Bisoprolol buddies
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Hello fellow Bisoprolol buddies - I cannot actually believe that I didn't think of doing a search on Bisoprolol earlier as it is so comforting to have discovered this web page. I have been taking Bisoprolol Fumarate 5mg daily for the past 3 years following a frightening episode in town which resulted in my spending a week in the Cardiac ward of our local hospital. I had SVT while in hospital and the 'specialists' couldn't actually put a cause to my soaring blood pressure and rapid heartbeat. So, I've been told to stay on these tablets for life... I'm 48 now, was 45 then.
The comforting thing about reading the majority of these posts is that so many people are feeling ridiculous levels of tiredness; I don't recognise myself from 3 years ago. This isn't whingeing, just stating a fact. I have piled on the pounds - particularly blubby around my midriff - yet I eat less than ever. I am sometimes so overcome by exhaustion that I have to stop even the most trivial of chores. I have lost my 'get up and go', yet used to be so active with my three kids. I used to be so house proud, yet now can'tbe bothered other than to 'keep on top' of the housework. I used to love socialising, again, can't be bothered most of the time and when I do, I am glad when it is over. I love the peace and quiet of my own company so much more now and feel exhausted by company. Yet I AM ONLY 48 YEARS OLD!!!
I realise I am lucky to be alive, to be uncursed by serious ills, but still, it is healthy to have a little moan now and then, and gratifying to feel online empathy with other 'sufferers'. I find that my partner and children don't really understand - can't blame them, I don't truly either.
Take care one and all.
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pills. all the current reports i have read suggest that potassium lowers BP. My BP is definitely lower than when i went to see the cardio doc 2 weeks ago. Reducing salt is also a must do. I eat a very healthy
diet,rarely have processed food.
I have also looked at CoQ10 and will be asking my GP about taking this supplement. Apparently its rec.
for anyone on statins! I'm up for trying the supplement.
Next on my list is to buy some iodine tincture and do a skin test. If I find i an deficient then i will take kelp
tabs.Finally,magnesium--I am going to buy Epson salts and soak my feet in a solution of it. I have read
that after showering you can fill a plant sprayer with a solution of epson salts and spray it over your body. If you are tempted to take a supplement then the side effects are ot good. apparently soaking on the skin--the skin will absorb and use only what it needs-no side effects!!!! But check it on google if you are
interested.I have a list of other stuff--Hawthorn, taurine. omega 3, fish oil.etc.
I am willing to try a different approach to my health prob. I always believed that my diet was well balanced with sufficient nutrients to satisfy my bod'y needs.( i have working knowledge of food science and
dietetics. I was employed as a food technologist before i retired 2yrs ago.
On my to do list-- Bananas-- CoQ10 (doc has to ok it)---Epson salts--- Iodine skin test. let me know if any of you have any thoughts on any of the above.
They all have some horrid effects for me, but I have to stress that for every one of us here who have nasty side effects, there will be 20 who quite happily take it with nothing more than good results, I consider myself
Unlucky to have side effects with even the best beta blocker!
Elizabeth, I'm on warfarin, so I'm not allowed any other meds or complimentary herbs, vitamins etc... I can't even kill the pain of migraine! Now ever, it will hopefully prevent me from having a stroke or heart attack, so small price to pay!
Surprise surprise today my GP's surgery phoned to ask me if they could make me an appt!!! Well
,I suppose the cardio doc from our hosp must have sent them his report. I had been given digoxin 2 week supply and its now 3weeks since that consultation and i haven't been to see my GP. I have asked for an
appt with a new GP who I have not met before and hopefully he will give me some answers . I need to
know more info about my A/F because it is different for each one of us. I am determined not to be bamboozeld into taking this drug and the warfarin unless i am given justification appropriate to my case. I will
have to download lots of stuff and take copies,also a list of questions that i need answering. I want to be
empowered not shoved around and filled with possibly unnecesary drugs.
