Bladder issues
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I'm wondering if anyone else has these symptoms? About 3 weeks ago I had what I thought was a bladder infection I checked my urine as I work in a surgery and only showed blood on dipstick no other signs like nitrates or leucocytes which would indicate bacteria. So went to my Doc worried sick about blood on dips tick but not visible blood He checked it on his and sticks and said he couldn't see anything but sent it to lab and it came back clear . He gave me a antibiotic anyway as I had symptoms took them for 3 days and symptoms cleared up. But now 3 weeks later the symptoms are back pressure on bladder needing to pee constantly I feel irratated inside now thinking maybe thrush as well but not the usual symptoms of this so not sure.
I suffer bad anxiety and I've convinced myself I have bladder cancer because of pressure and blood I found on dipstick test although although I've read this is quite common in woman but I'm terrified as to why all this is back again.I'm 48 is this all peri too just another horrid symptoms? . I still have regular periods .
Anyone else suffer these symptoms?
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pamela2016 marcia78526
i had a bladder infection last month our bladders is effected by low estrogen, can get irritated and no infection or can get an infection. its frustrating what we deal with dont worry too much its anxiety making you think horrible things my anxiety gets me that way too.
marcia78526 pamela2016
Thanks for your reply Pamela.
My anxiety has increased ten fold imagining all sorts .
The pressure In my bladder and running to loo all the time is awful. Don't understand why same symptoms have returned after 3 weeks after antibiotics. So frustrating.
hopeforever marcia78526
Hello Marcia. This was me last yr. Dr wanted to put me on antibiotics but i did not take it because i break out in hives but went to my naturalistic dr and she told me to drink cranberry juice which solved the problem completely. if you can go get yourself some cranberry juice drink 2 full glasses a day for a week. It will take care of the problem. I still drink it regularly and haven't had a problem since. Hope you feel better soon.
marcia78526 hopeforever
Hi Hope
Thank you for your reply.
I just bought some cranberry juice yesterday and drank some last night also have the D- mannose and being taking that since Friday evening.
Can I ask did you also have the microscopic blood in urine from dipstick?
I can't handle all this blooming anxiety it actually ruins my life worrying about every little symptom.
sabrina1971 marcia78526
Try D-mannose powder. Whenever I feel like I have those infection type symptoms it knocks them right back in a day or so. Much more effective than cranberry juice. Good luck and try no to worry. I've had blood in my urine for thirty years and so has my mother for 50+ years. Who knows. It's just another way for nature to screw with hour heads!
marcia78526 sabrina1971
Hi Sabrina
Thank you for your reply .
I have been taking D- mannose since Friday evening and taking it every few hours and drinking loads 45 minutes after it still have symptoms though. I'm hoping it's just taking longer to work on me and it starts settling down soon.
christina81747 marcia78526
did you check fir kidney stones cauae that can cause same symptoms i actually have on now and my urine ahowed blood which was from stone and wveryrhing else was fine
marcia78526 christina81747
Hi Christina
Thanks for your reply.
No I've not been checked for kidney stones yet but if this doesn't go soon i will definitely speak with Doc and see if he thinks it's an option.
christina81747 marcia78526
did you check fir kidney stones cauae that can cause same symptoms i actually have on now and my urine ahowed blood which was from stone and wveryrhing else was fine
Sgt.lindalee marcia78526
Hi Marcia, Yes, women with periods can have blood in their urine but, its usually microscopic from the vagina, you can have repeated bladder infections, that don't respond to antibiotics or the absorption of antibiotics is ineffective/disrupted in some way and it returns....urinalysis should show white cells, (sometimes blood) with bladder can then have a kidney infection if the bladder isn't treated completely (its important to not just mask symptoms temporarily) and actually treat any infection, then using preventatives(like the ladies have suggested & also always drink plenty of water, being dehydrated causes all kinds of problems, like the other things it keeps bacteria from taking hold in your bladder) be sure your DR can order urinalysis & possibly some blood work, if they want to check further into the blood in your urine.... they can do things like an ultrasound, would find anything inside the bladder &/or stones. It is possible to have blood in your urine that is benign(no cause/no disease)...the fact it isn't there all the time, and that its microscopic(cant see it) is good news...bring it up to your DR and keep asking questions until you are satisfied with the answer!! Good Luck with this, I know exactly how it will figure it out or at least have answers to rule out what its not & that helps!! Best Wishes๐โพ๐๐โฎ๐๐ถ๐พ
marcia78526 Sgt.lindalee
Hi sgt Lindalee
Thank you for your reply.
I do know of all these options but I am hoping it just settles down and don't have to go down these roots. But if it keeps happening then I will definitely speak to Doc about the next step.
I am going to hand a sample in to my Dr before I go into work today so they can check it and see what they come up with.
Hopefully it starts to clear soon .
I'm losing my mind today with this constant need to pee . I called my Doc and got a call back from the nurse who's says urinalysis is clear so no infection and told me to try a canestan pessary as thrush can cause these symptoms. I have no discharge no itching but do feel a little irratation down there.
So could thrush cause a constant urge to wee I mean constant?
I just find it strange that the antibiotics they gave me 3 weeks ago got rid of this feeling for 2 weeks before it came back and there was nothing found on urinalysis then either.
Another thing is my partner at the exact same time developed a urine infection for the first time in his life and his urine showed bacteria and he got different antibiotics and he has had no symptoms since. Doc said he doesn't think it can be passed on but to me it's far to much of a coincidence.
Any ideas ?
Could thrush cause these symptoms?
And does anyone think urine infections can be passed from partner to partner?
Thanks for your help .
Hi ladies
I'm losing my mind today cant stop running to loo it's driving me mad as soon as I've been the pressure builds up again and is worse when I move or walk . I had to go to gp on Saturday as I couldn't cope with it she gave me a 7 day course of trimethoprim last ones was 4 weeks ago which was 3 day course which worked but I'm on day 4 and still have same symptoms constant peeing and I mean constant but no infection showing on stick or culture . Im still here suffering. I'm losing my mind and my anxiety has got me thinking all sorts of horrible things .
jude84900 marcia78526
Hi Marcia,
Are you near or post menopause? As we age our body depletes in hormones that have kept us healthy. The main one in women is our good estrogen. Our vaginas and bladder are very dependant on estrogen to stay healthy. What happens as we age and lose that protective estrogen barrier is thinning of vaginal walls and tissues. This leaves us wide open for more bacteria getting through to our bladder and causing issues. You may have to consider estrogen cream for the inside and outside of your vagina to build up healthier tissues. In the meantime you might try cranberry juice or supplements along with water. Another thing that might help is D-manoose supplement that works good to flush bacteria out of the bladder walls. Also available OTC is bladder releif pills such as Azo that might give some temporary relief. There is bio identical estrogen creams for women but you do need a prescription for them. Hope this helps. I know it can be very painful dealing with that.
Thanks for your reply .
I feel I am definitely peri as I've been all different weird symptoms for years.
I have had my urine checked and there is no bacteria. so no infection they say.
I have been taking dmannose but no relief at all.
I will have a look at the other things you suggest.
Thank you