Been depressed since heart op

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hi all just found this site , so nice to know I am not the only one feeling anxious / depressed. The dr has just prescribed Mirtazpine & after reading all these stories I. Am a bit concerned about taking it , any advise , thank you

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Rosemarie

    Welcome to the forum.

    I was on mirt for 6 years for depression it stopped working in december and thats when my anxiety started.

    It is the best 6 years Ive had my mood was steady and my sleep was good only side effect I had was weight gain.

    Because it has stopped working I had to withdraw and be put on another AD that was the hard but I am still on 15mg of mirt at night but have to come off that in the next couple of weeks and its really tough.

    Can I just add everyone reacts differently to meds so some of the horror stories on here may not happen to you

    I believe mirt is good for depression but not for anxiety.

    Stay Strongcool

    • Posted

      Thank you , yes I was reading some of the stories last night & it freaked me out a bit so didn't take it , going to try acupuncture tomorrow hoping that will helpĀ 
    • Posted

      Your doing good some people think popping pills will solve everything.

      Acupunture meditation exercise all good do thing to help yourself.

      Take carecool

    • Posted

      Thank you , I have been on some horrible medication since op & I would rather try natural remedies , hate taking tablets x
  • Posted

    Hi Rosemarie, everyone is different. My experience is positive. I take mirtazapine with venlafaxine and I've also had CBT (last session today) no weight gain, no increase in appetite: 30mg to sedating. 15mg works for me. All the best and remember things will get better šŸ˜Š

    • Posted

      Thank you , it's just that some of the stories you hear regarding this ad are a bit scary, glad they work for you, I have got a 15mg one , also having counselling so that helpsĀ 
    • Posted

      I also do yoga, Pilates and meditation. I have MS doing all I can! Not just relying on meds' šŸ˜Š
  • Posted

    Hia the problems seem to occur more so once you go upto 30mg. If you can manage on 15mg I wouldn't change the dose. I felt great on 15mg best I had in years. Going upto 30mg made me relapse it was that bad. Good luck.
    • Posted

      Thank you , I think because I have been on some horrid medication with bad side effects I am a bit wary of starting a new tabletĀ 
    • Posted

      Iv never known side effects like this. I thought old age was creeping in early until I joined this forum. My hips calf muscles eye sight. Felt I was falling apart .. even the middle age spread & cravings for sweets. Happened all so fast too.I lasted 4 months on it I'm on venlafaxine now all good atm fingers xd.
    • Posted

      Hi Sharon what strength were you on ? I have been prescribed the 15 mg one, glad your feeling better now XĀ 
    • Posted

      Hi rosie I started on 15mg like most...then I think it's the norm to put u upto 30mg. I personally think I should of stayed on 15mg until I felt they wernt working ..but went with the pdr .. wish I hadn't .. if 15mg works for you stay on it don't go up until u feel ready. X
  • Posted

    Mirtazapine is one of the most powerful antidepressants and it works much more quickly than any of the others. I had a good experience on it, in that it quickly cleared my depression and restored my sleep allowing me to come off the benzos. However, little did I know it was just covering up the symptoms of my hperthyroidism. It also gave me chronic kidney disease, but this has got a bitĀ better since coming off it. It is not easy to come off, but if you do it slowly, it is not so bad. I put on weight too, but it all came off shortly after coming off it. Then I lost a whole lot more weight which is when I was diagnosed with hyperthyroid.

    ā€‹So my advice to you is avoid it if you can possiblly manage without, but if you're in a bad way, it can really dig you out of a hole. It gave me my life back for over 3 years until it stopped working (or maybe it was the hyperthyroidism kicking in, who knows?).

    • Posted

      Thank you appreciate your comment, you just don't know what to do for the best sometimesĀ 

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