Bad health anxiety for over a week
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Hi everyone,
Just wanted to see if anyone else was the same as me. I've recently just begun having really bad anxiety, I've always been a worry and always since I was very young had a fear of dying. Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of morbidness in our family as we've had a few people getting ill, or dying which I believe may of triggered it off. I'm constantly feeling worried or anxious, worried that I'm ill or am going to die. I keep getting all tense, my muscles tighten mainly in my left arm, but can be both, I can't concentrate, and at times I can get extremely panicky and my heart starts thumping and I just want to run away. My brain is always making me have these horrible thoughts. So then obviously from these anxiety attacks I get symptoms which then makes me worry even more and it's just a vicious circle. Every day i wake up and feel this horrible gut wrenching feeling in my stomach, I never want to go to work because it's worse there. I went to the doctors and she put me on 10mg propranolol 3 times a day, I've been on them for a few days so will see how they go but I just want to feel normal again, I feel like I cant enjoy anything because I'm constantly worrying any help would be great X
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sarah66442 charlotte78190
charlotte78190 sarah66442
Hi everyone,
So I've been feeling much better, feeling really good. Until I came back on early shifts at work yesterday, I don't know if it just a coincidence or of work is triggering it. I woke up yesterday and had butterflies again, didn't want to go to work, then after being at work a while started to get these shoulders and pains again which I haven't had for probably near a week. I didn't think I felt anxious but apparently I did, and I always do when I get to work. I'm also going on holiday tomorrow and I think I do get anxious before going away so could be that too. Just annoying because I've had a great few days finally feeling myself!