Balanitis that won't go away. Doctors won't help, can any of you? PLEASE?

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Hey all,

   A little explanation of how it started. About a year ago, I got very frisky with a lady friend. We were fully clothes and apparently chaffed the head of my penis. We didn't end up doing anything that night because of the pain. Fast forward 1 week, and it became swollen and the glans were purplish. I went to see the my PSP twice. We tried every over the counter anti-fungal out there. Nothing worked. He sent me to see a dermatologist. While i was waiting to see the derm. I came across a forum with someone saying to use peroxide...I rinsed with peroxide and to my amazement, a milky white substance started coming off my penis under the foreskin. I continued this for a few days and it seemed like it ws getting better. I stopped the peroxide rinse but continues to clean it 3-4 times a day with ONLY WATER. It came back but not as bad as the first time,'s itchier this time. So, I went back to the derm...they told me there was nothing they could do, and that I just have to live with it. My body must have undergone a change and now produces more smegma. I was furious....I looked at him and said, "So that's it? I have to go to my office bathroom every few hours and wash my dick in the sink...meanwhile i'm spending the rest of the day trying to scratch the head of my penis? You serious right now?" He replied, "You could try some powder."...Amazing. I walked out of the office right there. So, now I'm on my own...It produces so much smegma within hours...I had just read to try a head and shoulders rinse, started that Saturday....No improvement, In fct it made much redder. Please help me...I don't know what to do. 

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28 Replies

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    I apparently can't edit...soooo, PSP = PCP (Primary care physician)

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    I would try permanently retracting the foreskin and see if that solves anything. It will irritate the glans because it's not used to being touched by everything but if it is bacterial or fungal this should help. If you have it uncovered for let's say a month and it still persists it's either something that you are putting on it like your laundry soap from your clothes, shampoo possibly even stress could cause this. If you retract it permanently, refrain from putting anything on it and change your laundry detergent the only other possibility that I can currently think of is an autoimmune disease

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      How would one go about doing this? should i tape it? haha...It just rides right back up.
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    Hahaha for most guys they are able to just leave it and it stays, but whatever works 😅

    After a while, if you like it like that, the skin will retrain itself and stay like that. And if later you decide you want the skin to cover you again you can retrain the skin to cover your glans again smile.

    I have a patient who made a silicone device that holds it back

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      Yeah that's difficult for me. My foreskin is very elastic. When erect, it looks uncircumcised. I just used some scotch tape...but man, it is uncomfortable!

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    It will be uncomfortable for a while! Just imagine that uncomfortable feeling with the pain of a huge incision around your penis, sutures that prick your glans and erections that hurt like hell. I feel the tape may be silly but the alternative, circumcision, is far more uncomfortable for the longest of time!
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      Boy, you sure know how to get a point across...the tape will be staying... cheesygrin
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    Hahahaha let me know if you have any questions whatsoever!
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    Hi, just to say I have the more severe form of balanitis which is Lichen Sclerosus [LS / BXO].  Anyways, prior to me getting diagnosed I used to fold back my foreskin as I found this much more comfortable.  And yes, it would stay in place all day.

    What you need that helps achieve this is the right underwear that gives the right level of support.  Not too constrained, not too relaxed so that your penis is down your trouser leg.  I would also emphasise what tangki stated in his initial response about penile hygiene: keep ALL soaps, shower gels, lotions, hair shampoo and everything else away from the head of your penis.  To achieve this, each time you shower, do the opposite to foreskin retraction, when you go in the shower draw your foreskin as far forward as possible, then when you have cleaned everywhere else, rinse the entire groin area of any deposits of soap / gel etc., then, expose your entire glans and use warm water only to clean your entire penis.

    If you are sexually active, you need to be careful with penile hygiene as there often a whole load of chemicals in things from condoms to lubes - if you use them, you need to wash your penis immediately after activity is concluded ....

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    I'm back with an update...I started pulling it back, and it DEFINITELY helps. The redness goes away, but the glands still look inflamed and red. It still itches, not as much as before..but it's still there. If the foreskin slides back over, the itchiness and red blotches come back within hours. I really don't know what to do. I'm at my breaking point and I don't know what to do...IT WON'T GO AWAY....The doctors won't help me...I just don't know wtf to do!

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    It always seems moist wherever the foreskin sits. Which tells me I have some sort of infection under my foreskin...The glands are almost purplish..I'm just lost. I really hope I can find a remedy...

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    Hi, I may have missed out, but what country are you in?  I'm guessing the US?  You need to find how you can get access to the right specialist  to get this sorted once and for all.  It sounds like a Urologist consultation is what you need.  If you cannot get direct access to one of these [costs, other practicalities, etc] then I would be going to a sexual health service to get them to tell you how to access a Urologist. 

    Also, in the UK in our primary care service we have senior nursing staff who can also refer you, or direct you to the source of accessing the right specialist.  What you have is not sorting itself out, it is having a highly detrimental impact on you psychologically - the sooner you have this sorted, the better your penis and state of mind will be .....

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    Travocort cream.. It will help you to get rid of Ur red or wahtever stuffss.. But dont know for how long.. But it helps..
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      For those not familiar with Balanitis please click on the link(s) at the bottom of this message.

      Mhoppe, the type you have - as your condition has continued to be present for a long time - is most likely to be Lichen Sclerosus as it is generically termed, and Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans, specifically, in Males.It is NOT A YEAST INFECTION!

      Lichen Sclerosus (LS) is most common in women and both this and the specific Male version (BXO) is an Autoimune condition caused by inadequate food diet and a lack of essential Vitamins and food Mineral supplements.

      Any form of Balanitis / LS / BXO can only be confirmed by a Medial Biopsy - if you HAVE NOT HAD a Biopsy to confirm the presence of ANY form of Balanitis YOU ARE ONLY TREATING what you think you MAY HAVE, or a Medical professional SUSPECTS you have if it has not been formally diagnosed by a Biopsy.

      If you suspect you have a form of Balanitis the Medical Professionals who can best organise a Biopsy are a Dermatologist or a Urologist. BE WARNED, although Lichen based conditions and the different forms of Balanitis are quite common, many Doctors are not familiar with typical presenting symptoms and may suggest you try medication to treat another condition, such as a yeast infection.

      The most common treatment for actual Lichen Sclerosus, Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans in Males is the Steroid ointment Clobetasol and is most commonly branded as Dermovate or ClobaDerm. ANY Steroid will only be effective if it applied correctly by rubbing it well to the infected skin, and this sis done sufficiently frequently enough.

      For those formally diagnosed with LS / BXO the use of Clobetasol they should initially apply it twice a day for a week, once a day in the second week, then every other day for a further two or three weeks. Many people (both male and female) can then reduce the frequency of application of the Steroid to twice a week or even less, as long as symptoms do not reappear. If in doubt, my suggestion would be to use it at least every other day - particularly if you are regularly sexually active, or Masturbate daily, or even 2 to 3 times a week. If you masturbate or have sex on a daily basis and you have been formally diagnosed with LS / BXO I would suggest you use a Steroid at least once, if not twice a day.

      Your guide should be, if symptoms worsen use the Steroid more frequently, if a Steroid appears not to be working you are either using it incorrectly, not frequently enough, or perhaps you may not even have LS / BXO if you have not been formally diagnosed by a Biopsy.


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