Bad breath(fart).

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So I've been experiencing BB for a few years now. Just like everyone else I've tried many things with no success. At first I thought it was my mouth but starting to believe it's something in my gut. I'm tired of getting "did you fart?" comments. Thing is I believe it's in my gut is because I've been suffering with bloating and passing gas all the time. So if I'm passing gas a lot and my breath smells like the exact same...there's got to be a connection. I notice it gets worse when my mouth is dry, which seems to be a lot of the time. Not sure that's due to my gut or because I'm always stressed/anxious around people and it dries my mouth out. Another thing is I think it may be linked to my MERCURY FILLINGS and wondering if anyone with BB here has fillings..? I've also noticed skin rashes that look like ringworms and uti's off and on. I went for a H Pylori test and waiting in results and I've been on the candida diet for about a month now and really not seeing a difference. Thing is I've not always had this. I've had many relationships and they were long lasting. It's hard to pin point the exact time when I started getting comments. Keep in mind it's been a handful only of comments, but those were enough to take precaution around people. I don't feel like it smells all the time, but when I exhale deeply or use certain letters like "H" and laughter. So please let me know if you have fillings, trying to find a connection. I know we can beat this. It's hard to function everyday, trust me I know. You can be handsome and rich and would t matter if you have fart breath. A mentally challenged person has better luck functioning in life than we do! I know talking helps, I've only briefly mentioned it to a doctor, but she was skeptical. I'm willing to keep in contact with people via phone or/and Facebook so we can support each other and figure this out together. It hurts to be alone. Thanks.

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136 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hi daniel, AM new here but have been suffering from BB a long time. seen couple of doctors but all say the same thing, Maybe it the environment am am living in. There are ni good dental sectors where am at so its frustrating and Socially am a wreeck because i cant face my mates to do anything.. will like to connect.
    • Posted

      No dentist. Too easy. Xray, gums, root, teeth, and cavities. Too easy to see because BB in mouth is visually noticeable.

      Read my reply above. Solve it buddy.

  • Posted

    Hi Daniel  just come across this post, scrolled down so much hoping that someone had come up with a solution but no sad Got same problem, i saw an advert on tv once and only once advertising something for bad breath, it was in Boots Chemist, went in there but couldn't see anything related in the tooth brush toothpaste  or mouthwash dept.  Going to a wedding soon, guess ill just have to keep eating strong mints.  redface  Or apply some oil of origano to my toothpaste, burns a bit but sure does freshen the breath!   Ive got an upset tummy again so also wondering is it coming from my gut though it feels like my mouth going by the bitter taste ive got.

    • Posted

      read this, amongst the list of benefits of eating cucumber 

      11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemicals will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath

  • Posted


    The answers is here....

    If you are frustrated, suspected tooth filling or root decay, tongue bacteria, gum disease, tooth decay, kidney:gall bladder or even liver failure, throat or mouth sores, nose inflammation, lung cancer, stomach or ulcer or acid or intestine or whatever. Forget it. The above are ALL too obvious and a doctor can see it right away.

    Look up the words " lactose intolerance".

    Head to the drug mart and grab a bottle of lactaid pill. Take it. Cut ALL dairy products for a few weeks and your problem is solved.

    Its so simple, and doctors and dentist will miss it.

    • Posted

      Sure Susan. Listen, once you start to take this pill, and stop ALL dairy intake, your tummy will stop production of gas within 24 hrs. Because your milk lactose is being broken down, and after 3 days, you will need to go to the loo less.

      You should pretty much start seeing results on your third day. Ensure you always read the labels of other food that contains milk. Bread, chips, and others contains "hidden" milk or cheese inside it.

      Oh, the secret is to look up the full sentence "lactose intolerance gives you bad breath" in the web.

      Good luck guys.

    • Posted

      John I really don’t know why only a few could see you’re the only one finally talking about a solution. Maybe everybody gave up following this for such a long time and no answers. 

      Can I kindly ask you to talk more about the Lactaid solution? Is it still working for you? Which option you use? I see Fast Act and other options. 

      Is it a pill a day? What time? Is it before the first meal? Do you see any side effects? Do you have any other recommendations?

      Thank you so much!

  • Posted

    Just read a list if cucumber benefits and this was in the list

    11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemicals will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath


  • Posted

    Yo Daniel I'm in the same position bro. Replying to this Discussion because it's the most updated discussion I've found on this "Fart Breath" subject. I believe in what you're saying, we can try to find a solution & it'll be a lot faster if we help eachother. I experience the exaxt same symptoms, also about the rash that looks like ringworms. My breath also smells like garbage, fish, feet & other smells at different times. Idk if it's coming from my nose, mouth, or both. I've had my tonsils removed, on anti-reflux med, nasal spray, alegra, & probiotics. I've read another interesting theory about our one of our salivatory glands going bad. Going to talk to my doctor & see what he says. Will update.

    • Posted

      Have you gotten any help? Because am going through the same thing Please let me know if you did and I w I'll let you know of my results. Thanks!

  • Posted

    I think it's an in diagnosed h pylori . I am going through the same thing. What I have started taking is manuka honey about 4 table spoons through out the day. Mastic gum 3 pills a day and vitamin c also drink orange juice or lemons to increase the acid in your stomach . So try this and see if it makes a difderence. I hope this helps

  • Posted

    Hello i can relate believe me..ive also struggled with BB its horrible.. Ive tested for Hpylori and it was positive so thats a start ive been taking Pine Nut oil in the morning and again in the evening.I also take probiotics and Mastic gum morning and nite.I also try and stay away from dairy and sugar eat lots of vegetables dint drink coffee anymore either.Its a commentment because i love sugary drinks.hope this was some help to you.Stay in touch we really need each other it can get very lonely.Your friend Gina☺
  • Posted

    There was a documentary on TV the other night about the gut. I didn’t personally see it but apparently the gastroenterologist recommended Kefir.  Has anybody tried it?It is readily available at the supermarket, costs very little, you can make your own even and apparently it has very high levels of good bacteria in it. Much more than the usual candidates that can be quite pricey.I am going to give it a try this week and see what happens. But I will be interested if anybody else has tried it.

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