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Hi all am scared to death am 4 years postmenopausal and on sunday i went to the loo and wiped myself and saw some blood on the tissue it has only happened once also i feel like i am having a period like the back ache .. been t o doctors and she is sending me for a scan am so frightened anyone have this worried sick ?
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tina00239 Maud12345
Maud12345 tina00239
Thanks tina am so worried 4 years and no period then 2 weeks ago got a backache you no that feeling when you are due a period i was thinking to myself like i did when i used to have period s
Then i wiped myself and some blood was on tissue not a lot . Just feel menapausal how can this happen after 4 years start getting all the symptoms that what worries me so much x
tina00239 Maud12345
Please try not to worry Maud. After seeing what the other ladies have written to you I am sure they are right that your body is still producing a trace of oestrogen and that it is taking that long for enough to build up in your system and all it manages is a bit of spotting. You will be fine I'm sure. XXX
Maud12345 tina00239
tina00239 Maud12345
Thanks Maud I'd like to know your results so I can be here for you should you need me XXX
katyD211 Maud12345
Hi Maud....I agree with Tina, she has wise advice. I'm sure it is probably some type of post meno hormonal surge that is giving you the exact symptoms you used to have....they are the same, eh?
I don't think it's anything sinister...but I so understand your anxiety! My current freak out is dry eyes that I pray is the reason I've burst a vessel. It's cleared up n doc said they're harmless but to go get full eye work up to be at ease.
So go get checked and be at ease. Hugs!!
Mars777 Maud12345
Hi Maud I have experienced this. I am on HRT are you? My scan showed I had a polyp so I was given a hysteroscopy & had the Polyp removed, all was fine with me. I shouldn't worry it's always best to get this checked out. I am postmenopausal.
tina00239 Mars777
Maud12345 Mars777
.. but 6 weeks ago got anxiety and depression them lime a back ache like you get when you comming on then a slight spotting it only happend once
Mars777 Maud12345
Maud12345 Mars777
Mars777 Maud12345
Hi Maud when you get anxiety do you worry about things , how's your appetite?
Maud12345 Mars777
Mars777 Maud12345
gailannie Maud12345
Maud, even after menopause we still produce some estrogen. And the fact that you've had very minimal symptoms of menopause suggests that your body is still producing some estrogen and doing this slowly. It sounds like you might have had a surge, but that doesn't mean anything is wrong. I've known women who have had a full 5 day random period after menopause. Good idea to get things checked out and set your fears aside.
Maud12345 gailannie
katyD211 Maud12345
We all do, sweetie....but I bet you're fine. Keep us posted.