Bell's palsy for 2 months now... am I recovering?
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I got Bell's palsy march 26th 2017. I was getting these weird migraines on the left side of my head in the temple region for like a month before it happened. A few days before it started, I noticed I couldn't open my mouth all the way. Then I was eating soup and it tasted like I had burned my tongue really bad. Then my face started twitching on the left side EVERYWHERE. like my eyebrow, my nose, my lips, my chin, my cheek. Then I woke up on march 26th and couldn't keep water in my mouth while brushing my teeth on the left side. I went to the er and they diagnosed me with Bell's palsy. They told me it was a mild case, but it just hadn't actually set in all the way yet. They gave me the anti virals and prednisone. They only gave me 20 mg prednisone that I took for 4 days only. Idk if they only gave me this much because of my weight (I weigh 140) or because they thought it was a mild case. when I was reading online I saw ppl taking way higher doses for longer periods of time. Anyway it set all the way in and I could still close my eye a little bit it wasn't just open like some other ppl. I could still smile a little. But then it seemed like things were getting worse and I couldn't smile anymore at all. I had a little droop. And instead of my eye being dry it just waters all day. I asked my doctor and he said steroids aren't good for you and they can do harm to other parts of your body. He was pretty much useless. So 3 weeks went by and I still wasn't getting any improvement. The taste in my toungue was coming back and it stopped hurting so bad. (At first I had shooting pains in my head and on the left side of my face). My hearing was hyper sensitive also and that went away too. I still wasn't getting any movement and was getting discouraged because I seen some ppl recover in 3 to 4 weeks. I saw some ppl did acupuncture and it worked for them so I decided to give that a try at 3 weeks. I hadn't been to a neurologist yet because I couldn't get an appointment soon enough the one my insurance covered was all booked up. I did 6 sessions of acupuncture, with 3 regular sessions with just putting the needle in my face, and then 3 with electrostim. It seemed the acupuncture was working because I got some movement back in my cheek to where I could move part of my cheek by myself, and I was also getting twitching in some other places. I finally got a hold of a neurologist around 6 weeks and he told me there's no data on acupuncture working so I stopped going. By six weeks I had gained movement back in my neck, I could move my chin a little, I can raise my eyebrow a little, and I could move my ear... at 8 weeks now I can move the corner of my mouth just a little like its trying to smile. I also still have some twitching that goes on on my Bell's palsy side every now and then. But also, when I look in the mirror and try and smile and see what movements are coming back, my muscles feel kind of tight. Not when my face is at rest, but when I try and smile. I can see some other areas twitching in my cheek when I try to smile, like it's trying to work but it's to weak or something. My fear is that the electro stim and acupuncture made things worse and that's why It feels tight like that when I try to smile. Also when I move my lips a certain way or when I put hot water on my face I can feel my lips like pull upward on that side and there's a crease in my cheek like as if I'm smirking a little but I'm not. It's weird and only happens for a little Bit of time then goes back to normal. What is this? Also I can still only move that one part of my cheek and the the crease that comes when you smile still isn't moving yet... is this normal? I'm going to see my neurologist again on Thursday but I am a major worry wart and I keep worrying I made this worse by doing acupuncture and the electro Stim. Am i recovering okay or is something wrong? I also now get some headache and face pain on that side again but it's not as bad as it was when I first got it. I am 24 years old and my job has everything to do with how you look and is very competitive so I haven't been at work for 2 months. Just been staying home. I will admit I have been fighting with my significant other way more but than ever before and probably am more stressed than I should be. I also smoke weed sometimes to sleep and noticed that sometimes when I smoke I get more twitching on that side. Is twitching good? Because my face was twitching when it started, so don't know if it is it seems like it is good though because for like 3 weeks I had no twitching no movement at all on that side of my face. I hate this so much I'm so sad because I loved my smile before and I am a very pretty girl. I feel I've lost my face and I'm praying it will come back.... is muscle tightness when trying to move that side normal or is this a sign of synkinesis? I am so scared and keep crying I just want someone who's had this and recovered to let me know I'm recovering the right way? I also take b12, zinc, magnesium, multi vitamins and b6. I know it's only been two months but I'm scared my face will not go back to normal fully. Please someone help.
