Bemused .. Real Housewives of Meno .
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Think I’m going to start my own realty show! Obviously going through this meno exhausted all the time watching loads of tv including Real Housewives .... how do they all do it ? I mean they are mostly 50 and older and yet they seem to be able to film ... dress up...hold down a job ... and travel ?
If 50% of women get the symptoms quite badly and 20% severely then how do they do it ????
2 likes, 40 replies
pamela2016 lori93950
I'd like to know the same thing I've always wondered how celebrities can just go on and seem fine like the Kardashian mom really no symptom seems to get her in the 20% that it's been severely ugh draining and tiring
lori93950 pamela2016
obviously I wanted to ask ‘aren’t you going through meno ?’
wendy_4261 lori93950
She'd probably look in disgust an say she's not old enough 😂😂😂😂
sabrina1971 lori93950
Maybe they're drugged up to the eyeballs? And they probably have literally everything done for them with a big fat pay check for every epidsode. I must admit I'd be happy to get of bed if that happened.
lori93950 sabrina1971
Guest lori93950
OMG! You are too funny. I thought I was the only one that watched the show and thought that. Seriously, I say to myself all the time "how can function at that level?" and I barely can get through the day sometimes. I would love to hear them talk about meno and all of the ways in which they deal with it!
lori93950 Guest
Amalie13 lori93950
Gypsy014 lori93950
Wow! me too wondering the same thing...however I was watching Wendy Williams at the beginning of her show season I think it was last year, and anyways she started off by saying I think I'm starting the change you know menopause because I'm at that age, then she said her mother went through it all natural!! And then said she was going to be doing the same thing all natural.. And I thought to myself oh boy look out , and ever since then she's becoming very unraveled right on tv in front of us all.. Now I feel real bad for her, because I know exactly how she feels...
lori93950 Gypsy014
Yes she’s missed shows and I wonder if it’s meno ? I mean one celebrity or a few must be having a hard time 😳
Gypsy014 lori93950
Oh and a another one becoming unhinged before us all is heather locklear! The drinking probably doesn't help her out much, but don't you just want to scream help that poor woman out , its her hormones get her some help....
lori93950 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 lori93950
I know its bad, never thought in a million years I'd feel so bad, and I do mean bad every single day and night.
samantha42264 lori93950
I thought the same thing about Heather Locker...also Tori Spelling, she must be somewhat close to my age (46) keeps having babies and freaked out a couple of times, I saw that and immediately thought for goodness sakes she is in Perimenopause. I am glad I'm notnot 8n the public spot light, from 40 to 42 I would have been every tabloid for my perimenopse rage moments ?
You have to remember it's TV Lori, the could be going home at night and crying their eyes out and nobody can use Nicole Kid man as an example, she just doesn't age.
I've learned to not look at my social media and stay away from TV reality, social media was upsetting me as all my friends of course post pictures of their good times and I have some days I didn't feel like leaving my house but I'm also the same, I only post pictures of my very handsome sons and pictures of the times I did go out and doing something fun, I would never post sad, negative stuff I have's all the things we want to show, not the things we are hiding.
If you are tired, sleep, relax, your body is telling you it needs it, if you are having a good day, do something fun, the tiredness will pass, it's only a season. Don't let what other people are doing bother you.
2chr2015 samantha42264
2chr2015 lori93950
Several years ago, back in the 90s, there was a dentist I knew that his wife committed suicide. He said just that. There needs to be more attention brought to it.
lori93950 Gypsy014
Me too Gypsy .... this is hell and how I get through each day I have no clue . I barely do anything anymore just waiting for the spark to come back and nighttime to come around so I can go to bed .
At least watching these shows takes me around the world from my bed look at the fashion and see women over 50 leading a nice life . Hopefully I’ll be back living life soon 😪
Gypsy014 lori93950
I know Lori I feel the same.. You go around the world on your magic carpet ride so to speak ha.. I literally got up took care of dogs, made my food for the next couple days .. Was out of a few things I need at the store, went to get that, played my lottery for tonight, now I'm home , and washing a load of laundry and going straight back to my cozy bedroom to watch movies the rest of the day.. You'd think I ran a marathon definitely I pushed myself through the grocery store today takes all your energy I swear.. But me too waiting for this all to go away and feel better... My aunt who I'm alike in a lot of ways health wise, says the worst lasts a couple years, she says it was awful times in life but you do get through better days are ahead.. And she says she use to ask my uncles sisters, and nobody would talk about it, she says back then they would say to her we will not talk about it and change subject.. Its secret.. Very weird all of this, I feel like I'm on the outside looking in...and when I do have energy I do a lot of my hobbies from home , painting anf refinishing old furniture and making them shabby chic again, train my dogs, buy and sell things on eBay I have so much h that I put on hold, but on my so so days I push myself to do all the things I use to...
lori93950 Gypsy014
It’s all come as such a bad time for me recently divorced and never felt so alone in my hick little town with no family nearby .
Trying to stay positive and just ‘get through each day’ but it’s no life . Can’t make plans or dates as last night in bed by 8pm.
I try to keep up with housework errands and my workout but feel so vulnerable especially seeing so many drs. Hoping this patch shifts me in the right direction .
Amalie13 lori93950
Ditto Lori. Today was a prime example. Last night, I had an exciting list of things to accomplish. Yet as morning set in, the anxiety / doom and gloom began. I should have forced myself through the “mood”, but only did minimally. Glad that evening is upon us again 🙄
Amalie13 Gypsy014
I feel the same, Gypsy. I have so many interests, but can become sabotaged by moods / fears / etc. I seem to have 2 months of “relative” good, followed by a resurgence of bad. You can tell this is a bad time, because I am back on this site. I can go stretches without checking in 🙄. Oh well. Back to self help books and therapy.
Gypsy014 Amalie13
I know amalie its all just so insane...its really exhausting, and you would think that the way these symptoms cycle themselves monthly with your menstrual cycle that's leaving us, you'd think these symptoms would become less and less.. But for me they seem so much more intense..hopefully that's a sign its coming to an end , fingers crossed😥
lori93950 Amalie13
Yes I keep saying to myself when I’m not posting on here .... I’m getting better ! Not there yet though 😩 it’s a long bumpy road
lori93950 Amalie13
lori93950 Amalie13