Bleeding after menopause

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I have been through the menopause and not had a period for more than a year

A few weeks ago I started spotting then heavy bleeding. I went to my GP who didn't say a lot but fast tracked me to a gynaecologist. I no soon got home from my GP appointment and my phone was ringing offering me an appointment for 27th Aoril. I am now really worried

Has anyone out there been / going through this?


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23 Replies

  • Posted

    hi Cuckoogoose, I'm afraid I can't help, however what I will say is that I have worried myself into a frenzy (to the point of leaving work in tears because I felt so sick and my whole body shaking, unable to think of anything else) on a number of occasions recently - I have had gynae investigations, a colonoscopy and a mammogram.  I have been on high alert from about mid October last year until a couple of weeks ago.  Each of these investigations have been fine and clear.  I had rectal bleeding twice, pain and aching in my breast and all the other usual (mostly usual) symptoms associated with the menopause.  I assume the hormones are are encouraging the irrational thinking, it is exhausting, I know, but try to stay calm.  on each of these occasions I have thought that my time was up, but actually it wasn't and I've just wasted all that time worrying about nothing.  I even went to see a counsellor for 6/7 sessions to help calm me.  it definitely helped.  Tell yourself "you don't know".  it helped me.  Thinking about you.
  • Posted

    Hi cuckoogoose ...yes the same thing happened to me 4 weeks ago i too started bleeding after no period for well over a year ..i went straight to the doctors and she fast tracked me for a gyne appointment which i got a few days later ..i had a camera were the doctor looked around and he told me i had a slight thickening to my womb ..,so i need another camera to go a bit further inside and maybe take a biopsy...he said he could do it there an then ..but i was just to anxious and overwhelmed by everything he said he would leave it for a few weeks and let me settle down ..and my appointment is for 6th may ...i believe this is all quite common after the menopause and a lot of women go through exactly the same thing ..ry not to wory too much (easier said than done) but your not alone and it good you went to the doctor straight away ..
  • Posted

    Hi there.....

    my only advice to you would be...try not to get yourself worked up until you know what you're up against Hun,

    Some years ago I had this heavy bleeding and it turned out to be a simple hormone imbalance.....rectified by tablets..Fibroids will also do this.... I'm not a doctor honey, so can't promise there won't be something is part of our GPs remit these days to get you a consultancy as soon as possible so they can decide a plan of action. Peoples circumstances change, so appointments become free as long as you can attend anytime......? Wait and see and try not to worry. And let us know how you get on ok.

    Good luck 💕

    • Posted

      Hi Ladies

      Thanks for your replies. I know it is all in my mind probably but I wasn't concerned until I went to the doctors then suddenly everything seemed 100 times worse! I felt dreadful yesterday all washed out and no energy, the bleeding was so heavy I couldn't keep on top of it. I was feeling so sorry for myself when usually it is me who looks after everyone else. xx

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      Read all your replies.  What a lovely Bunch we all are!

      I can only imagine how worried you are, especially after almost getting that Gold Medal for 12mths without a bleed.  But I think your GP has done you proud and worried as you may be, the 27th will be with you soon, and you may get some answers.

      Feeling for you:  feel a bit gutted for anyone who's done their 'apprenticeship' with this Menopause mullarkey, only to have this obstacle appear.  Gutted, because at 54, I'm as regular as a teenager, and sorta waiting for a late, if not an absent Period.  I think I'm assuming that it'll be easier when I stop bleeding, but I'm not entirely convinced.

      Be sure to report back (if you feel you want to share, of course) to let us know how you get on on the 27th

      Fingers Cross Cuckoogoose x


  • Posted

    hi Cuckoogoose.  I was in exactly the same position as you last September, and was worried sick.  The consultant sent me for an ultrasound, which showed nothing problematic - he then told me that this is quite common, and that the bleeding is due to hormonal changes.  I hadn't had a period for 3 years and have been on HRT all that time.  He told me that I should go back if it happened again, but it hasn't done so for the past 7 months so fingers crossed that it was just a blip.

