Balance problems, HELP!!
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Hi girls I've been posting on here for a while and last week have raised some issues regarding my balance and the lack of knowledge and understanding from any dr I've seen.
Long story short, went to dr last Thursday, he always maintains that my dizziness/off balance problem is due to anxiety. I told the dr I have been speaking to others on this forum who have similar symptoms and problems with their balance and it has to be recognised as part of meno
After a good chat with the GP, he read through my blood tests which were done in July this year, he said that my estrogen was so low that he would consider me now menopausal, estrogen was less than 70 (what ever that means) fsh 76.
Anyway, he said that the menopause sometimes causes some woman to develope benign positional vertigo and that it should settle with time. He said normally by the age of 55 things would be better....I'm only 51, will be 52 in Feb 🙉🙈 don't think I could suffer this for a long period
Dr had taken more bloods as I asked for progesterone to be checked as well as estrogen
I've made another appointment to discuss the results but another dr told me briefly over the phone that the estrogen and progesterone have both came back low even though I've been taking livial HRT for 3 months
I went on the internet last night browsing looking at hormone levels and was redirected to another website as I typed in dizziness and OMG I've been in such a state since
I'm wondering if any of you ladies can help if you Google MdDS, it's a balance condition and please tell me that my balance problems will be hormone related
I'm staggering around today balance terrible and feel woozy just unbalanced
I'd be grateful for any help or reassurance
Thanks xx
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elizabeth2244 brendababy
I'm post menopausal and yes there are times i do get dizzy. I am not on HRTs but i think i am going back on the HRTs because i have been feeling tired woozy, not in to it sick nose bleeds, stuffy nose.
I AM going to take estradiol 1mg at dinner with my ativan and provera 2.5mg at bedtime with another ativan to see how i feel if this makes me feel better.
Has HRTs made you feel better since you have been on them
brendababy elizabeth2244
My GP said the only way of finding out if the HRT is working would be to stop taking it and then see how I feel
All the best and hope you feel better soon xx
elizabeth2244 brendababy
Should i start the progesterone pill tonight to see how i sleep. He has me on provera 2.5mg and tomorrow start the estradiol how should i start this
Maggie1966 brendababy
Unfortuntately no-one on the forum would be able to say your balance problems are not due to MdDS as none of us are medics but considering your GP said that some menopausal women develop benign positional vertigo does that not reassure you that it is hormone related? And the fact that there are a number of women on this forum experiencing the same as you? I think we can often Google things and presume the worst. I would like to say that the balance of probability must be that your symptoms are hormone related, as your GP has said, rather than this rare syndrome.
Try not to worry about this rare syndrome. I am sure there are many conditions that can cause dizziness and I wouldn't want you Googling any more and worrying.
Of course, the prognosis from your GP is that it will settle 'with time'. This does not help you at all and I hope you find some relief from your symptoms.
brendababy Maggie1966
I hope and pray my balance returns soon
Take care xx
didi0613 brendababy
Not sure I can take 5 or 6 more years of thus crap.
brendababy didi0613
I feel I could accept this better if I knew it was defo meno and would be self limiting. I have a tendency to worry and was suffering from severe anxiety when the peri meno hit me
I love to be outdoors but my balance is so bad some days.. Like today I can't walk far because my head feels woozy, weird, dizzy and feel my legs are not mine lol
Hope you feel better soon xx
gookygal brendababy
Best wishes
PS . MdDS is generally a diagnosis given only when all other possibilities have been elimated.
brendababy gookygal
BellaRubia brendababy
Yes, peri and menopause can cause a lonnnnnnng list of symptoms and dizzyness, brain fog (woozy), arrithmia, thinnitus and etc. Most doctors do not acknowledge it and they blame everyhing on anxiety and depression - what is not ever true!
It will get better - I now know I started my perimenopause 2 years ago and I am still on it - but symptoms receaded a lot, even though I am still have my (very irregular) period.
After I loocked for medical help 2 years ago and without finding any solace or acknowledgement, I lost my confidence on doctors. At least they served to prove me I was health
, so no other issues to concern besides my irregular periods (and all weird symptoms that appeared just after my firt missing one)
I have not tested any hormons, they are tricky and many times hard to track, specialy if we are at the start of our perimenopause. Besides, many women with low levels of hormones that should not be bleading, still are. So much for doctors and tests, I have to say...
didi0613 BellaRubia
BellaRubia didi0613
I do had myself many opportunities to get desappointed and worried. I feel doctors here just want us scared all time... I DO understand they have to check everything but they SHOULD know it may come from perimenopause and they SHOULD informe us they are just rulling out more scary things - that would aliviate the stress of those terrible tests.
I live in US - every thing here is scary, every thing they want more tests. Some time ago they would be OK with a regular mammography, eve for me that have a tough breast, but nowadays, better to get a 3D mammography or they will call you back and stress you over that... I guess everything is a way to get more money
brendababy BellaRubia
I know worrying dosent help but again anxiety and low mood are all peri and meno symptoms
My husband and sons are sick listening to me going on about it but my life has changed so much, I used to be such a happy active person, out at work, shopping, out at the weekend with my husband and friends, now I just sit at home all day crying and hoping this all passes soon
Sorry for the negativity but thanks for trying to reassure me
Take care
Brenda x
lennie45832 didi0613
betty83321 didi0613
Im newbe for this forum , it gives me releif reading all the stories . Im 45 and have most of the perimenipausal syptoms , got dizziness palpitations o ff balance you name it . Im not enjoying life at all my day and night is passing with fear , what surprises me is the doctor i have seen is most of them are women in 40's or above none of them relate my syptom to perimanpause . Good luck to us !