I applaud Kenny for taking initiative,I am sure that you will have done your homework. I know just how
kenny feels, little trust in his carers. It may be a communication problem for me and that the drugs
suggested may prolong or save my life. I feel so bad about the GP and Cardio docs dealings with me
.Let me know how the raw food diet affects you. I read that bananas are good for lowering BP--eat 5 to get
daily needs but 1and half should be enough if we eat sensible meals. check the bananas thing out
before you do it .
All this stress could be avoided if all docs would LISTEN and EXPLAIN their decisions and be prepared
to prescribe other drugs or suggest other routes to maintaining a relative good life. Hate Bisoprolol but still taking 2.5mgs and side effects......... Hell!!!!
know if this is ok for a 67 yr old. My Gp surgery phoned me last week to make an appt with the GP. They
have received the cardio's report and I should have seen my GP by now!
I know that there are 3 other medication pills to reduce the risk of stroke other than WARFARIN. They
havebeen NHS approved--but--- they're so much more expensive. The newspaper article reckons they
cost £2- per day whereas Warfarin ---£1 to £2 per month. I think i will have to battle with my GP on wed
but i definitely will not take warfarin now i know there are better alternatives with fewer side effects and no close monitoring needed!!!!
still not going to take digoxin either! My husband says I'm brave but most of my friends must think I'm an
idiot. I want to reduce the bisoprolol to 1.25mgs but will wait for a while before i do this. pulse was
109bpm at its fastest. This is a lot less than 140bpm at the hosp. I get so stressed out but even when I explain no-one listens.
Take care all ,you are not alone.
I'm dreading Wed appt,i do not know this GP --He's relatively new!
Mind you - being the bolshi sod I am - I have refused both the warfarin and the statins and have halved my bisoprolol to 5mg and - all fingers crossed - I am feeling tons better!
I see my GP tomorrow and have no doubt my BP wil be through the roof - but who cares - I feel alive again and prefer a short life and a merry one rather than dragging my sorry ass around like a bear with a very sore head!!
I was intersted to read that you can eat green veg though Slipware - as I am a virtual vegetarian and was warned not to eat greens - once committed to warfarin therapy - no way Jose!
I'm absolutely spitting blood at the hospital doctors who put me on this stuff while I was an inpatient without warning me of the dangers or even asking me if I wanted to see the common side effects. Then they doubled the dose, again while I was an inpatient, again without warning me of the dangerous side effects or again without even asking me if I wanted to know what they are. Just for your information here they are, copied directly from the info leaflet:
Common Side effects affecting fewer than one in ten people: Worsening of heart failure causing increased breathlessness and / or retention of fluid.
Did these doctors think I wouldn't mind if this drug they put me on worsened my heart failure? Did they think I'd like it??? Is that why they didn't bother to warn me of the dangers??????
I can only say that since I stopped taking this drug I feel a million times better, and I am now able to walk again, albeit with difficulty. I can now walk at around half to two-thirds normal speed rather than a snail's pace, I can even walk at this speed for over 100 yards at times, and even about 300 yards occasionally. I'll never take this drug again, that's for sure. I've heard that there's an alternative to beat blockers called Ivabradine, though I'll make absolutely certain I read the patient info leaflet before I take any. I have an appointment at my GP tomorrow and he'll be hearing lots of Nixon-style expletives and they won't be deleted!
Finally, Elizabeth12: you ask on the first page how others feel who have stopped taking Bisoprolol: well, 1000 times better! As I say, I'll never take this drug again. However I strongly suspect that it will take me at least three months to get back to the condition I was in before they put me on it, and that may never in fact happen. I strongly suspect that both my heart and lungs have been permanently damaged by it.
I'm hoping that i can continue with aspirin. Also i want to stop bisoprolol completely. I am going to research the one you have mentioned. I also want to know if it is the A/Fib that is causing me to feel so weak on my legs or is it Ramipril or bisoprolol. I hav made notes to take!
I think my appt tomorrow is going to be a long one. I just hope I have found someone to answer my questions and treat me with care!!! If not then I'm asking for an appt at the liverpool heart and chest hosp,even though we live in Cumbria.
Finally, can I point out that in the Bisoprolol leaflet they explicitly state that if you get severe side effects you should stop taking it immediately.