Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
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At my age one normally visits bathroom 3-4 times. Though I stop all liquids before 6 PM still night visits to bath room are there. At one web site I read that one should control it as long as possible so that bladder gets used to longer intervals. I apprehend that it may do more harm than good if one put excessive pressure on the bladder. Any views/ experience about it?
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jimjames iqbal_45667
How old are you and how many times do you urinate during the day and at night? You can measure urine output with a plastic beaker from the grocery store which should have "oz" and "ml" markings.
The website might have been talking about bladder retraining for an overactive bladder. However, that would only be relevant if your voids were small and bathroom trips frequent. Other than that, "control it as long as possible" is bad advice and can cause problems later on by stretching the bladder. If your void volumes are normal, best advice I can give is to go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge.
Waffalobill jimjames
My urologist gives those urnals that are graduated away if you ask for one. If yours doesn't I seen them in drug stores cheap. Not sure bout where you all live or how much they cost.
jimjames Waffalobill
paul96555 jimjames
Google "Going to the loo 'just in case?' It could wreck your bladder" from today's Daily Mail newspaper. I cannot post in the URL.
jimjames paul96555
Hi Paul,
Just read the article. Thanks. Yes, a younger person (that's not most of us here lol) typically can hold 400ml without much problem.
Not sure if there's any real back up to the assertion that emptying it earlier is harmful, but IMO most young people have the opposite problem, which is holding it in too long. And when I say "young" I'm talking about all the way into the 50's.
Holding it in too long does stretch the bladder and that does not make it stronger, over time it makes it weaker. Maybe there's a sweet spot for younger people, but once the bladder gets over streched, the only chance to bring back the elasticity is to try and keep volumes below 400ml, which for that reason is the number we use as a benchmark of when to self cath.
Waffalobill jimjames
cartoonman jimjames
Upshot? I realize in hindsight that my symptoms probably started (and were blithely ignored) back in my TWENTIES, and only became unavoidable in my SIXTIES! Oh, fooolish yoooth! :-/
jimjames cartoonman
hank1953 iqbal_45667
I followed the advice from a similar web site and tried to hold it in longer and longer. It did work but I ended up with retention which caused kidney problems. It was an irresponsible advice now that I know better.
iqbal_45667 hank1953
arlington iqbal_45667
My urologist said to measure the output to protect the bladder from working too hard. If it is over 400cc's, then you are not going often enough. He said if it is less than 200cc's, you are probably going too often. So keep your output in that 200-400 range.
paul96555 arlington
Interesting and sounds intuitively reasonable. Knowing my flow rate to be about 30 ml per second average and being able to quite accurately count seconds , allowing for a tail off in final flow rate I measure mine sometimes by timing it. Lately I am on 220 to 250 and I think if I don't keep an eye on it my frequency tends to drift up. I am only age 50 so less risk of damage by "holding on" than some and I will aim for over 400, but probably only achieve 350 most of the time. My urologist age approx 50 told me that he voids 750 ! He did not state that as a target for me, just an interesting fact.
I am doing a few short bursts of pelvic floor exercises too, only a few seconds a day mind you . My post holep max is I think 500 to 550 (measured not timed, that one). I did not think about it pre holep.
Urological joke of my own : I was going to get a flow rate meter of my own, then I saw the price (£600) and I thought they are taking the p*ss ... I thought about getting a second hand one on eBay, then I realised there wouldn't be a very liquid market !!
iqbal_45667 arlington
cartoonman paul96555
Actually, knowing one's typical flow rate and voiding amounts, via NV or via cathing, is useful information. 30ml/sec sounds high to me, as that's 300ml in ten seconds. My CATHING RATE is only 100ml/ten seconds. Is this possible? In any case, if you keep a cathing/NV log, knowing that rate is helpful, for estimating amounts when you're in a public loo and don't have a beaker handy. (Flow rate times time spent voiding = volume.)
Your uro-doc seems to have a stretched-out bladder; I'm with the idea of keeping it between 200 and 400ml per void!
paul96555 cartoonman
>>Is this possible? ? (Cartoonman re ; my 30 ml/second) - yes, it was measured two months after my Holep and my peak rate hit 36. I have a prinout to prove it ! Before Holep my peak was 7.5 ml/second (just after the start of acute prostatitis and still suffering from that); average was at that time derisory. Before the acute prostatitis ?during years of slowish and frequent peeing, it was not measured ; expect max 10 or less
jimjames paul96555
My urologist age approx 50 told me that he voids 750 !
And at age 50 there's a good chance his bladder will stretch such that he will be dribbling out 75cc if he's lucky!
Btw you can get a "uroflo" meter on Amazon for under ten dollars but easier enough with a stop watch and some simple math.
cartoonman paul96555
Well then! We have a new expression to consider adopting: "I had my (insert surgery technique here), and found myself peeing like Paul96555!"
Meant at "age 70". Takes awhile for the bladder to stretch. Unless you are diagnosed with "overactive bladder" you should always heed nature's call ASAP. As I've mentioned before, I wouldn't be surprised if more men end up with so-called "BPH" from holding in urine over many years than from a growing prostate.
paul96555 cartoonman
just don't wear suede shoes at the urinals, is my advice ...
arlington jimjames