Best lotion for extremely dry skin
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My skin is so dry it flakes off, especially my lower arm and leg areas, looks similar to the results of a milder sun burn. I need a brand name of a good moisturstering lotion. Help!!! I live in Northeast Pa USA ..
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maid_mariane jeanne333
Mariane Canada
jeanne333 maid_mariane
Thanks, I will try the Lubidern. The skin on my arms is so sensitive, that I have to use one that is easy to rub in, as the more (longer) I rub, the nerve endings start sending out these sharp needle point jolts of pain. Therefore, I end up not being able to rub it completely in. Just another little PMR complication. It is a good thing, we PMR club members are strong-willed people, cuz it definitely isn't for the weak at heart.
kathy67492 jeanne333
I too love Lubriderm for regular dry skin, but als have used Vanicream
Vanicream is a very different consistency from Lubriderm...doesn't feel as nice going on...kind of sticky...but it might work for you depending n your skin type. I had to use it when I had a PMR rash because Vanicream has no odor or additives.
jeanne333 kathy67492
hanks, I will try the Lubriderm.. The skin on my arms is so sensitive, that I have to use one that is easy to rub in, as the more (longer) I rub, the nerve endings start sending out these sharp needle point jolts of pain. Therefore, I end up not being able to rub it completely in. So i dont think the Vanicream is a good match, but thanks for your input. That is just another little PMR complication. It is a good thing, we PMR club members are strong-willed people, cuz it definitely isn't for the weak at heart.
EileenH jeanne333
jeanne333 EileenH
dea13 jeanne333
Hi Jeanne, I'm sorry to hear about your skin. I use organic coconut oil every night and it's great... I use it on my face and body, just massage in and leave it.
Cheers Dea
jeanne333 dea13
But dont you smell of coconut, cuz even though I Ike the smell of coconut, I prefer not smelling of it all day long. I prefer Vanilla & Spice. If the aroma is not there or very mild, I will give it a try.
dea13 jeanne333
If you use the organic Raw/Cold Pressed/Unrefined Coconut oil has very little smell. And after about half hour that smell goes... Also great for wrinkles
I'm 68 and told I look 10 years younger... Although now I have the PMR for 3 months only, I wonder if I will start looking my age lol I will keep using the oil, health is more important :
Cheers Dea
jeanne333 dea13
OK thanks .. and here's to you keeping on looking younger.
Oregonjohn-UK jeanne333
I was prescribed, but in the UK as it free to over 65's, Doublebase. It's available at amazon try search 'doublebase cream'
Joanne221248 jeanne333
karenjaninaz jeanne333
I use arnica infused oil (not homeopathic preparations) then I put doublebase(from Amazon) . The arnica is anti inflammatory and helps the stupid red spots. The double base goes over it and seems to enrich my skin.
By the way I never trust health food store employees (my medical background). When the owner asked about why I developed red spots I gave him a long winded explanation of PMR and treatment with pred. He pipes up: " prednisone damages your liver; you will need something for that." I answered: "no it doesn't" and he backed off.
Snake oil salesmen--and dangerous. These people have absolutely no right in recommending herbal remedies. They don't have the training or medical license.
hilary_76724 jeanne333
I have the same problem. I've also been having a problem with my pelvis rotating and Sacroilliac joints not moving. My physio said it was because all my core muscles are so weak due to lack of excercise. He suggested non weight bearing excercise in a pool. Have just joined my local health club and love being in the water but my skin is 10 times worse. I suspect it may be the chemicals in the water. I have just signed up to quite a lot of money each month plus joining fee. Does anyone know if this exacerbates the skin problem?
EileenH hilary_76724
Not sure I'd agree with the physio - it is possibly part of the PMR. I had sacroiliac joint problems due to myofascial pain syndrome - and whatever it was it wasn't due to poor core muscles! I had been doing Pilates and yoga for years.
Oh drat - forgot the other question. My skin certainly improved dramatically when I stopped doing aquaerobics every day Mon-Fri - though it was the only thing that kept me mobile during the 5 years I had no pred for the PMR! Something else that helps the skin problem is never using soap products on your skin - if it foams, it strips the natural oils out of your skin. Even now if I forget and use shower gel my skin dries immediately - and if I'm flying it is embarrassing, I just flake all over the place!
hilary_76724 EileenH
Thanks Eileen the problems with my joints is an ongoing problem since I broke my back years ago and he had been my physio so I don't doubt that. I use a special emollient with no soap etc but has certainly become worse since going to the pool. On the positive side, if you're remember my posts last year when I nearly decided not to marry my lovely husband because of PMR. I am now down to 20 mg every two weeks of Depo Medrone injections and feel fine except for the skin and bruising.. Seeing my rheumatologist on Tuesday.
EileenH hilary_76724
That's great to hear - I did wonder if it was you!
How have the injections been overall? You have info that none of the rest of us have and I do quote you every so often!
hilary_76724 EileenH
hilary_76724 EileenH
EileenH hilary_76724
Which hospital is that Hilary? You're in the southwest-ish aren't you? That seems to have been a dead hole for decent rheumies in the past! PM me with the name and hospital - it would be a useful bit of info.
leonard12916 EileenH
Eileen, I've read some of the suggestions here, might you make some comment on what I could take to reduce the itchy rash on my leg and the red spots erupting on my arms and legs? Thanks Len
hilary_76724 EileenH
I'm in the South East Eileen. I see my rheumatoid at th Eastbourne District General Hospital.
EileenH leonard12916
No Leonard - I think it needs to be seen by a specialist and not merely dismissed as due to pred. Particularly with what I consider a rather silly comment by a doctor about "toxins from the liver". I've suggested that in the reply to your first post further down the thread. It could be a result of vasculitis or other things and throwing cortisone cream at it isn't an answer either.
EileenH hilary_76724
Darn - there was me hoping for someone useful in the Devon area! What on earth made me think you were there!
The local rag seems to like Dr Sam!
hilary_76724 EileenH
Dr Sam is Dr Panthakalon. Everyone calls him Dr Sam as it's easier.
hilary_76724 EileenH