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alexis02700 angel58024
Everyone on this thread knows the feeling. It sucks not being in control of your own body. But you're showing signs of recovery which is great. Full recovery takes months, even years. You should be very optimistic. I'm 24 and am on day 10 of my 2nd round of Bell's palsy. First time I was 17, just about to graduate. It happened in class. I could feel my smile was off. Went to the ER that night. They said it was Bell's palsy. Gave me antivirals and steroids and sent me on my way. By week 3 I was pretty much back to normal without any addition supplements or treatment. I did have constant muscle spasms in my face and uncontrollable eye twitches. This still continues, 7 years later. Well not so much now that I have it again. This time around I have no movement at all which is quite discouraging. I have a lot of nerve pain. Tried acupuncture a few times, still no improvement other than face looks a little less droopy. Eye always tears because it won't close and my face and neck always hurt/are sore. This bothers me too because I am also a pretty young woman with a marketing career so I deal with people daily. This definitely lowers my self esteem and has effected my work to a lesser extent. I'm hopeful it will get better as it did before. Just hoping it doesn't take months.
As for weed, could be superficial. I used to always twitch when I would get high. I'm not sure there's a connection.
After doing all sorts of research on the little information that is known about Bell's palsy, my own experience, and from reading others, having movement definitely shows progress even if it is slow. You should be happy that you're having movement rather than nothing. Patience is the worst treatment for me. I have none. So I take it for what it is. Temporary paralysis.
angel58024 alexis02700
Thank you so much for replying to me. Yes I totally agree that movement is a good sign, just super paranoid and this really sucks because it's taking so long. Wow this is your second time? Why do you think you got it twice? Well I hope you will have a speedy recovery like the last time! I'm hoping mine only lasts 3 months I can't not be able to smile anymore because I am a very goofy person. I love to smile and laugh and I feel this is making me a sad boring person because I don't like to show expression in my face
. The first time when you had BP when you were recovering how did your muscles feel? I feel like my cheek muscles are tight when I Move them on that side.
alexis02700 angel58024
Definitely stress the first time. This second time probably stess. It had happened just two days after oral surgery so I assume it was the physical trauma. I'm not at day 11, no imporvement. This time last time around I was in the 75% so its quite discouraging. From what I've been reading, the 2nd episode has lasted longer for everyone. This time is also full paralysis rather than the partial it was before.
The first time I did not have any pain. This time I'm in constant pain. Face feels like I got punched. My eye feels bruised also my cheek bone. I have really bad neck pain. Cupping seemed to help but pain came back two days later. I've been taking vitamins and using hot compresses and acupuncture but nothing has seemed to help. It's quite frustrating.
angel58024 alexis02700
I know stress did it for me also. My face also felt bruised when I first got it I couldn't even lay on that side. Some places I touch on my face are still sore if I press down on it, don't know what that means exactly. I was having a lot of pain at first too now it has went away and only hurts sometimes, but not as bad as when it was first hurting. I've been getting more twitching which I hope is a good thing. Also when I try to smile some parts of my cheek twitch like they're trying to work but they're too weak... hopefully that means they just need to get stronger but they are trying to work... the sinus of my left nostril has been itchy too and I read somewhere that means your healing... so I really hope I recover by 3 months. I hope you have a speedy full recovery also.
nurule61269 angel58024
sharon24495 nurule61269
I assume you are on medication. You need to cover your affected eye at night so you don't scratch the cornea. Drink out of a straw, that works, you may dribble for awhile. Gently massage your face to relax the muscles on that side. Do face exercises that you can find on the internet. Sing and say the alphabet several times a day. Relax and let healing begin.
nurule61269 sharon24495
I heard that.. hav to massage every day ?
sharon24495 nurule61269
nurule61269 sharon24495
Is it due to stress? Cos on monday i was really stressed & depressed till that nite i cant really take it till my head wana burst. The next morning my face is like swollen. The next day again,thats where i notice my face cant move that much. Thru ur experience,do u go to the massage place to masaage ur face or jus massage ourself?
sharon24495 nurule61269
joe41544 sharon24495
A couple of people on here have said that it could take years. I developed it over 2 months ago. Im totally disappointed with the non-help ive got from doctors. The doctor told me that after one year thats as healed as you will be.
sharon24495 joe41544
The Doctors know as much as we do, which is nothing. I guess there hasn't been enough research done to help us.Cover your eye at night if it doesn't close all the way. Gently massage your cheek and there are some facial exercises you can do that may help. I saw a physical therapist that specializes in bells palsy. Be patient there's nothing to hurry it along. My smile is still crooked and it is 5 years for me.
joe41544 sharon24495
Thank you Sharon! Its been a little over 2 months and not much control has come back. Do you think i could or should try a cycle of Prednisone at this juncture? It was never given to me in the beginning and one doctor that i know whos not a BP doctor said it probably would not hurt.
sharon24495 joe41544
If your Dr. will order it, wouldn't hurt but don't expect miracles.
joe41544 sharon24495
Thank you Sharon.