bleeding in perimeno
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i was wondering if anyone going through or gone through meno has suffered with long bleeding periods
as iv been having a light bleed now for five months I only had a gap of under two weeks then it started again.
iv been havei g some tests done like just had a hysteroscopy now waiting for results from that. im worried iv got cancer of the uterus but im hoping its still meno problems that some suffer with.
and if anyone else has sufferd like this did menopouse then begine soon after. its such a worry i cant sleep.
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Chuckj d19606
Hi, certainly it is always advisable to check things out with your GP. But what you describe sounds very much like you are entering menopause. There is usually a period if heavy or long periods of bleeding, before cycles become much lighter before the peter out and stop completely.
Thinking back to my own recent transition into menopause, my periods use to arrive every 3 weeks, they use to sometimes be heavy. I then went through a stage where I would miss the odd period. Then I had a period which lasted 6 weeks or so, making me anaemic so had to get something from GP to make it stop. My next period was normal length and subsequent periods were very light, more like spotting before it finally stopped.
My sister had a similar bleeding pattern to you and seemed to suffer a longer run up to her menopause.
I don't think some doctors are very good at explaining to women about the disruption to the menstrual cycle leading up to the change.
You will get through it, and do continue to check out discussions on here.
Best wishes??
kelli63900 d19606
colleen90305 kelli63900
anne44931 d19606
I am 46 and for the last year my cyclear has been a few days shorter and the odd month a couple of weeks longer.
My last period was a weird experience and lasted 3 weeks. I had a break of a week and I have now had my period for 7 weeks. Sometimes I have really bad period cramps. There are days its light and the odd day heavy with clots. My GP says that this is normal in perimenopause.
Do you have the period cramps?
kelli63900 anne44931
Hi I'm sorry your having such a hard time
I didn't mean to sound so heartless. I myself am 48 yrs old and I guess I've been going through some Meno things for awhile now and haven't put two and two together until lately. I have never had period cramps. My periods however, are now shorter in between and not heavy at all. I have been feeling so distant with my family and husband. No sex drive ( it's been at least 6 mos) very tired because of insomnia. Night sweats and hot flashes something awful. I can not take HRT so o came here to find out what else o can do. This is so bad to me! I'm a go getter and all I want to do is nothing! I'm hoping to find some ideas here to help. Good luck to you also. 
anne44931 kelli63900
Aw you didn't sound heartless at all. I too have difficulty sleeping and no sex drive. My partner is lovely and understanding but I do feel that we are a bit more distant now. I have no energy and days I just can't be bothered. I just want this crappie to be over and get back to enjoying life again x
colleen90305 kelli63900
Me too Kellie! Just awoke from a nap. I have so much to do and no ambition to even grocery shop anymore
I want to cryyyyy!
d19606 anne44931
i do have a thickened lining thats 15 mm i had a scan a few weeks ago.
i dont know whats wron but i know its not normal to go for five months so im a bit scared, just hope its meno. i smell funny to like it reminds me of when i had my babys and the bleeding after smelled same.
im so sick of it.
i did miss a period in febuary then march it started. when i bleed its more salmon color and red sometimes but not like a proper period would be like i used to soak through a couple of boxes of tampons in a week but this isnt enough to soak a tampon through but enough i have to wear a pad and if i go loo it gets a bit more like when i strain. i fedup. my husbands fedup to cant have sex with this going on and five months well its taking its toll.
i feel selfish like you knowing others have the same problem at least makes me not think of the c word so much as thats keeping me awake at night.
anne44931 d19606
I just feel like my life is on hold until I can get this all sorted out. Due to go on holiday 22 Aug and I don't even want to go as it will be full of toilet stops and eating painkillers to control the cramps. Please let me know how you get on with your test results. I think that they will be OK and it's just the peri. Doesn't stop us worrying though. You look after yourself. Keep in touch x
becky53379 anne44931
viva50. d19606
Im going thru d same stuff. Dr tells me that my progestrone is low. So i was given progestrone tablets. They helped stop the prolonged bleeding. Some relief over the past month
d19606 viva50.
d19606 viva50.
Acejohnston d19606
I'm also going through the same thing. Have been bleeding nearly a month but it's not heavy like a period and it comes in waves. It started with a brown discharge and 3 days later blood. This started on day 13 of my cycle and my period before that came on day 38. My periods have been coming every 21-24 days for 3 years but the last 9 months I've had 3 on day 38-40. I feel exhausted and have a constant dull headache but thankfully the nightsweats and flushes have stopped for now and I've had them on and off for 6 years. I recently had a hormone saliva test done and my progesterone is on the floor as is my testosterone which explains my low libido. I'm still producing estrogen but in spurts and I'm not ovulating. I brought the results to my GP and she's done a fsh blood test although she said it usually only shows menopause after your periods have stopped. She mentioned progesterone to stop the bleeding but I don't want to prolong this any further as its going on 8 years and I'm only 44. She also mentioned hrt but hormones don't agree with me. I also have a few friends who've been through it and some had this bleeding too in the later stages of it so fingers crossed we are close to the end of it. I've also had nausea and bone pain and insomnia but started b complex and that's helped me with a lot of symptoms. I hope your test results will be ok. Take care X
anne44931 Acejohnston
I'm comforted to hear others with the same problems although I wouldn't wish this on anybody. Where did you get your saliva test done? Is this something that my GP could do? I got bloods done but they didn't show anything
Ann x
Acejohnston anne44931
Hi Ann sadly I've been back and forward to my GP with symptoms for years. I also attended an endocrinologist during the 8 years as my symptoms started after a long stint on steroids for inflammation. He told me I had low dhea and put me on that. I was on and off that for many years but it made me feel worse. I ended up with gallstones and had my gallbladder removed and spent last year really unwell after they removed it. I also had a large cyst on my ovary. I started to research it myself and low progesterone and hormone imbalance kept coming up. I got my GP to test my hormones on day 4 and day 21 and my progesterone was below range and testosterone too. She sent me to a gynaecologist who wasn't concerned and said it was just one test and I asked him if the gallstones and cyst were connected and he laughed. I contacted my endocrinologist who said the low progesterone would cause the cyst and I asked him for copies of all my bloods over the last 8 years and couldn't believe he as he'd never once checked my progesterone or testosterone. I went to an acupuncturist who was very helpful and explained about estrogen dominance and low progesterone. The clinic that did the saliva tests was a private clinic that specialise in nutrition and supplements and their main focus is women's health. It was the best money I've ever spent and they recommended some dietary changes and explained in great detail what was going on and what supplements would help. When I got the results of the tests they said that I was near menopause and to get my GP to check my fsh and iron too on account of the bleeding. They said they would recommend other supplements too when get the other blood results. I couldn't believe it when I gave my GP the results she said it looked like menopause after all these years of issues! She told me all my symptoms nausea, Breast tenderness, joint pain, headaches, bleeding etc was due to my hormones! Its dreadful that so many doctors don't recognise these symptoms and don't do mandatory testing when women hit a certain age. I'm so glad to see I'm not alone too and just pray like everyone else that it ends soon. Xx