Blephaclean wipes. Any thoughts?

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I just bought blephaclean wipes in the pharmacy and just wondering if anyone else had used them and if they found them any good? I paid €11.00 for 20 wipes. I wouldn't mind paying it if they. Did good. 

I have never tried the wet ones but I after I bought these I saw wer ones and sensitive wet ones I couldn't see the ingredients (no glasses on).

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23 Replies

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    I haven't used them and I have just googled them and see that they are 'sterile' which sounds good!  If they help, then that is also good.

    Let us know how you get on.

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    long story short as my story is on this forum already about 2 months with lots of info. my blet was diagnoised 3 years ago and went through utter hell. i started usung the blephclean wipes last august and it was a miricle cure. no syptoms with using these wipes. off the sterioids for my eyes since using wipes. all under control. blet will always be in my system but getting it under control is the key. use these wipes morning and night. cut them in half so you dont waste one on one eye and keeps the cost down. my doctor gives me these wipes on prescription.  i get 6 packs on one precscription,i also use hylo tear drops for dry eye twice a day as this is part of blet, can get these on prescription as well. keep eye lashes clean as its the eye lid margin where blet gets blocked. make sure all make up is removed. i clean make up off with make up remover and then use these fantastic wipes. dont use baby shampoo and hot water. i used this for over two years and it started to dry my eye lids and blet was not gone. you will see a big differance with these wipes. so happy i bought them in the end. relied too much on steriods in my eyes twice a day. good luck. let me know. debbie

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Debbie. I have mine more or less under control with the  hylo forte and heat pack and bicarb. Little flare up this week and when I ordered maxitrol drops this morning the chemist suggested these. They are not covered by the medical card here in Ireland. The hylo drops are covered. I don't mind paying if they work . I'll be going to Spain later in the year and may be able to get them cheaper there. I'll  let you know how I get on.

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      your welcome. also being in a hot country with lots of hot sun does blet wonders. and  these  wipes you have you wont have  to use bicarb  or heat packs anymore. giving more time for you.hylo tears were recommend by my eye surgeon and work very well with no persurvatives. just gently rub in circles along your eye lid margin where your eye lashes grow from and bottom ones with wipes and never use same wipe on both eyes. taking daily  multi vitimins will  help with your immune system. keep hands clean in case you touch your eyes and before you use the wipes. you will be a happy bunny with the results. take care.
    • Posted

      Hi,  I just wanted to let you know that I found out that Maxitrol drops shouldn't be used if you have glaucoma in the family or high level myopia as they can cause problems with your eye pressure.  Seems that Lotemax are similar but cause fewer side effects.  :-)
    • Posted

      Well that's good to know thanks for that. No gloucoma as far as I know but I'll certainly check. As for myopia I never heard of it. I will use the drops  very sparingly anyway, thanks for the info. I will read up some more.


    • Posted

      Hi Janmin, sorry, I'm pretty sure that myopia is the same as astigmatism/short sightedness.  I put in the words Maxitrol and Lotemax into the same search because I have both and couldn't decide which to use.  I'm using the Lotemax and Hyloforte at the moment. xx
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      Hi haircrazylady. Thanks for the info again. I don't suffer from myopia ether so. I hope the maxitrol are ok. The consultant said it would be ok to use them for a short time on and off just to keep control and it seems to be working. My small flare up was cleared up straight away when I used them again. The jury is still out on the blephaclean wipes. I only used them twice. No bad reaction but no wonderful results either. I'm not sure whether I should keep them for when my eyes are particularly bad or use them when my eyes are good to keep it at bay!
    • Posted

      I'm having great results so far with the Hyloforte and Lotemax.  I was originally prescribed them to be used alongside Azithromycin but felt it was just too much to be using all at once so after the Tea Tree caused a severe reaction I started using them and they've calmed it all down.  I get the feeling it'll be the usual thing, though.  As soon as I stop the treatment, the problems will probably start again.  Must try to be positive!

      I used some wipes a while ago called Blephaclenz.  I wonder if they're similar to the ones you had.  They didn't do anything.

  • Posted

    Hi Janmin

    I havent tried them......let us know how you get on with them



  • Posted

    Hi Janmin,  I bought several boxes of these and they were useless!  They are so expensive and they didn't do anything.  I've been on this site several times and picked up some really good information.  I had been suffering for a few years with this condition and have at last got rid of it!  I tried everything that was suggested but nothing helped.   I finally decided to try Tea Tree Oil on a cotton bud and after about 6 weeks it has at last cleared it up.  You do have to be very careful not to let it get into your eyes but it certainly worked for me!
    • Posted

      Hi, I tried the Tea Tree Oil but it caused a massive problem with my eyes.  Burning, swollen, itchy, red eye etc...  I'd watered it down and just applied to the eye-lid margins with a cotton bud.  Obviously just didn't suit me but I've heard great things about it.  If you have demodex mites it seems to be especially good.
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      Could you be more explicit in your directions about how to apply the Tea Tree Oil?

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      Hi Sandra,

      Yes of course, I put a few drops onto a cotton bud and then closed the eye I was applying it to then just wipe it across the top of the lash line so it soaked into the hair folicle and around the area.  You do have to be careful and try not to let it get in your eyes (I have done that a few times) also I wiped it under my lower lashes.  What I also found were Tea Tree Facial Wipes which I use everyday around my eyes and they have helped.

      I don't know how bad yours are but mine were inflamed and slightly swollen and I was loosing clumps of my lashes which looked awful, I also had little white bumps under the lid margin which have now disappeared.  I had tried just about everything else that the doctors were giving me and other things recommended but none of them worked for me.  It took me about 7 weeks of using the oil neat on the lash line but it has worked.  Now I just use the oil once a week and wipe with the facial wipes everyday.  I still wonder if there are different types of Blepharitis as some sound more severe than others.

    • Posted

      Hi Bambicat,

      Did you combine this with hot compresses? Or were you able to stop doing those following the improvement from the tea tree oil?


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