    So I'm wishing you all the best, and remind yourself that most people are told that it's 'just one of those things'.  Let us know how you get on

  • Posted

    Hi there, this is very common after menopause, whilst it needs investigating it could well be just another period, not uncommon up to 24 months after cessation, but there are a multitude of other reasons for post menopausal bleeding.  It's good that you will get answers nice and quickly.
  • Posted

    this happened to my friend about 3 years after stopping.  after all the checks, they put her on HRT and it took care of the problem.  i also worked in ob/gyn office and it's very common.  WE ALL KNOW that anxiety is very common and YOU have control  over that, my dear.  deep breaths and get those "worst case scenario" thoughts out of your head.  worry about things as they come.  it's easy to say it, i know, but practice, practice, practice and it becomes very common.  smile
  • Posted

    Hi there,

    I read your post just as I got into my car after having a scan and it was just like reading my own story!! I went to the doctors on the 7th of April because after 18 months of no periods I had a strange white discharge for about 5 days followed by brown blood lasted 2 days so had to wear a pad again . I thought I should go to see my doctor to ask if this was normal? bear in mind I have been asking him for a blood test for over a year prior to see if I was going through the menopause but he declined to do this! When I explained what had happened he literally says right emergency scan and blood test which scared me a little bit. I asked is this serious and he normally always jokes but he didn't this time just said his wife is going through the same to which I asked is she ok? he replied in a serious way that she will be fine but wouldnt tell me her condition. So I rushed out of the doctors thinking I might be really ill and forgot to book my blood test. The next morning I get a letter with an appointment for a scan on the 18th of April. Like you I think the worst. Anyway I had a blood test 10 days ago now and scan on Saturday and now waiting for results. I feel ok but I can't help but worry. I was told the scan result will be in Wednesday so will see. So this is why I am on here because like you I typed in my condition and this website came up. How old are you? I will keep you informed on what my results are.

    Try not to worry- easier said then done I know.

    Take care


    • Posted


      Thank you for taking the time to reply to me when you are dealing with your own situation.

      For the past few days I have been having awful cramp in my back and tummy. Also now and again a shooting pain in my left hand side. The blood I am passing is unreal. As soon as I stand up I can feel it gush. I keep hoping it is going to stop.

      Monday can't come quick enough. I will be 56 in October.

      Fingers crossed that you get your results very soon. Please let me know how you get on.

      I am thinking about you

      Look after yourself x

    • Posted


      Thank you for the quick resply! It's good to hear we are not alone. It sounds like you are really suffering poor thing. Have you had a blood test?  I will of course let you know how I get on.

      Take care x

    • Posted

      No. I wasn't offered one. Doctor just said I will get you an urgent referral, and try not to worry until we find out what we are dealing with.

      To be honest I was a bit shell shocked as I expected just to be told it's nothing to worry about and be sent away. Lol x

    • Posted

      Hi foxy49

      I hope you are well?

      Did you get your results?

      Take care x

  • Posted

    Ok so I went for my hospital appointment 2 weeks ago. I was given an vaginal ultra sound, a biopsy and had blood taken. I came away not having been told anything.

    All I know is I have a cyst. I only know this because I heard the lady who did the ultra sound pointing it out on the screen to the doctor who did the biopsy.

    I have an appointment to return in July for another scan

    I have now been bleeding for over a month although it is not as heavy now as it was in the first couple of weeks but it is still every day

    I am having more and more cramp like pains in my abdomen and back ache.

    The pain is my left side is coming more often.

    Do I wait for my appointment in July or do I go back to my GP. I just don't know what to do

    I just don't want the doctor to think I am being a nuisance and over reacting but I am feeling really miserable

    • Posted

      Dear girl, if it is getting worse then for goodness sake get back to your GP!

      I do so sympathise. I had a similar problem a few years back. An ultra-sound scan showed a number of 'lumps' (cystis and fibroids) and my GP said he would 'red flag' the request so I would be seen ASAP. His reasoning, the sooner we find out what's going on, the quicker we can do something about it.

      Not only did I suffer from Endometriosis for 20 years, I have cysts AND fibroids.rolleyes The good news (sort of) is as I hit menopause (or should I say as it hit me) they are starting to shrink.

      Get back and get some answers, and good luck.

    • Posted

      Thank you bobbysgirl. Yes I will contact my GP tomorrow. I really just don't feel right.

      Can't explain it to people around me so it's good to have this discussion x

    • Posted

      I have just rang my GP and they said the results aren't back yet so best to wait until they get them back so they know what is going on.

      I asked how long they would be and was told possibly another 2 weeks 😒

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