Bleeding after menopause
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I am 59 soon to be 60 yr old, and have started spotting. I am a woman of faith but I have to admit I am afraid. It started last week, in the form of old dark colored blood, and since then its been basically a spear everytime I use the restroom, I have been to the gyn and he says the bleeding is coming from my uterus and he is concerned, so its not as if the lining is thick or thin. He has scheduled a ultrasound next week. Is there anyone that has experienced bleeding from the uterus. Please respond, going crazy here with all kinds of thoughts. Thanks and GOD Bless....
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Wainright22 c02706
Hi c02706,
I am currently in the same situation as yourself. I have had a couple of episodes of very light pink spotting after wiping using the loo. I have an appintment to see my GP on Monday and she will obviously refer me to be checked out. I too am terrified of what may be found...5 years with no period and then this happens. You don't mention in your post how long you have been period free/post menopausal?
c02706 Wainright22
Wainright22 c02706
Guest c02706
Hello c02706
First off I want to say I understand EXACTLY how you feel I just went through what you are going through now and I am 59 yrs old too and June of this year I woke up with flooding right off the bat and hadn't had a period in over 19 months I ended up in ER because my bleeding was flooding so bad I felt like i was hemmorraging . I had transvaginal ultra sound done and showed my uterus linning was 9mm so I had to get biospy of uterus and I also got biopsy of cervix and paps. ALL test came back fine! It's good that your spotting is coming from uterus thats where it should come from you could be having a hormonal surge... How long have you been post meno or are you meno? When was your last period? Are you on hrt or anything else for hormones? Don't let this scare you, post bleeding does happen. When you went to GYN what all did he do that day?
2chr2015 c02706
kerry_89290 c02706
Wainright22 kerry_89290
kerry_89290 Wainright22
I understand I suffer panic attacks and anxiety Lost weight through worry I was convinced it was sinister but you know early detection is a must my consultant suggested it was 99% curable if it's worse case scenario full hysrectomy done so please go as its more probable it's something easy to deal with 😘🙏🏻in my prayers xxx
Wainright22 kerry_89290
kerry_89290 Wainright22
I suffer breast pain also sharp pain burning sensation all normal part of menopause my doctors said deep breaths we all can get through this xxx happy to help but if ever in doubt always make appointment 😘😘
2chr2015 Wainright22
Glad I'm not the only one losing weight. So when I'm not anxious and have an appetite I def take advantage of it. I normally look all puney and tired. I will be so glad when this is over
maureen12052 c02706
First and foremost I'm a women of faith as well. I would
just like to stand in prayer with you. Dear GOD I'm standing in prayer with her right now in the name of
your son Jesus. Lord I pray that all goes well with her
ultrasound next week. I'm going to be 49 next month and
just starting down this road of menopause and I two
have a sonogram next Friday having to do with my
left breast so maybe we can keep one another lifted up
in prayer. I can tell you this much I sure could use a break
as I know you could as well!😊 Please let's keep in touch and in prayer together.🙏🏽
2chr2015 maureen12052
Maureen I am standing with you on Gods mighty word that both results next week will be fine. I will be praying for both of you! Please keep us updated and let's do keep praying for one another. ((Big hugs))
maureen12052 2chr2015
Thank you!!??😊
kerry_89290 maureen12052
🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻for you and all ladies who need positivity in there life's right my god grant you strength I will keep you in my thoughts amen ??
2chr2015 maureen12052
Hi Maureen. How did the ultrasound go? Just thinking about you 🙏