities. Does the specialist intent to titrate up the daily amount?
If you Google 'prescribing guide for baclofen' third answer down gives a link to the prescribing guide. The only other thing I would mention, is that make sure he never runs out of Baclofen, the side effects are meant to be rather unpleasant.
As always, disclaimer, I am not medically qualified.
Macliverpool RHGB
Thank you yes it's 10mg three times a day and they have said nothing about upping it basically I am trying to get him off it myself as he's not getting any help so I've started taking his drink to him and reduced it by a quarter bottle a day since Monday like the liver specialist has told me to
RHGB Macliverpool
That's about the correct starting dose. However not many (in fact very few) people find that that makes them indifferent to alcohol.
Each individual needs to be tirtrated up until they reach their indifference level, where they have no inclination for alcohol. Of course that level is different for each person. They should be titrated up slowly to watch for side effects. Those that show no sign of side effects can be titrated up more quickly.
It is quite normal for peole to need 150mg per day and some have had to go as high as 300mg a day. In fact the French doctor that came up with the idea, had to go to 270mg per day. Once someome has hit their indifference level, they maintain that for something like 8 weeks and then keep reducing it until they get to a minimal level that maintains the indifference to alcohol.
There was a lady on here, that I ended up talking to by PM, that tried Selincro, but found it hard work. She went back to Baclofen, which had worked for her before. Previously she had had to go to 180mg per day, but the second time around only needed 160mg per day for indifference. The problem for her, was she could not get prescribed the correct quantities in the UK and had to buy it from abroad, which was expensive.
This is the issue in the UK, as it is 'off label' it is hard to get prescribed the needed quantities. You will need to talk to the specialist about increasing the quantities, unless by some miracle 30mg a day is enough for him. But given his drinking history, I don't think that will be the case.
It is a bit of an uphill battle getting medication and help. The only thing I can say, that if you are persistent, generally you do get help in the end.
Hi everyone I've spoken to the alcohol nurse and he said the baclofen won't stop the shakes and sweats so they are going to let him do a home detox with librium well after they assessed him tomorrow
RHGB Macliverpool
Give me strength. As I said this morning.
"For the first week, he should be on diazepam to help with AWS."
Librium for all intents and purposes is the same thing as diazepam. You shouldn't have to need to phone them up, this should have been given to you at the same time as Baclofen and explained to you.
You will probably be expected to administer the Librium (i.e. hand over the correct amount and make sure he takes it) as the 'responsible adult'.
Macliverpool RHGB
They said someone will need to stay with him for the first 24 hours and I think they said last time he will need to come to the hospital each day to pick the medication up also in the past they said he couldn't do a home detox as he was drinking to much so the librium would not work so as he's cut back by quarter bottle a day they are willing to try