Balance Issues in Menopause
Posted , 14 users are following.
Does anyone deal with balance issues on a daily basis in menopause?
2 likes, 29 replies
Posted , 14 users are following.
Does anyone deal with balance issues on a daily basis in menopause?
2 likes, 29 replies
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pamela2016 Nettie261962
Yes!!! Everyday all day off and on sometimes it's not so bad other times it's real bad I've been dealing with it for three years
pam90720 pamela2016
jamie53221 pam90720
lisa68384 jamie53221
Nettie261962 lisa68384
Bassilli Nettie261962
pam90720 Nettie261962
Holy crap!! I'm going through this as we speak! Actually for the last 2 years!! But, this past month really bad! In fact, I'm sitting here now having a panic attack because of it!!😪😪. And my legs don't feel like my own legs!! Jelly legs I like to call it! I feel I have to hold on to things to walk!!!! You are not alone!!!💕🙏🙏
Nettie261962 pam90720
Nettie261962 pam90720
pam90720 Nettie261962
Makes me mad and sad, too, Nattie😪 I just sit in my recliner dreading when I have to get up .. hard to take care of my family ...💕🙏
Sorry, I spelt your name wrong 💕
khadija03663 Nettie261962
pam90720 khadija03663
I thought I had miniere , too.. of course I googled and scared the crap out of me.. I have tinnitus , also... fun fun fun 😪
pamela2016 Nettie261962
I had it so bad when it started I cried everyday and held onto walls to walk went on like that for a very long time then it eased up and wasn't so severe like that but it's never went away
Nettie261962 pam90720
pam90720 pamela2016
Me too fact tonight my husband asked me why I was holding on things to walk... bed, counter, etc... and then of course I start crying..😪 Not boo hooing.. just teary.... ??
Nettie261962 pam90720
Nettie261962 khadija03663
Nettie261962 pam90720
anxiousface Nettie261962
I feel exactly the same and it seems to effect my eyes too. Do you feel like your eyes are being pulled out their sockets ? Also this off balance feeling makes me feel I’m on a slow moving escalated then I feel nauseas. I’ve had this on and off since going into menopause three years ago but today’s not been a good, I went out for a walk at work to see if I’d feel better but no different. I’m trying to ignore it (who am I kidding) then I don’t get anxious. I can relate to all you ladies and it’s not in a good way I wish we were all writing positive stuff but this forum has helped me so much, we must support one another as doctors don’t appear to know what to do with us. I Keep on smiling and pretend everything’s ok but what I really want to do is hide in a cupboard and come out when it’s all over 😢??. Sending you all a comforting hug x
Nettie261962 anxiousface