Bad thoughts!!!!!! Help!
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Does anybody have dark thoughts about the future? I mean I used to have no problem planning ahead and just assuming I would be around to do whatever I was planning. Now I think "hopefully I'll be alive". I'm feel afraid to plan ahead.
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jacqueline06286 juanita93228
I feel the same I'm not myself with all these perimenapause symptoms
I started perimenapause about 4 months ago and I feel so hopeless
They say it will get better once the hormones settle
jacqueline06286 juanita93228
juanita93228 jacqueline06286
Okay, I have to say I breezed thru peri. Stopped my period in 2010 and had no symptoms until 2014. I can't really really describe the feeling. I know rationally I can plan and most likely I'll be around but my mind takes over and my thinking becomes dark and irrational.
lisa68384 juanita93228
Me too! It's so hard to motivate myself on my bad days. Mentally I'm just not who i use to be. Even with the things I love. My brain just doesn't work some days. I get flustered easy with the details of planning, paying bills, etc. Add in fatigue and all my other symptoms. It does feel like death. Harf to believe it's all hormones. I've been at this 18 months now. So many women have had this for years! I weep for the old me
jacqueline06286 lisa68384
Here I am thinking this crazy thoughts having perimenapause symptoms and thinking that there is something wrong with me I'm having this scary feeling that it's not perimenapause and that is something else I have this ear head neck and shoulder pain since Dec some days can be a little better but it's just there.
juanita93228 lisa68384
That's a good way to put it Lisa. I weep for the old me. I came into my symptoms late. I my doctor last Thursday "What happened? I used to be fearless". She said "You will be again, we've just gotta get you over this hump".
lisa68384 juanita93228
ImagineOneDay lisa68384
Gypsy014 ImagineOneDay
Hi imagine and Lisa, I stopped planning as well.. Can not do it! Never know how bad I could possibly feel.. And if I do absolutely need to do something that can't be changed my anxiety goes thru the roof just thinking of what it is I need to do and where I need to go its ridiculous... I just wanted to know how it makes you feel when you need to go do something that can't be changed, and you absolutely just have to be there?
juanita93228 ImagineOneDay
I used to get to work early every day. But now I'm late at least two days a week. If it's a tough week, I'm late every day.
lisa68384 Gypsy014
Gypsy, just like you. I run an organic flower farm. So hard to do now. The planning is insane and i struggle to complete it but i push thru. On my bad days i literally cry from row to row but That's ok because it's my own property on my own time slot. BUT, then it's time to sell. I have to actually be around people and act normal and be at a certain place at a certain time and my anxiety is high. Even! Where I have to sit quietly and pretend to be normal...oh my. I just push myself a lot. And try to surround myself with the few friends I have who can accept me as the mess thst i am right now. You're not alone...I fight that anxiety too. We push thru.
ImagineOneDay Gypsy014
In that case I just feel very anxious, misirable and remind myself that it will be over at some point and I just had to hate it but go ahead with it. I sometimes takes rescue remedy drops too. Not sure if it helps but I take anyway. It is not easy. I am really trying to change those 'must' situations to 'ypu don't have to' as much as I can a the moment. But it is not always simple.
ImagineOneDay lisa68384
One other thing about planning is that i sometimes feel good and feel that I can conquer the world and I make plans and very happy about them. But son afterwards I regret it and don't want to go ahead with it. Then the dilama and going through cancellation; guilt, feeling useless etc...
vicky77852 juanita93228
jacqueline06286 vicky77852
ImagineOneDay jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 ImagineOneDay
How did you started and what symptoms did you have
lisa68384 ImagineOneDay
Let's chat symptoms! Mine started with waking up and not being able to get back to sleep. Followed by body pain, weird buzzing feelings in my body, joint stiffness, fatigue, weird eye symptoms, off balance feeling, insomnia, anxiety, mood swings or depression (not sure what it is yet), tinnitus, weird/spaced out feeling, brain fog, sore breasts, irregular cycles, heart palpitations, weird head pressure, and the list goesn on and on. My symptoms rotate and bounce around.
I went to ten doctors and spent over 10k to be told I am healthy. Went to specialists, rheumatologist, neurologist, etc. I have test results the thickness of a phone book.
It wasn't until after a year and tracking and journaling that i began to notice it relating to my cycles.
I have had hormone testing done Just in the last few months and I'm still trying to figure out what to do next. It's been a difficult journey to say the least!
jacqueline06286 lisa68384
I know I've been going crazy I also get brain fog I'm going to a neorologist tomorrow and then of to the cardiologist so he can clear me and then back to my obg so I can get hrt as I sit here I feel my tooth aching that comes and goes I'm scheduled to go to the dentist but all this started when perimenapause kicked in, did you get ear neck pain shoulder
lorraine59875 vicky77852
juanita93228 vicky77852
I just feel better knowing I'm not alone. I mean it's an awful club to be a member of, but at least we have each other. I used to have no problem going to the movies alone. Now I won't do it. I think what if something happens and I croak all alone in the movie and they come in and find me? Every twinge, ache, or pain is a dread disease.
I don't have time for this. I have a house to sell, a car to buy, and finances to procure.
vicky77852 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 vicky77852
Hi vicky,
I still feel fatigue now a little while ago I started getting gallbladder pain I know when you are in perimenapause some women can get gallbladder, my obg wants to do a complete physical before she puts me on hrt so now I'm scheduled to go see a cardiologist to get the ok ,I'm really praying that hrt will be the answer for me
vicky77852 jacqueline06286
Hrt isn’t a magic cure but it helps a lot providing your body with the estrogen it needs.
jacqueline06286 vicky77852
Do you think hrt can help with fatigue and tired that's my biggest problem