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me again....i see the discussions about Tibolene....livial....this is going to surprise yoiu...but i am 80 now..i was on livial for years, 60s, and 70s...was taken off before i was 80..doctors not approve, i am old!...i have a younger partner...late 60s. now..i had a senior consultant lady many years back, who said i could stay on it, if i wanted, as it did me good, or in so many words...i am rushing now..have too much to do!!....i did not want to come off it, in spring 2014...i did have many problems, health wise, and on steroids...i knew i iwould be worse...i iWAS...very as the year went by, and now...but to cut a lohg story short...i had many problems...lots of things....fell twice..had leg ulcer, i am now on some morphine...i am over 80...i feel i want too do so much...but...i cant, and i know it is MS symptoms, nearly every one...a week ago i woke up shiverring...since then, i have been very shaky...times are grandchildren, one married and gone away, the other gone back to ausie...they have been lovely girls in life, and we had such happy times, but they have their own lives to lelad ...with all this, i am battling....the doctor thinks i am depressed....etc...doctors and health service, so ibusy.,..had relastives ill, one just died many pass away...that is life.....but...i am battling with MS....i am positive, i could have had it for years.s...that is als i can say now...i DID NOT WANT TO COME OFF LIVIAL...but was forced to...i am my own carer, completely, and order my mound of take can be difficult, but keep my leg has gone numb again, and tinglilng...loads of symptoms...i lexpect i am wrong, i am just old, now, and people say...there are people out there who DO HAVE SYMPTHAY....i know that, and they talk to me...keep on livial, if it suits you, it was marvellous for b.
2 likes, 36 replies
jillian19 barbara92906
You sound like a very smart lady! Such a shame that you have the health issues you have! But you still sound positive!
I have been on Livial since I was 48, now approaching 62. My Dr doesn't want me to come off it as he is of the mind that it is protecting my heart & bones plus all of the other benefits.
I feel great & not too long ago had an Angiogram simply because there is a family history & Dr was concerned about my cholesterol levels. The Angiogram results blew him away as I have no evidence of plaque anywhere & , in his words, I have the heart of a 16 year old! He now considers my cholesterol levels normal for me & wants me to continue what I'm doing, including the Livial!
Take care & I do hope that things improve for you! You're not old at 80!!!
best wishes
ykay jillian19
I believe the tablets are fine for some women - and especially those of us who have been on full HRT for many years in the past as a birth control.
My doctor has recently tried to talk me in to going off them but I am very reluctant. I keep well and, apart from a very low dosage of BP tabs, I do not take any other medication. When I see other women my age looking so old and hargard, and many suffering from all kinds of illnesses, it does make me wonder if Livial is something some of us need to carry on with.
jillian19 ykay
i was taking BP tablets (low dose) to help with the hot flushes but no longer & just take a low dose aspirin along with the Livial!
I agree with your observation of other women of a similar age! I just seem to look better & have much better health than many of them! Is it the Livial? Or are we just lucky?
barbara92906 ykay
ykay jillian19
barbara92906 ykay
barbara92906 jillian19
ykay barbara92906
I agree with you about Livial.
barbara92906 ykay
ykay barbara92906
barbara92906 ykay
Tooban barbara92906
get your grandkids to order you the livial. Your not dead yet, so live it to the full!
ykay Tooban