Blob in throat
Posted , 9 users are following.
Anyone else have a feeling of something stuck in throat?
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Posted , 9 users are following.
Anyone else have a feeling of something stuck in throat?
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Gillian1956 sharon03238
yes I get that sometimes normally if acid as been bad u think it's when the throat gets inflamed like the food pipe
sharon03238 Gillian1956
yes i think it could be that, i do have reflux and sometimes my throat feels on fire, x
Guest sharon03238
I had that a few years ago. Started with a month long sore throat, then turned in to a lump in my throat. I went to an ENT convinced I had lung cancer or throat cancer. It was nothing but just another annoying worrying symptom on my long list when everything crashed for me. I can't remember how long it lasted, would have to look at old posts. It was a while.
The ENT suggested maybe silent reflux, so I went on a no acidic diet, all that happened was I lost lots of weight and got sicker.
Best I can say is try and not let it worry you. It will go away.
Guest sharon03238
YES! ESPECIALLY swallowing pills and even food its like you can still feel it there like it never went passed the length of your throat...I drink more and then I panic cause I can still feel it I'M like looking for bread to chew and swallow to see if it pushes it down!
claire38123 sharon03238
i got told by my GP years ago always feeling like you have a lump in your throat is classic anxiety and he was right as i got to deal with panic attacks and anxiety it just went away so dont worry its something nasty as anxiety is all part of the menopause and the more anxious you get the worse the symptoms get big hugs to you xx
gerrygerry sharon03238
yes, I have had it too. i've had it in many different forms over the last 25 years. sometimes so bad that i havent been able to swallow food. i have also had it with reflux when ive been very anxious. i have had a cramp in my throat/ neck at different times but predominately at night. it has always served as a cue to go and have labs done and resulted in putting medication up or down. besides adjusting meds, it is magnesium that has helped me the most. it can encourage reflux slightly, but for me, the benefits outweigh the negatives. really truly wish you well and that things improve very quickly.
cherie37 sharon03238
It may be worth having your thyroid checked. I have hypothyroidism, and this is one of the symptoms. A lot of the menopause symptoms are similar to thyroid disease symptoms, but a lump in the throat, particularly if you feel like it's hard to swallow could mean your thyroid is swollen. If you go to your gp and ask about a possible thyroid issue, you'll probably be sent to do a blood test. The gp won't tell you this, but when you go to have your bloods done, do them as early in the morning as possible, and do not eat or drink anything but water beforehand. They say its not a fasting blood test, but you will get more consistent results doing it fasting and early in the morning because your thyroid hormones are constantly fluctuating throughout the day. Hopefully you don't have a problem with your thyroid, but it's definitely worth asking about, especially if you have any family history of thyroid disease, as its hereditary.