Been put on diasepram
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Anyone else had this for there fibro flare ups
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Posted , 4 users are following.
Anyone else had this for there fibro flare ups
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mari34228 sarapainfree
Hi, I haven't come across anyone being given that for fibro but then I'm newly diagnosed. I was given diazepam two years ago when I was going through a bad patch in my life to help calm me down. I think it helps with muscle spasms too...maybe that is why you have been given it?
Have you been given it for short term use only? As my GP was at pains to point out that it's highly addictive and shouldn't be taken for more than 3 weeks at a time.
sarapainfree mari34228
His yes only on it for a week due to having a bad episode at weekend witch resulted in a ambulance being called as I couldn't even walk due to a huge spasm in my back and spine and the co-codamol wasn't working so they have now given me these
mari34228 sarapainfree
sarapainfree mari34228
Not really no
sarapainfree mari34228
Yes was given a weeks doesage feeling much better now it's settled down
mari34228 sarapainfree
That's great. I was at the pain clinic this week and one of the things I have to try and do is relax!! Maybe the diazepam also slowed you down enough to feel more relaxed? Anyway, glad you are feeling better. xx
trisha87499 mari34228
thank god for family and friends, and obviously all you wonderful people here
trisha87499 sarapainfree
No, not for fibro,but what interests me is what is the usual pain relief fellow sufferers are on, I weaned myself off morphine and now take diahydrocodeine, 8 a day, doctor not too happy with this, but pain management group insist it's better to take your men's regular and don't wait for a flare up. It's starting to annoy me, as I feel if I need them then there shouldn't be an issue, I feel as if I could be on different and stronger medication so don't feel this is such a big deal, however starting to get me down, as would expect doctors support on this. Anyone else faced this issue?😙
sarapainfree trisha87499
I'm on gapapenting 600mg that's all I have for my fibro until I started these meds today for a week
loraine121 trisha87499
Hi , I'm luck that I have a good gp , but you are right regular med means less flare ups , if I do have a flare up I have oxycodon to help top up the pain relief, I used to take oramorph but consultant convinced me to try oxycodon as it a cleaner drug and shouldn't affect my breathing although I didn't think it did but agreed to try it,
it really makes a difference if you doctor is supportive they should know that you have to keep on top of the pain as once you have a flare up it harder to get it back under control, sorry that you are having problems with your doctor,that's the last thing you need,
i hope you get things sorted
trisha87499 loraine121
Thanks Lorraine, I did have a great doctor until June last year when he retired, he had been my doctor for over 30 years so had built up that trust bond, the new doctors are trying to find their feet I suppose, however I hate having to go to doctors and feel like I'm being patronised and that I'm in with my begging bowl. Then you go into chemist and there are a good few methodone users waiting for their, no questions asked fix, I know they have problems as well, mine is not self inflicted and I resent that a bit. I'm going to make an appointment and speak frankly to my new doctor, that's why I'm also gathering a bit of information from here, so that I can show him.
loraine121 sarapainfree
Hi , sarapainfree, I am on diazepam for fibromyalgia to help relax my mussels as I was given amatriptaline but they didn't agree with me, I have had fibro for about 16 years , I take a combination of medications but what works for one doesn't always work for others , in the beginning it a lot of trial and error, a lot of people start on amatriptaline or gabapentin,
i hope your flare up isn't to bad , wishing you a pain free night,
christine26761 sarapainfree
Dizapam is Valium..I have taken 5 mg strength ( very low dose) for muscle spasms it works very well...trouble is it relaxes my brain too..grr..but it is a very addictive med..I take maybe a box of 50 a year, at the most...meaning only when my muscles are really bad..I am always aware that they could be easily blessed sarapainfree have a lovely day...😘🙏
diazepam I meant..😍
loraine121 sarapainfree
take care loraine x
sarapainfree loraine121