Bad health anxiety for over a week
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Hi everyone,
Just wanted to see if anyone else was the same as me. I've recently just begun having really bad anxiety, I've always been a worry and always since I was very young had a fear of dying. Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of morbidness in our family as we've had a few people getting ill, or dying which I believe may of triggered it off. I'm constantly feeling worried or anxious, worried that I'm ill or am going to die. I keep getting all tense, my muscles tighten mainly in my left arm, but can be both, I can't concentrate, and at times I can get extremely panicky and my heart starts thumping and I just want to run away. My brain is always making me have these horrible thoughts. So then obviously from these anxiety attacks I get symptoms which then makes me worry even more and it's just a vicious circle. Every day i wake up and feel this horrible gut wrenching feeling in my stomach, I never want to go to work because it's worse there. I went to the doctors and she put me on 10mg propranolol 3 times a day, I've been on them for a few days so will see how they go but I just want to feel normal again, I feel like I cant enjoy anything because I'm constantly worrying any help would be great X
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sara15526 charlotte78190
All I can say is that I'm here for you. Anxiety is awful and I know your pain.
charlotte78190 sara15526
Thank you! It's reassuring when people are going through the same, hope you're okay X
cia42277 charlotte78190
I don't know anything about your meds, but I do know that many, maybe most anti anxiety meds, take time to really kick in. Hang in there, girl. Others will be encouraging you here. Week-ends can be slow here. Stay with us, dear one.
My anti anxiety meds are working fully now and have made a world of difference. I am also dealing with a new problem, ..thyroid problems...terrible symptoms, but I do know I have at least three weeks until fully working. I can last that long to feel back to my normal.
You might ask your doctor or pharmacist how long until your meds are fully will help to have a time frame. Hugs to you Charlotte
charlotte78190 cia42277
sara15526 cia42277
Hi. Will you tell me about your thyroid symptoms? I keep wondering if some of what I'm feeling is a slow thyroid.
cia42277 sara15526
If your tests show low thyroid....that's easy. The doctor will give you a thyroid side effects..and in a few weeks, numbers will be normal.
My situation is complicated. I was exhibiting symptoms of high thyroid...exhaustion, bloated tummy, no energy to do anything and my numbers read high thyroid.....but i didn't know what the other info. with the high number meant. When my doctor read the whole report he said I had low thyroid that was reading high because my pituitary the message from my brain that I was low, it told my thyroid to produce more and more thyroid into my it read high and I had the symptoms of high. He put me on a thyroid supplement to build my thyroid so it would send the message to stop telling my thyroid to pour out more. i have a few more weeks until I even out.
Bottom line here, Sara, is go ask for a thyroid test, let your doctor interpret it and if it is low or high, follow his instructions. My body was reporting a false high, when I was really low. I hope I explained it well enough for you to go let the doctor so his or her job and tell you what's going on with your thyroid.
My sister has been on thyroid meds for years for low thyroid. without it she's a mess. Go see your expert, Honey girl
sara15526 cia42277
Thanks, I totally will. I live in az and it's summer and I haven't broken a sweat even once! All my hair started falling out and that coupled with feeling cold and never "feeling" the heat when I'm outside in pants where everyone around me is in shorts, sweating, and complaining of it being soooo hot makes me think I need to get checked.
cia42277 sara15526
August in Arizona and no sweat....astounding. I used to live in Scottsdale....cooked all summer and much of the winter.
sara15526 cia42277
Thank you so much for caring! So glad I found this group yesterday. Yes I will keep you posted. I'm going to make an apt tomorrow.
cia42277 sara15526
Good for you , Sara. Do talk to him about the anxiety , if you haven't already.
sara15526 cia42277
I am closely monitored by a psychiatrist and counselor but I didn't realize that I even HAD anxiety until this week. I've always had depression but we have never addressed anxiety.
cia42277 sara15526
Guest charlotte78190
Hi Charlotte
Can totally sympathise going through a crappy time myself.
Iv no friends so the only person I can talk to is my mum really.
But take care and hopefully we can get back to normal selfs soon
Need inner strength to kick anxiety's arse??
charlotte78190 Guest
Hi Mel, totally understand. It's actually making me feel really down now and I don't want to get depressed. I've never had it like this until the last week or so, so it's all very new to me.
We'll feel better soon I'm sure!
luke06492 charlotte78190
I'm having a really tough time myself at the moment as a result of breaking and dislocating my ankle which has made my anxiety and PTSD worse. I really do sympathise with you.
charlotte78190 luke06492
Hi Luke,
Ouch sounds painful!
hope it heals quick for you! It's just so draining as its all day every day at the minute, it can come and go but I don't necessarily have attacks I just feel anxious all the time, and my right arm can get very heavy and tense, it's all just a big circle! Hope you feel better X
luke06492 charlotte78190