Bladder Spasms driving me crazy
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Hi all I have been dealing with these intense bladder spasms for a few days now I just got over a UTI and meds are finished today...but the bladder spasms are insane ....anyone else get these and if so what helps you to stop the spasms...this feeling like I have to pee all the time is very uncomfortable
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Sochima822 paisleygirl
paisleygirl Sochima822
yep that's what it is I need stronger antibiotics for one week 2x a day then if needed a second week at 1x per day's hoping this works
Sochima822 paisleygirl
That's right, stronger meds should work. However, sometimes they don't. Like in my case, I tried 4 different medicines until I requested they give me one that's rarely used for UTI's, and that's the one that worked. With this said, I kept going back every 4 days as they kept testing my urine for colonies with every new medicine I tried. I certainly hope this works for you. Drink lots of water and avoid anything sweet.
looloo43 paisleygirl
Hi, yes, it sounds like you may need a longer course of meds or indeed a different one, so like sochima said, a trip back to doc's is probably needed. i have had a similar situation in recent weeks with shingles - i finished the 7days of anti viral meds & 2days later it appeared on both side of my body, so I am now on a 2nd course of anti virals. best get it checked out before the weekend hun before it gets difficult to see a doctor. xx
paisleygirl looloo43
looloo43 paisleygirl
paisleygirl looloo43
thanks for advice just got back and yes need stronger antibiotics last test showed some ecoli so he took another sample and is sending it off but gave me the meds to start so it doesn't hit the kidneys ...geez I hate these UTI's I have been so prone to them since starting meno
looloo43 paisleygirl
louise25018 paisleygirl
Hiya I'm so sorry to hear you have these spasms they sound awful! I have a very mild burning in that area and tests have shown a tiny bit of blood in my urine and so I was wondering if you had this too? I some times get discharge type pieces in my tribe too and I'm really worried about it. I'm off to see nurse tomorrow to check but any peace of mind available til then would be appreciated -thanks Hun xxx
paisleygirl louise25018
hi louise yes I have some blood in my urine only seen by microscope and do have the burning and feel like I need to pee all the time ...the doctor told me that most uti's are caused by e coli because of the way women are built everything is so close together that it happens especially if you have hemorrhoids unfortunately a lot of us have them from having children. I am very prone to uti's since I started meno and he also told me that vaginal dryness can cause these as well. So I am now on antibiotics (2nd round) for this one and now using Replens for the dryness and doing evrrything I can to prevent this from happening again. I would say if you have burning sensation and blood in your urine most definately get it checked out and drink tons of water to flush it out while waiting to see the doctor ...water helps in a big way.
louise25018 paisleygirl
Hiya hunni thank you so much for your reply. It has really helped me. I just got scared today as I could see bloody bits in my urine and wasn't expecting it. It's been ok since. I keep getting little spasms now and again like I want to wee so maybe I have some form of uti? Anyway Off to docs tomorrow just to make sure and I'll take your advice re water. I'm trying not to worry but you know what it's like! Thanks again for replying to me xxxxxx
looloo43 paisleygirl
Crikey paisley, i never knew that about ecoli & links to uti's. it makes sense through, everything being so close together. I hope you feel better soon hun. x
louise25018 paisleygirl
Hiya hope you are feeling ok today love? Just wanted to let u know I had my urine test today and there is still non visible blood there so it's off for further tests re UTI's. No other symptoms other than the odd spasm so just hoping all will be ok. If not I have to have a cystoscopey? Did u have one of those at all? Love Lou xxx
paisleygirl louise25018
Hi louise I had a pretty good day yesterday the burning is gone but still peeing a lot and got some pain in my lower back still but just glad that awful burning is gone. I am hoping this antibiotic works but if not I'll be back at the doctors again. My anxiety is through the roof of course because I'm worried about it, I shouldn't be this has happened to me before and it eventually gets better, but reading too many things on the internet about stubborn uti's so gonna stop reading up on it. You know how it is sometimes. I hope everything comes back good for you just don't let it go I've had kidney infections and they are painful. Keep in touch let me know how it goes. I have never had a cystoscopey myself. xxx
paisleygirl looloo43
louise25018 paisleygirl
Thank you for your kind words love. Yeah the anxiety drags you down sometimes doesn't it? I can feel happy for a while then it's like someone whispers to me "don't forget you have something in your urine" and I start the worry cycle again. I feel sick today as I can stop thinking awful things. My mum is in hospital this week with p sumo is and my hubby has had a biopsy for skin cancer so it's all a bit fraught. Thinking of you Hun and hope you have a restful weekend. Take care and keep in touch love Lou xxxx
paisleygirl louise25018
awe thanks Louis yes I am freaking out because of this infection I can't believe how bad the anxiety is getting over this I have been here before dealing with uti's and never freaked out before ....will keep you, your mum and hubby in my thoughts and try to have a restful weekend also please keep me updated on how things go for you too ...Blessings xxx
louise25018 paisleygirl
paisleygirl louise25018
louise25018 paisleygirl
Hi lovely ! I haven't heard anything yet but hoping no news is good news. It's on my mind constantly. How ru Hun? I have read your latest post and can see your anxiety is high. have u had any relief at all? Love Lou xxxx
paisleygirl louise25018
Hi Louise yes no news is usually good news that should bring you some comfort ...I have had some relief until yesterday but I'm beginning to think this now might be from yeast so going tomorrow morning to see the doctor ...I will keep going until they get so sick of me that they actually do something for me. I will get him to check my urine again just in case though. This getting older is for the birds lol!!!