Best way to record blood pressure readings
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When I was first diagnosed I was told to take the readings twice a day,morning and evening; take 2 readings and record just the lower one, which is usually but not always the second one. The the same dr changed tactics some months later and said to still take the 2 readings but do an average of both sets of numbers.
I have read here that different peoples' drs have different methods and I just wondered what others thought was the best method? Should be most interested to know.
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flybywire jane243
What you say is very interesting as my doctor did the same. The average method os the best. Take three readings and average the three to get the final score. Over a week you will soon get an idea of the average of the averages. Take this back to the doctor and see what he says.
Fisherman jane243
MrsO-UK_Surrey Fisherman
As for BP readings, my consultant says take 3 times with 2 minute rests between each one, then take an average of the 2nd and 3rd readings and record those averages for him. Breathing deeply and relaxing between each of the three readings usually results in each one being lower than the previous.
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
helen_07568 MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey helen_07568
BP can change in different temperatures - it's lower in warm temperatures as the blood thins, but then thickens again when cold. I'm feeling we haven't had any real cold weather here in the South East yet. Certainly my blood pressure was improving following the hotter days of this summer especially following a short cruise where we were out in the sunshine most of the time.
As for what I think? I agree it's just a puzzle - am now wondering whether it was the Benecol for my raised cholesterol that I took for a few weeks recently that reduced my blood pressure to normal over a couple of weeks. However, I stopped the Benecol when I got diarrhoea in case that was the culprit. Just wondering whether the Benecol in reducing fat in the arteries allowed the blood to flow through more freely thus reducing my BP.
Unlike you, I'm refusing to keep taking my blood pressure (sort of in denial I suppose) as I know that the stress of just doing that can increase the readings. It was taken at the gym yesterday and was high, I will perhaps take it later today though. What a nightmare!
helen_07568 MrsO-UK_Surrey
flybywire Fisherman
flybywire Fisherman
derek76 helen_07568
helen_07568 MrsO-UK_Surrey
helen_07568 derek76
jane243 Fisherman
jane243 MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey jane243
derek76 jane243
Fisherman flybywire
There has been a steady increase from the lowest point of some weeks ago and I need to find out why. My wife says she doesn't want me getting any thinner as according to her my backside has nearly disappeared altogether!! Maybe a case of having those implants all the female singers seem to have these days? Ha ha. Seriously tho, I don't want to lose anymore weight but my crash diet resulted in my lowest bp readings ever. Its a puzzle
jane243 Fisherman
Before my diagnosis 18> months ago I would never have given bad health a thought. I'd always been very healthy and led a reasonable lifestyle [always room for improvement!] But that diagnosis came as a shock and I found it very difficult to accept it was going to be pills for life. I still feel I was a cash cow in view of the health check that diagnosed it. The drs get paid for doing them and so are incentivised to find something wrong, or so I thought/still think. I'm probably being silly but it's the psycological thing. The nurse that did it said "Well you are 70 now". So .... I only feel 29; but she scared the daylights out of me by tales of strokes, kidney problems and heart attacks etc looming on the horizon. 14 years previously I now see that I had enterd on my med notes that my BP was 163/96 - probably after an asthma check - and it was slightly less than that at the health check yet they were jumping up and down and insisting on medication. I resisted for a few weeks but finally had to give in.
Re. your backside - my grandaughter said the same thing to me. I pointed out that I'd spent a lifetime with a big bum and was quite happy to shed it thanks !! Now I see that big bottoms are fashionable
. Some celeb has such a huge one she can balance a wine glass on it !!! Where did I go wrong!
MrsO-UK_Surrey jane243
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
He was justly famed for a party trick which entailed the balancing of as many as six half-pint mugs on one part his anatomy.
helen_07568 derek76
derek76 helen_07568
jane243 derek76
jane243 helen_07568
derek76 jane243
Word is getting around as today I got a 40p off voucher for turmeric from Sainsburys.
MrsO-UK_Surrey helen_07568
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
Result 200/158 is that a diastolic record?
Ten minutes later 150/84
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey