Blocked Throat
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Hi ladies, I'm hoping someone can help me. I have recently started to have this strange feeling in my throat. It's like there is something blocking it - which there isn't. It's not all the time but when i do get it i feeel really, really anxoius. I am hoping this is another horribel symptom of peri and nothing more. I seem to be getting myself into a state these days about everything. I swear I have diagnosed myself with EVERY illness known to man. Any advice would be appreciated girls. xx
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andrea92630 ang77
Anxiety is a big sympton with the menopause.
ang77 andrea92630
annieschaefer ang77
Just a thought.
Annie xx
wearykitty andrea92630
susan556 ang77
sharifah1 andrea92630
I would be glad to hear from you.
karen71465 sharifah1
wearykitty ang77
ang77 wearykitty
annieschaefer ang77
Aside from having your GP ruling anything sinister out, which most likely nothing is going on, sounds a bit like a bit of anxiety going on.
Seems like for some people, anxiety and sometimes depression increases a bit during certain phases of perimemonpause. Hypochrondria is another doozey that hits some of us. But most importantly, just have your GP to give you the all clear first and know that you are not alone.
There are many ways to reduce the anxiety levels, be it taking up Yoga, exercising, talk therapy, increasing your supplements and perhaps discussing with your GP some ideas that may help you. It has taken a variety of things for me to help myself curb the anxiety. Still in peri and not totally free of anxiety, but much improved over the past year.
Hugs to you!
Annie xx
ang77 annieschaefer
jayneejay ang77
i have had this when i was in peri ..
its like a golf ball in the throat ... Brought on by anxiety
i dont get it now i am post meno
jay x
ang77 jayneejay
jayneejay ang77
The Possible Causes Of Lump In The Throat.
Cricopharyngeal spasm – a self-limiting disorder that resolves on its own. It occurs when the cricopharyngeus muscle (also known as the upper esophageal sphincter) starts to spasm instead of contract and relax.
It is the most common cause of the lump throat sensation.
These spasms are often made worse by stress and anxiety, GERD, or thyroid disfunction .